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When people show you who they are, believe them. Hamas and Iran have been quite clear - Hamas in their charter, and Iran on X and everywhere else - that they want all Jews dead. Why does the world pretend they don’t know and don’t see this? Screw the BBC, screw apologists in the Squad and on CNN. (Also MSNBC)

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But Obama/Biden have told us for a decade+ that Iran wants to be a member of the community of responsible nations and is really just misunderstood.

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A further aspect I should have mentioned, is that this war is probably a proxy war to a great extent. Since the death of Arafat, there has not been a proxy war leader that can take the fight to Israel and make waves in media. Iran may well be backing this, but there could be surprises. Iran's motive is both ideological due to Islam (Jews ruling themselves on land ever held by Muslims is an offense that must be ended by force), and, pragmatic. The pragmatic part of proxy war against Israel is that proxy war is cheap and doesn't send citizens back in body bag --- and it focuses attention of citizens outside of Iran. This helps the regime.

But proxy war on Israel doesn't just help Iran. Proxy war helps every one of the dictatorships in the Middle East by focusing their citizen's attention on Israel. (They call themselves royals, but there is no meaningful difference from dictators.)

This attack is likely to be a play by the next Arafat wannabe, showing what he can do so that he can get proxy "investment". Arafat died with somewhere between $500 million and $1 billion of embezzled funds from his proxy war supporters, mostly in French and Swiss banks. It's a high risk game to play, but if you play it successfully, your family and children will be set for generations. Arafat's family lived in France, where the deal was, "We let your family live here and you can bank here --- as long as no French citizens are harmed by you."

For Westerners, think of this as being like a startup company seeking investment from venture capitalists like Softbank. The money is there, but they want to see that you can do things they like. But a difference is, that once a new Arafat wannabe gets his first big slug of cash (and weapons he can re-sell for cash) his top priority becomes killing any competitor. Arafat used to literally sodomize his top lieutenants to be sure that they would be subservient and not take steps to replace him. This is the achilles heel of such organizations. They systematically destroy their officer corps, unlike a regular military. (Stalin killed the Russian Army officer corps out of fear also. This resulted in many more casualties on the Russian side, and nearly lost the war.)

This is a bit more complex than often portrayed. There are many influences and multiple potential beneficiaries.

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Brammy, I’m not totally disagreeing with you here - but I think the reason for the attack is more strategic than mere hatred. In my view this was conducted to forestall an impending normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel - which is obviously not in Irans’ (Hamas’) interest. The Biden Admin was behind this deal - just like the Trump Admin was behind the Abraham Accords - with both initiatives designed to link the larger Arab world with Israel, and marginalizing Iran.

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The timing is strategic; the hatred is real and omnipresent.

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But hatred alone does not explain an attack of this magnitude. The hatred has been there for decades with only terrorist skirmishes to show for it. This may draw in other nations in the area - as the attack was largely designed to do.

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More than just wanting the Jews dead, this evil Moslem movement led and supplied by Iran wants the destruction of the West in order to spread its abusive culture of misogyny and suppression of all forms of liberty under a modern caliphate of evil. Time to take the gloves off.

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This was a tactical success but a strategic blunder by Hamas. The Western left has restrained Israel in its dealings with Hamas for over a decade now. That is now gone. It’s going to really difficult to try and rein in an Israeli response to an assault that really looks no different than what we saw from groups like ISIS.

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100% Although the media will try it on. I think the leadership in general will have to both support Israel and step back as she defends herself.

If anything good can come of this tragedy, it'll be that Gaza is destroyed and incorporated back into Israel.

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The left hates Israel. How can a Jew vote Dem/Soc? Bari how can you?

The ever senile Joe just gave the biggest supporter of international terrorism 6 billion dollars. Iran has been funding Hamas and Hezbollah for decades and now they are 6 billion dollars richer thanks to the Dem/Socs.

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From what I’ve read, not sure if accurate, but that money is yet to be released.

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But it will be released. In the mean time they can borrow on the come.

It doesn't negate that they are the biggest supporter of international terrorism.

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Apparently it’s under the control of Qatar for humanitarian uses in Iran, for whatever that’s worth. Probably not much..

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They are awash in oil money thanks to non-enforced dementia Joe Iran sanctions.

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Doesn’t matter. Not enforcing the Iranian sanctions has put so much money in their coffers - many more billions by estimate (thank you dementia Joe and his Obama compatriots…)

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Think Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia for money - to pay for weapons from Iran.

I know Biden bad, Trump great - but the reality is somewhat more nuanced than that I think..

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Let me be clear - I, like most Jews, will respect and live peacefully with anyone who will do the same. Arabs who opportunistically realize the benefits of living peacefully are always welcome as brothers - same for anyone else. But once you declare your desire for our deaths, silly us - we aren’t going to accept that. That’s all the nuance that is needed. Hamas and Iran declare their desire for the death of all Jews globally and wish to take over from the river to the sea and Jews have said “no.”

