Kamala's 21 minute segment was really a 45 minute interview cut down to 21 minutes. Imagine what else was cut at the insistence of the Harris campaign. There was a time when 60 Minutes was may favorite TV moment of the week. No longer.

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$538 million dollars in a month, raised collectively for this stupid presidential race. For ridiculous ads, and irritating rallies, and salaries for people who are paid to figure out how to dupe people. Ffs, can we not find better ways to spend our money?

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"Legal or not...."

The Free Press: "Let's move on to other donors where we don't have to ask that question, but we think they are equally bad!"

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Around 48% of Americans are registered "Republicans."

1 in 5 are gonna Jan 6th again.

The Free Press: "Reassuringly low!!"

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Coexist. Love is love. No human is illegal. Black lives matter. Science is real. Just be normal. Sounds so wise and temperate and, you know, nice.

The problem is that the left has been telling us for decades that there is no normal and that we need to worship at the altar of the abnormal.

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I think more billionaires should run daily lotteries and pay $1,000 to register people to vote.

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The reason the polls are unrevealing is because of the MEDIA. Does anyone call out that having SEVEN STATES decide an election for the other 42 states is BAD. So many past elections affected negatively by the dear Electoral College and no one says a word. In 1919, we made Prohibition a law. In 1933 we reversed this because it was NOT WORKING. As an 83 year old person, I remember when Americans made decisions. The system is broken and needs to be updated as in: NO EC; compulsory voting done electronically ; NO Private Funding; No PAC; Campaigns are six weeks ; Term limits on everyone; Age limits on PUBLIC SERVANTS which is what they should be called!! But elections are two-three years so the Media has something to report on.

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No one in the Democratic Party challenged Kamala? Do you know why? Her cleavage and natures credit card is more powerful than any of those feckless males that roam the Washington DC neighborhood. They haven't figured out what gender equality actually means. They don't want to upset the apple cart. As a matter of fact, they took those apples and all took a bite. The devil is laughing his ass off! We can only hope for serious digestive issues. Semper Fi.

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Another good group to consider supporting:


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JFC. Dems have SPRINTED to the left, men can put on a dress and suddenly be women, illegal immigration, student loans being written off. As all this has happened, the Republicans became grass-roots - the Bad Orange Man - former Democrat, won against the likes of "Jeb!" This is the exact opposite of what Texiera and Levin described - what the fuck.

The whores in the mainstream media covering for the DNC is the ONLY thing making this seem like an equal divide.

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Once again, we're off on the "very fine people" trip. While there are certain to be a few fringe ultra-Christians that wish to ban IVF, however the statement that Republicans want to ban IVF is unmitigated bullshit. Funny how the "expert" analysis of this parity issue fails to discover that the MSM is completely in the tank for the Democrat party and twists the narrative (see above) like a pretzel to benefit their comrades. Maybe THAT'S what's changed since the 1970s.

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60 minutes would rather suffer the criticism than release the full transcript. That says a lot about how bad the full transcript might be. If it was just the change they recognize having made, the lease painful course would be releasing the full transcript. There must be some real doosies in the full interview.

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20% of Republicans say Trump should AGAIN commit sedition if he loses and Wiseman calls that number “reassuringly low.” Thanks for staying fair and balanced! Good God.

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It's astonishing how the media's propaganda pollsters continue to release polls that show Harris in the lead, while all the best pollsters from the last two cycles continue to show Trump solidly in front.

There's a reason for this - they want to create a bandwagon affect for Democrats, while they demoralize Trump supporters.

The latest example: AP yesterday released a poll to great fanfare (Morning Joe is all over it this am), showing Harris winning by 4. What they failed to mention is:

- It's a D+9 poll (they selected far more D's to interview in their poll)

- In the AP's last 2016 poll they had Clinton +13.

- In the AP's last 2020 poll they had Biden +14.

Everyone, there's clear evidence that Trump is starting to pull away with this. The early voting numbers are the best in GOP history, the registration #'s for the GOP in the swing states are far better in '20 or '16, and Trump finally has a cash advantage v. Harris for the stretch run.

My only concern, frankly, is North Carolina, where FEMA continues to underperform after Helene, which is jeopardizing Trump's vote in a part of NC that gave him a 400,000 advantage in '20.

IF this is a fair election, Trump is going to win this. And if it isn't, he'll still win if we make the margin too big to rig.

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How are more than 100 million voters evenly divided by a few thousand votes? Then we have all this movement with groups changing their views, and it’s still 50/50? It seems statistically impossible or least unlikely.

I’m persuaded that if polls indicated that there was a clear runaway candidate, no one would tune in or read the political news. As usual, follow the money.

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Trump stated categorically he wants IVF freely available and even paid for if he becomes president. Got that Oliver wiseman?

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