This is beautiful! I went to watch the launch as well, and since it ended I have been obsessively watching people's reaction videos. The wonder and optimism each observer expresses, in their own unique way, is one of my favorite things about attending exciting launches like this one. Glad to see FP cover it like this.

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No, no, no.... this is all wrong. Barack Obama was clear when he said "you didn't build that". Government is ALWAYS on our side and private enterprise is only out for profits. Get a grip. If we start questioning our betters and believing that singular individuals like Elon Musk can actually do more to help humanity than government... we'll be well and truly fucked... Just wait a day or so for the New York Times to set us straight and explain how this was never a big deal at all. And of course, wait another few days for The Free Press to remind us that Elon Musk likes Trump. That is all that matters. Trump. And abortion. Which reminds me, why did your wife have a daughter in the first place? Why didn't she get an abortion like she was supposed to? Are you sure you understand the team slogan?

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"...at a time when we’re surrounded by their polar opposite: the pessimism and petty cynicism that pervade our age of suffocating tribalism."

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