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Yeah, like it’s 1948 all over again. Nothing new here, Brammy. Israel has been fighting for it’s life for seventy years.

The upside is that Hamas, pardon my pun, will now get hammered into oblivion. And maybe then when the dust settles, something positive might happen.

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That’s why there are Arab citizens of Israel but any Palestinian area and most Arab countries (until recently with Abraham accords) were eradicated of all Jews (while appropriating their land money etc of course..)

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Buddy I’m not an idiot. Trump: flawed. Biden: irreparable flawed, stupid and incompetent. Qatar, UAE & Saudi: rich smart Arab and opportunists. Hamas and every other fundamental Islamist terror group: useful idiots but also genocidal califate loving enemy of any Jew or Christian as they actively seek our demise.

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This would have happened with Trump as President. He would have reached out to the Saudis to normalize relations with Israel, to his credit. And that is what this attack is all about.

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I'm speculating, but it's probably difficult to reconcile that so many on left are anti-Semitic and don't think Israel should exist, and so many on the right think your marriage and family shouldn't exist either. Looking at Pew Research, roughly 60% of Conservatives still oppose gay marriage, and roughly 60% of liberals don't support Israel. Probably explains why she's a left leaning centrist.

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Sorry, but in this country it’s a binary choice. Democrat or Republican. One wants Jews dead, maybe the other won’t let you marry. (I’m not so sure about your poll, but let’s go with it).

What would you chose?

I hate the uniparty in this country, but until we have another choice it’s pretty clear who the worst of the worst is.

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Anyone who can read and write can't possibly be as stupid as the remark you made about our choices between parties.

"One wants Jews dead and the other won't let you marry"?

You are proof that the downside of free speech is we allow people to publicly make fools of themselves

Take a bow Gregg.

Then take a hike.

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Dem party has been increasingly hostile to Jews. They are the anti-Semite party in the US. If you support them you are part of the problem.

So take a bow 234. Anti-Semite.

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It's not my poll, it's Pew Research. It's not necessarily my opinion or choice either, but rather a speculation on why Bari and people like her might continue to vote Democrat. I agree that the worst choice at this point is Democrat.

It's ridiculous that there is still only a binary choice, when Independents outnumber Democrats and Republicans.

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Sorry, didn’t mean to suggest it was your poll. I guess I meant to say the poll you brought to the table.

Sounds like we pretty much agree here. It will be interesting to see how this impacts politics here. Horrific that it had to happen this way tho.

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Yes, it's heartbreaking.

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Don't forget, screw MSNBC!!

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And never forget that they made their bloodlust clear today.

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What bloodlust?

I’ve been lobbying, at great personal risk, to bulldoze “Palestine” forever because they are terrorists and it’s a fake country.

I guess now it’s okay to have this opinion because we can exploit the tragedy????

How about Palestine has always been an abomination and everyone who allowed it to get this far should feel deep shame??

I’m not interested in seeing a bunch of pussies telling me I need to be strong now.

Stop behaving like pussies. Stop voting for Democrats. Stop trying to negotiate.

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I never thought I'd agree with you on much, but you are in fine form today.

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Kevin, I’ve always been so puzzled at the love and lust that the Dem’s have for Islam. Islam executes homosexuals, oppresses women and treats them as slaves which includes FGM when they are little girls and and of course, jihad. They hate Jewish people and Christian’s. I look at a lot of things through a spiritual lens sometimes bc I am a devout Christian. Jesus told His followers that we would be hated bc He was hated first. That hate is ancient. Lord help us

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In the mind of the leftist, Islam hates the US and its hegemony, and the hegemony is what they are against, seeing in it every evil - racism, climate change, capitalism - that exists in the world. All the while not grasping that their own existence is conditioned on said hegemony.

It's like peeling an onion with them.

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I assume you are not talking to me because my comment was aimed at my fellow Jews who go silent when it comes to the squad and the MSM who share the bloodlust on display by their Palestinian "militants." I doubt many if any who have supported Obama and Biden et al will.vote differently for they see the world through a leftist lens. I expect the jew haters to be on full display the next few weeks and it is very illuminating that by and large they are not the "white GOP extremists"they and Biden et al target every day

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This contradiction of Jews wanting to support Israel, which I am 100% behind, vs voting for Democrats has baffled me. The over the top progressivism of many reform Jews is what turned me away from conversion.

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There’s a fairly large minority of the Jewish population that does not care at all about Jews or Jewish identity because they primarily identify as communists. That’s why they vote for Democrats.

They only use their Jewish identity, which they basically reject, as a weapon to advance communism. I don’t consider them Jewish I consider them to be white people who are also scumbags.

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And I bet you most, if not all, never experienced real antisemitism. If they did, they would never take Israel for granted.

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You nailed it

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It’s disturbing how they always cry about Palestine,poor Palestine, knowing Palestine would genocide Israel if it had the capability Israel had.

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I’ll just say that I’ve met Palestinians and, like us, they are mostly fine people. Like us, however, they are very poorly led.

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Shana, THEY would genocide America if they had the capability! The democrats (Obama & Biden Regime) send billions to Iran & Palestine in “humanitarian aid” yet Iran’s rallying cry is “Death to America! Death to Israel”

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The US did not send Iran any money. The unfreezing of Iran's money only happened around three weeks ago. From what I've read, none of it has been spent and the US Treasury helps oversee its use for humanitarian aid. I see no evidence this was used to purchase weapons or supplies for Palestine for the recent attacks, which they had undoubtedly been planning for months.

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It’s almost like the

“Look at my skin color I’m oppressed!!”

people are dangerous psychopaths…….

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No mean tweets tho.

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I know we're comparing today to 9/11 but I do want to call for level-headness as, as we saw with 9/11, the CIA was funding Al-Queda.


Let's be careful because we do not know the full details, only what is being told to us:



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Iran funded this. Common knowledge. So please take your antisemitic conspiracy theories elsewhere.

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🤦🏻‍♀️- no. No appeasement, no restraint, no level-headedness and no “2 state solution.” There are already two states - Jordan and Israel. You can’t have peace with someone who wants you dead. Read the Hamas charter. And, Iran is moments away from nuclear threshold. No. Everything else is irrelevant.

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You are right. The two state solution was rejected by those who want to destroy Israel. Quite emphatically. So can we blame Israel for wiping out its enemies who have so plainly stated “It’s us or them?”

I’ll ask those on this comment section who oppose Israel to tell me what they think Israel should do. Turn the other cheek? Allow themselves to be wiped out? Offer an olive branch?

Just kidding, don’t respond because you’ll look like an idiot.

Any high ground Palestinians had was gone long ago. This just seals it. Guess they’ll become the people formerly known as Palestinians.

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I hear you, but I struggle with that sentiment and here’s why.

Just as we rushed into Iraq, we forgot to look here @ home as to how the CIA funded Bin Laden. We can’t ignore the fact that WE WANTED to go to Iraq. We just needed a reason.

It’s the same here. Lord Rothschild has wanted Israel for decades now at this point, this is public knowledge, so are we playing right into their hands?


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Lord Rothschild! Please take your INSANE antisemitic conspiracy theories elsewhere. On a day hundreds of Israeli civilans were murdered by violent radicalized thugs supported by Iran, you have the audacity to start spreading conspiracy theories. I never thought a person could be so dumb that it affected their basic humanity. But you are proof.

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Even if you are right about machinations behind the scenes that shite only thrives in the dark. It needs to be cracked open.

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Seriously!? No. Hamas ARE terrorists.

We Jews are not yours or anyone’s pawns. As Begin said to (just as much of a liar but perhaps a touch less dementia ridden) Senator Joe Biden, “I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. No one came to our aid when we were arriving to create our country.we paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”

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“No one came to your aid”? The US has been staunch allies of Israel since its inception.

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No. It has not. The U.S. was the first to recognize Israeli statehood. Then it sat on its thumbs, like most of the world, in the 1948 war, leaving Jews to fight the Arab invasion by themselves. Ditto 1967. Only in the 1970s did we make Israel an ally, and only then to help us fight Russia in the Cold War.

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The 1967 war was won with French weaponry, the Mystere and Mirage warplanes in particular. The Czechs supplied the weaponry to fight the 1948 war.

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Yessir, you're correct. The U.S. stood idly by in both wars.

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SW, initially, yes, but NOT Obama & certainly not this Biden Regime!

Under Trump, YES , “But, but, but Trump” hatred and TDS was a more important battle to fight from the Democrats. And the WOKE Left has been very vocal against Israel and American Jews!

Obama & Biden have made it clear they are less supportive of Israel and more sympathetic to Palestine.

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My daughter texted me this morning to tell me to avoid the news today to spare me the nightmares she knows I experience when viewing such things.

I’m all for making Gaza an uninhabited strip of glass. This has been going on too long and there is literally no other way I can see to end it.

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I dunno, Israel could return to its legal borders which would let out most of the steam in the terrorist's boilers. I doubt that Hamas would really change but their main justification -- a legitimate justification -- for their actions would be gone.

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Are you willfully blind or just wallowing in ignorance? Hamas, Hezbollah - really, Iran - don't care a wit about borders or justifications. Their only goal is eradication of Jews and the Jewish state, period. Their apologists in the West and Third World spew justifications, as useful idiots do, but there is only one goal for these terrorists; they have been very clear about if, for those who choose to see.

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Are you telling the same old lies because you really believe them, or is it just force of habit? No, Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran don't care, you are quite correct. However most Palestinians do care, as does the international community at large. Oh, and even the terrorists don't want -- officially anyway -- to kill Jews, they want to destroy 'The Zionist Entity' as they call it. Jews lived in peace in the Islamic world until Israel was founded when -- tit for tat -- as the Israelis expelled the Palestinians, so every Arab state started expelling the Jews. Naturally things are a bit messier in practice and of course hatred of Israel ends up being hatred of Jews -- but it didn't start out that way. The original Kibbutzim were purchased legally and with official blessing -- as many point out, the Jews bring development, money and prosperity, what's not to like?

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What a truly stupid and short sighted comment. Legal borders my butt. Learn some history and themln maybe you won't sound like a clown.

Justification! Are you insane? Are you actually aware of what's happening in Israel or are you just drunk and gleaning your ideas from headlines?

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I don't think memories of 1973 would permit that. Besides which, legal borders? That matters to Jordan and Syria and Egypt, not to Palestinians. When the West Bank was part of Jordan, it wasn't theirs.

The bottom line is that the Palestinian goal is to make Israel unlivable. Population drops beyond a certain point due to emigration to safer locales and the history of Outremer is repeated. Borders would be irrelevant to this, the goal would not change until...to the sea. Just like the Crusaders.

The reprisals that are done now are not going to be helpful. Nothing will be helpful until the state sponsors of the Palestinians are rooted out.

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"legal borders? That matters to Jordan and Syria and Egypt, not to Palestinians."

No miracle cure, that's for sure, but still, legalities matter. I'd like to see Israel *actually* holding the moral high ground, not just pretending to. I admit my stance on this is very unusual but my dad inculcated into my formative moral self that stolen land can never be holy land. I think of Abraham purchasing the cave for Sarah's burial -- the sellers praised his honesty.

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The only difference between 'stolen land' and 'legal borders' is a peace treaty. If you can't get a peace treaty out of the opponent and voluntarily cede land back to them, then that's the moral equivalent of surrender. To people who want to kill you.

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I disagree. The legal line is still there and it could be withdrawn to. Peace treaties would be a bit harder and there's ... nuts, how many needed? Gaza/Hamas, West Bank/ PLO, Jordan, Syria ... at least. But surrender? Nope. Once Israel was on land that almost the entire world agrees is hers, she can defend it with vigor. It's bad press when Israelis kill Palestinians on their own land. Much easier when they kill terrorists who are on internationally agreed Israeli land.

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Do you remember 1973? Do you know how close Israel came to destruction then? And that was with the current borders. If they had stuck to the 1967 borders, we wouldn't be discussing Israel now.

National survival trumps 'propriety' every time. The disagreement I have about this with you is more succinctly stated than about Israel. Every nation, every people is in a struggle for survival. Time and space do not change this. We may delude ourselves into thinking this not true; but the world will remind us. The Ukraine is rather instructive here.

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It's a legitimate comparison. But today Israel is far and away the strongest player in thee Middle East, it's not about tanks rolling over geography anymore. The thing is that the world really does have a sense of morality even if it violates that morality all the time. The slow dispossession of the Palestinians is rightly seen as immoral and that costs Israel. I wonder if someone has ever tallied up the cost of all the wars going right back to '48 vs. what it would have cost to purchase the land honestly the way the first kibbutzim did. It's a shame to steal land when honest purchase would have been cheaper in the long run, no? Even now I suggest that honest purchase would be cheaper.

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Re-occupy Gaza and never give it back.

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And the West Bank

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I suggested bulldozing ‘Palestine’ immediately after learning what it was.

I love how everyone else was waiting for the extremely-predictable horrifying event to agree with me. Morons.

Palestine is fake. Palestinians are fake. These are just terrorists using poor people as human shields.

Speaking of the southern border……..

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“Palestine is fake”

Nevertheless the focus will be on the Palestinian “state” being stolen by the Jews. The question none of its claimants ever wants to clarify is how far back we should go back to define it.

Weren’t Palestinian ancestors nomads? If that’s the case then their homeland was defined by the last place their camel took a shit and evaporated the moment they left. If you choose more recent epochs, when boundaries were drawn by map makers often employed by nation states far removed geographically, the boundaries have proven only a bit less temporary.

That fundamental fact has proven far more permanent, the only difference is that todays cartographers are being employed by Iran, the apparent BFF of both Biden and Obama.

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"The question none of its claimants ever wants to clarify is how far back we should go back to define it."

Actually that's the easiest thing -- the internationally agreed legal borders that, even now, one still sees on various maps.

"Weren’t Palestinian ancestors nomads?"

Some of them. OTOH some of them founded the earliest cities which spawned some of the most important early civilizations. The Phoenicians for example. It was the ancestral Hebrews who where the nomadic shepherds in the mountains.

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“ the internationally agreed legal borders that, even now, one still sees on various maps”

And what makes that “border” any more legitimate than those that preceded it?

Borders, internationally “agreed” to or not, as well as countried have been appearing and disappearing since the concept first emerged. It seems to me that Palestines borders have less legitimacy than many others who have vanished before it.

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Sure, history is messy. But law is all we've got. BTW, the withdrawal would only be the first step -- Israel would then start *purchase* negotiations -- what she wants, she *pays for* rather than steals. Radical, I know.

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I love how Biden (Obama) has such nakedly imbecilic foreign policy that Trump, who is terrible at predicting things, predicted exactly this on his low-traffic website which I haven’t been to yet.

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KD - that’s Biden Obama in White Face ...

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Tune in to Mark Levin. His take is spot on and the actions Biden has taken post-Trump have IMO created today's horror.

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1000% yes. Biden and Obama played with fire and now people are burning. There is blood on their hands.

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You might also be interested in Liel's piece in Tablet

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Thanks I hadn’t seen it yet. Brilliant.

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Thank you for the reference.

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Biden tried to clean it up with a speech - "like a rock" describing support for Israel or words to that effect. He knows he and Dems are in trouble as video begins to emerge.

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Hi Frank

Video of what?

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He demonstrated his hypocrisy very well. Assuming of course he is cognizant enough to do so. There is something very foul afoot. Jarrett's recent departure is troubling in this context. As is the intelligence failure. What sleight of hand is being deployed?

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Lynne a million likes Biden is the main problem everything has turned to crap under his watch.

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I wonder how many Hamas terrorists have crossed our border. I wonder if they’re just waiting to be activated by Iran?

I’m sure Merrick Garland will get the FBI on the case, once they eliminate those deadly MAGA domestic terrorists

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Exactly! The open border has made the US incredibly vulnerable to the establishment of terrorist cells.

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Europe as well.

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And the parent protesters! I hadn’t thought of this yet. Terrifying.

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Everything. I challenge myself to find things he has done that benefit the citizenry. I cannot.

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Agreed. Yet his supporters are enamored. They’ll give you lists of how great the economy is, how safe the border is, and he’s neither fat nor orange so he has that going for him too!

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And no mean tweets. But seriously we are seeing play out the problem with valuing appearance over substance. Which means things are not as they seem.

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No question. It’s terrifying to me that he could “pull one over” this way. Americans should know better.

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Think we do Shirley, but it’s very difficult to fight a corrupt system it’s almost impossible.

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Oct 8, 2023
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In last TGIF Nellie wrote that she likes Newsom. Weird. He is even worse than Biden because Biden is brain dead so he isn’t really responsible for any recent policies Vote for Newsom and stories like this will never stop. Vote for Donald and Hamas will cease to exist.

Easy choice and yet so many Jews still vote Democrat. The blood of these Israelites is on the hands of every Jew who voted for Democrats in last presidential election.

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Stop spewing this nonsense. The blood of these Israelis is on Hamas and the real questions that have to be asked right now is how did the Israeli intelligence and security agencies fall asleep at the wheel. It wasn’t exactly a secret that this type of assault was Hamas’s wet dream.

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Interesting. The didn't cease to exist when he was in office the first time.

I think some Jews might be a little hesitant to vote for a party that actively courts/gets the support of white nationalists/Neo-Nazis. Except for that guy who shot up the Pittsburg synagogue. He was probably, most definitely NOT a Republican.

Republicans support Israel because many are evangelical. The "End Times" prophecy teaches that there must be war/Armageddon in the region, so that Jesus comes back and then 75% of the Jews are sent to hell and the other 25% remain on Earth to be converted.

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There are anti semites on the fringes of both parties.

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No disagreement with that.

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Spin all you want.

This is war number two started while neither Trump nor any Republican of choice was not president.

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No. I will fact-check all I want.

Right.....so if Trump were in office, this wouldn't have happened? I thought Trump fixed this with the Abraham Accords?

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I'll leave worthless predictions to idealogues.

No wars were started under Trump.


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So, by that logic, if Trump is re-elected, the conflict will stop?

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Yes it will. A supported Israel and constrained Palestinian leadership is exactly what stopped it last time.

When civil human beings have the upper hand there is less conflict. When radicalized thugs do, then there is carnage.

Nice to see you support the murder of children and teens and old people in the street for being Jews.

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Wow. That was a very "Nuance & context" statement.

Don't support it. Just like I don't "support" the murder of children and teens and old people that occurred in Nakba, the Deir Yassin massacre, the Lydda massacre or the Tantura massacre, etc. for being non-Jews.

Both sides are trash.

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Vote for him and find out. Like Trump said to blacks who've been fooled by Democrats for 50+ years but keep voting for them, "What have you got to lose?"

We have proof where another vote for Biden will get us.

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if polls be accurate, republicans are going to be getting a lot of the black vote thanks to the current prez, mighty joe

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Oh, no. Won't be doing that. Lol. African-Americans have a LOT to lose.

Democratic Party has been outstanding for African-Americans and other non-dominant groups.

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What genocide???

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Then you’ll fit right in with the Gazans. Congratulations.

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If you side with Hamas over this week's actions, you out yourself as a Nazi.

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LOL!!!! Nah....actually, on TFP discussion board, ANY critique Israeli policy, at any time, outs you as a "Nazi."

Nope. Don't "side" with either. Such as shame that objectively presenting non-IDF approved information is bad on such "fRee sPEECh" discussion board such as this, that seeks to examine all perspectives and not fall prey to government propaganda and narrative, right?

Israel wants to genocide the Palestinians. Palestinians want to genocide the Israelis.

Both sides are trash.

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Israel could have wiped out every "Palestinian" off the face of the Earth in 30 minutes. The fact that they haven't and have tried to negotiate for peace shows who they are. On the contrary its quite clear that Hamas given that power would have wiped out every Jew in Israel. That was the goal in 1948. That's the difference here and that is why imbeciles like you are dead wrong.

Jordan offered to take the Palestinians into their country. While they resided there they created massive trouble and were kicked out. Its time to get the worthy peaceful arabs in Gaza a chance to exit the 7th century .For the rest, to quote Josey Wales " dying aint much of a living".

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They could, but that's too much media attention. Journalists and international observers would notice. Bad PR.

The "settler" strategy has been way more effective.

Very hard to pull of things like Nakba, Deir Yassin massacre, Tantura massacre, etc. in today's modern era.

It was nice of Netanyahu to tell women, children, civilians etc.to "leave Gaza," even though they can't and are blockaded in, but it's the thought that counts, I guess. You know the "worthy" ones.

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Actually the Israelis are telling the Palestinian civilians the safe areas in Gaza to go to . I am sure all the hamas idiots will go there too . But the aim initially is to destroy their infrastructure and communication and prevent them from coordinating rocket attacks. IMO that is not enough . Gaza needs to be destroyed as a buffer zone and the so called palestinians dispersed to whoever will take them. They voted in Hamas they deserve the consequences.

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Yeah, sure they are. There are no "safe areas" in Gaza to go. The entire point is to keep people contained in one area. Once the air strikes are done, the ground offensive into the area will start in full.

Actually, they've cut off electricity, oil fuel and food. Water will probably be next.

But if it's all destroyed, what houses, land/property will settlers be able to take, with IDF escorts, while the owners are away? That would seem to defeat the purpose.

Hmmm....might want to be careful with "deserved consequences" in toto based on voting. That can cut a lot of different ways.

Personally, I'm sick of both of them. So, let's just get this shit over with.

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What does Israel policy have to do with Hamas' actions this week? There is no defense for parading naked bodies of dead people through the street. Never. Ever. People like you would make lampshades out of people like me, like Mengele. Never Again.

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Hamas stated very clearly what Israel policies they were responding to with their actions this week. Pretty straight-forward dude.

Lampshades? Mengele? Please, lets not be hysterical. Why are you bringing up old stuff? You wouldn't like if someone person brought up old stuff from 1965 would you? Nah, I probably wouldn't be the one making the lampshades....cause well, I'm not "Aryan."

Israel wants to genocide the Palestinians. Palestinians want to genocide Israelis. Both sides are trash. Just let 'em fight it out finally. Get this shit over with.

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Mengele's atrocities are as old as the "Nakba." If you accept Hamas' actions, you accept the narrative that this is all because of supposed "old stuff"

I should stop, because I know you're an AI trollbot - but in case any sentient being is reading this thread, the lack of consistency in the defense of Hamas is astounding.

Also, one doesn't need to be "aryan" to be an anti-Semite. What Hamas did this week is evil incarnate - and should brook no justification from any human.

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No actually, Hamas were discussing things that are/were very recent as justification. So, take it up with them, dude. Maybe an email?

I accept that both sides are trash and neither side is innocent. Have said that repeatedly. That's not anti-Semitism. That's objective reality. So my consistency is impeccable.

Israel wants to genocide the Palestinians. The Palestinians want to genocide Israelis. Media should be pulled out of the region and just them go at it. Get this crap over with.

Some people have "old stuff," others don't it seems :)

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You actually remind me of the Palestinians, Compost. Your comments are like rockets lobbed into civilian areas.

Does George Soros have you guys posting these talking points from inside a school/hospital?

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Kevin, you’re smarter than to engage with Comprof. An agitator of the lowest form, only chimes in to denigrate, never to edify. Best to Ignore the posts, they won’t go away, because that’s how they get their puerile kicks.

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Yes he does. He's the angry Black Karen. He hates the Jews, Whitey, conservatives, centrists, republicans. He likes touting his prior success as a no talent, privileged university EEO hire who milked the Lefties for years.

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I strongly suspect Comprof is actually a white liberal suburban wine mom disguised as a black man

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The comments definitely look like drunk tweets.

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Don’t engage this asshole. He is a sociopath who must enjoy trolling others. They will get theirs. Comprof2.0 is a loser and Israel will kill the terrorists, and win this war.

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Lol. That is a myth. Just like your claim that the plantation economy in the Antebellum South was "Communism" and that children are being castrated at Planned Parenthood offices. So, maybe you should stop lobbing your stupidity everywhere.


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Comprof shame on you! Amnesty International is virulently antisemitic. They have shown only extreme, radicalized bias against Israel. Their only response to the mass murder of Israeli civilians today has been to issue a statement blaming Israel.

Everyone on this page knows there is something wrong with you which is why we mostly avoid interacting with you, but you need calling out here. You clearly lack any moral clarity. You are a sad, isolated, lost, and scored soul seeking attention wherever you can get it. The chip on your shoulder is so heavy I'm sure you can barely sit up straight. You never make sense, you goad and taunt and tell yourself that you have superior intelligence because the truth of your sad little life is too much to face- you lack as a human being in almost every regard. You cling to ideology to make up for your lack of humanity. You are like a stench wafting through every post that just won't go away.

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I would advise not to engage; it's pointless. And it's only what Comprof wants--- to stir up angry feelings.

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Notice that comprof never comments on the actual article (which he probably doesn't read), only antagonizes other commenters. Definition of troll.

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Hamas dreams of another Babi Yar but lacks the Hitlerian leadership needed to achieve it. So it sends its youth, who might otherwise be productive and peaceful, into the maw of a highly trained military force. The first few hours of soft targets will seem like victory for these sadly brainwashed youth but the payback will be devastation for them, their friends and relatives.

Shame on any who try to put a moral face on this attack. It's just the last gasp of the old, feeble, irrelevant and bitter leaders of Hamas. We all look forward to putting them on trial, in a glass box, Nuremberg-style. Make it a global pay-per-view with proceeds going to those harmed innocents.

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No trial needed .No glass box needed when they arent alive.

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Yeah. It's kind of a Tet offensive thing. Very impressive coordination, logistics and action, but at the end of the day, not going to amount to much, except causing a massive retaliatory response.

Israel has largely constrained from doing what they want to do, due to the presence of media, international observers, etc. It would be a complete PR disaster if Netanyahu et al. really did what they wanted, such as another Nakba, Deir Yassin, Tantura, etc.

Hamas, however, doesn't have to worry about that. They have historically shown that they really don't "worry" about too much at all, except for trying to find ways around Israeli security.

The "settler" strategy for Israel has been very smart. Stay under the media radar. Send people in to take land, build on land, or move into people's homes, etc. - and if the settlers are attacked/killed, you have the pretext for military action and/or let the settlers take action (i.e. Huwara).

I don't think this rises to the level of a Nuremberg-style issue, because the two sides have been at war for quite a long time, so it's just cycle or attack and retaliation. Plus, I don't see the Israeli government being really interested in having a trial for members of Hamas. They usually don't get down that way when it comes to these types of issues.

The strategy that will probably be implemented is to have as much of a media blackout, expel as many journalists and observers as possible, then get buck!

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Still a fool I see.

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Still presenting accurate information.


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This is why I love free speech. You come out if the woodwork regularly and show what an idiot you are. Pretty plain for everyone here to see. I’m sure you represent the leftists in this country well. Makes me want to vote Republican, all the time, forever until hopefully fools like you have all died off.

Hopefully you inspire many others to do the same.

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Actually, I come out of the woodwork and accurately fact-check.

Which is why you are unable to refute anything I have ever commented on/stated..

Actually, not a "leftists." Just don't fall for IDF propaganda.

As far as I'm concerned, both sides are trash.

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You are a moron, imbecile, and idiot all wrapped up into one POS. Someone should put you out of your misery.

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BD, I would suggest we don't call out disparaging names to others -- even if he/she angers you (as he has done to all of us). Keep civil and carry on.

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Thank you for the suggestion DeirdreM, but there is no point in being civil to an 'it' who has no understanding of what civility means.

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That's what he/it wants-- to get us angry. It's best to ignore... and maybe he will go away.

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Wow....calling for me to be murdered? So much for the "tolerant right." Well, if you can't credibly refute an argument/proposition, then I guess you can always go with that.

Israel want to genocide the Palestinians. Palestinians want to genocide Israel.

I say, do a media black-out, so Israel won't have to be constrained by bad press - and just let both sides fight. Get this crap over with.

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"Wow....calling for me to be murdered? "

Well, you did say you liked genocide. So there's that.

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Nah. You obviously don't understand sarcasm. I'll use an emoji next time.

But murdering one person is not genocide. So there's that.

So, since you brought it up, which group are you refering to? Non-GOP/MAGA or perhaps non-white people?

I ask, because I qualify for both, so just curious as to what your parameters would be. Would both groups be exterminated or just one?

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Lol! Hmm....all that just because I am presenting both sides? That is SO odd. I thought the Free Press was a place where one could debate and discuss without being manipulated by the government controlled narrative, etc...etc...

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Don't engage. It is what he/she wants.

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??? :-)

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Can you please just post all of the links that Valerie Jarrett emailed to your Soros-funded sock puppet sweatshop right now so we can get it over with?

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…anybody else pissed that Valerie Jarrett’s daughter is the weekend anchor for the Today Show? Sorry for the interruption- back to our normal screeds…

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You should know better than to engage-- that's what he/she wants. Just ignore. (I learned my lesson by trying to communicate with him and it was not pretty).

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Can you please just find some new material?

Back to the "Soros" stuff? Pathetic.

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Oct 8, 2023
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I read all three of your articles and I’m appalled. What difference does it make where Jews “came from” and the people who began what is now modern day Israel. The fact is that it exists. And there are many regular, loving, humans there. Also, Israel is full of Jews that don’t come from Europe, Jews who are Arab. The point about the 12 tribes makes no sense because there were 12 TRIBES that went everywhere. Two families did not take over 12 tribes. That’s why there are Ethiopian Jews and Indian and Chinese Jews historically

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Hi Candice! Thanks for reading my posts! That is what I am trying to say: "there are many regular, loving, humans there." Based on the comments, I think that is getting lost in the sauce. And so I am trying to bring some objectivity here - which I can understand can be difficult in a time like this.

This is the same energy that occurred on 9/11 and what followed was the deaths by innocent individuals, only to find out that our country "let" those events play out. I'm only saying that we need to be mindful so that no more innocent lives are lost when we should be looking at those in power - no matter how sinister the accusations may be.

War is profitable.

The good of the state outweighs the individual.

These are the truths to our reality. Under extreme circumstances, we need to have resolve and not forget that, least we fall for their traps.


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War is profitable and I can absolutely believe that governments/the powers that be let this happen but many innocent lives have been taken from before Israel became a nation. Every day innocent lives are taken everywhere. If you truly want people to be mindful to be awake to the nefarious actions of those who wish to control us, then you would hold light in your body and pray for peace on Earth instead of touting your theories online with such insensitive and an obvious need to just be right and have people see it “your way.” You cannot awaken people to anything with arguments and view points. Your energy, held in love, is all that matters. Without that you are the very thing you stand to argue and make points against.

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The link states European Jews were converts. What rubbish. The nation of Israel was destroyed by the Romans. The Romans forced the Jews to leave because the Jews kept opposing Roman rule. Those Jews spread to Europe beginning the great Jewish Diaspora. Palestine was NEVER an nation state, where PALESTINIANS ruled. The lies on Palestine are lies and repeating them over and over does not make these lies true.

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So does that mean that the historical fact of Lord Rothischild does not exist wanting that land does not exist? Is that what we are saying?

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No, Seriously? There has never been a country/nation called Palestine. Palestine was and has always been a region under the control of other rulers. The Ottoman Empire ruled over the region during that time. Palestine has been ruled by Arabs, Romans and also Jews. The Nation of Israel is well documented in historical record where the nation of Palestine is a region under other nations. You could. learn something about history by reading non-progressive politicized history.

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The Khazarian theory has been utterly disproven and you are spreading BS. STOP. On a day where we are mourning the deaths of hundreds of innocents slain in the street, we don't need to hear lies propagated by those who would deny Jews a claim to their homeland. Jewish genealogy is easily traced to the land of Israel as DNA tests probe. Additionally, Jews lived in Israel (British Palestine) throughout the 18th and 19th century.

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So are we saying the plans of Lord Rothischild are lies and fallicies? That is what I am looking to find out

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Yes.only a total moron would even be talking like this on a day that 600 Israelis including children and the elderly wete murdered in cold blood.

Lord Rothschild- what an idiot you sound. Stop reading conspiracy theories. First learn the actual history before you think you can unpack or analyze it.

Not hard to Google basic facts

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You are an Antisemitic freak. Please... Khazar Theory. First of all, half of the jews in ISRAEL are mizrachi - from all around the Middle East and guess what? Ashkenazi dna is more similar and closely related to middle eastern dna than to anything in Europe. Don’t EVER respond to another comment I make. I have no time for Jew hating tropes, ESPECIALLY not today.

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I’m my view, the original UN, the Roman Empire, took away the Jews country and the new version gave it back in 1948.

Full circle.

Imagine how much history could have been different if the Arabs had chosen differently that year.

Pretty amazing to go to the east side of the Temple Mount, to that Church Catherine the Great built and looking across at all the huge jumble of broken stone at the base of the wall and realize that is what’s left after the Romans tore down the temple in 70AD and pushed the rubble over the edge.

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I too mourn the loss of those lost today, but that doesn't mean that we should ignore Zionism if it is evident. Or are you saying that Zionism is also a myth:


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You are an Antisemitic troll - go AWAY. You mourn NOTHING with your talk of Khazar theory and blaming Zionism. Go apologize TERRORISM elsewhere.

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You're trying to reason with someone possessing the brain of a small squirrel. It can't be done, give it up.

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And btw - there is NO expiration date on indigeneity. We all came from Israel Judea and Samaria. The terrorist Arabs can dig and dig and they will never find artifacts of their people. Btw- these same people would destroy not only Jewish historical places (they already have in Bethlehem and other places) but also Christian. Remember that. To them, we are ALL infidels and thus righteous to kill.

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And the most egregious of shills for his own stuff, FWIW

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