
A casserole of nonsense

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Oh, it's definitely believable that the timing was meant to scuttle the Abraham Accords, as well as, accordingly, to get the Palestinians back on people's radar. Scott Ritter says that Hezbollah doesn't want war because it's starting to develop its role as a political player, and this whole catastrophe complicates that. I'm still listening to his two hour conversation with Danny Haiphong. Very interesting. I'll listen to that clip when I get a minute, but I'm going to give much more credence to Scott Ritter than Jordan Peterson on matters of war and politics.

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This was an incredibly frustrating article to read. I agree with nearly everything in it, and yet Oren takes a machete to his own hand by repeating lies about what Christians believe concerning Jews. Some Christians did indeed blame Jews for the death of Jesus – up until ABOUT 500 YEARS AGO. I’ve spent a lifetime in Christian ministry circles, and traveled all over the world, and I have never, NOT ONCE heard a living Christian blame Jews in general for the death of Jesus. I’m sure you can find kooks on the internet to who claim to be Christian and who hold that view. But if it genuinely exists, it represents a microscopic minority of actual Christian people.

I’ve never even heard the myth of Herod killing 144K children. The fact is, Herod himself was not a Jew, but an Idumean (descended from the Edomites of the Old Testament), and the children he did kill were Jewish children. Again, this a complete non-issue for actual Christian human beings living today.

Here’s the truth: EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS ARE OVERWHELMINGLY PRO-JEWISH AND PRO-ISRAEL. Michael Oren ought to know that. If is as concerned as he claims, he needs to recognize that today, serious Christians are among the most staunch supporters of Jews and Israel; probably second only to Jews themselves.

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In the equations of the Left,

Israel and the Jews = the West and the Global North = "power and privilege" = the oppressor = the source of the world's problems, the ones to be accused for everything that’s wrong.

Hamas and everything anti-West = the Global South = the oppressed = the solution, the cannon fodder that will bring down the West, the ones to be held innocent no matter what they do.

Everything follows from this: Jewish elimination, white elimination, elimination of every category counted as "power and privilege".

Does elimination mean genocide? They've already given their official answer, back when some of their instructional texts were calling for "white elimination" at the height of BLM. It means, they said, elimination as a “social construct”, as "privilege", as a "mentality" – or as they used to say, "as a class". And, "don't be simplistic rightwing paranoids and accuse us of meaning by it what it says, and scare people into thinking we'll kill them all. No, we'll just eliminate their role in society and reeducate them". The way the Soviets reeducated the bourgeoisie and eliminated the kulaks "as a class" -- killed maybe a third of them in the course of exiling most of them to Siberia, while sparing a few who turned “class traitor” and helped the regime conduct its terror against the others. And the way the Inquisition leader spoke of eliminating the Jews: put enough pressure on them that a third will convert, a third will die, and the remaining third will leave.

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In the equations of the Left,

Israel and the Jews = the West and the Global North = "power and privilege" = the oppressor = the source of the world's problems, the evil that must be brought down.

Hamas and everything anti-West = the Global South = the oppressed = the solution, the cannon fodder that will bring down the West.

Everything follows from this - Jewish elimination, white elimination, elimination of every category counted as "power and privilege".

Does elimination mean genocide? They've already given their answer regarding "white elimination": it mean eliminations as a role in society, as "privilege", "as a class", as a "mentality" -- and "don't be simplistic rightwing paranoids and accuse it of meaning what it says and scare people that we'll kill them all. We'll just eliminate their role in society and reeducate them". The way the Soviets eliminated the kulaks "as a class" -- killed maybe a third of them and exiled the rest to Siberia. And the way the Inquisition and Pobedonostsev said to eliminate the Jews: put enough pressure on them that a third will convert, a third will die, and the remaining third will leave.

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Jews are not and have never been guilty of deicide. Jesus said in John 10:18, "I lay my life down of my own accord..." He laid His life down for us by His choice to free us from the burden of our sin.

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I forward posts like this to people I know whose ears might still be open to sense and reason. But that is the critical hitch: are they still open to sense and reason? Once the shutters go down in a person's mind, it is hard for light to get through. Then it is only some awful happening that rips the shutters away

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Why are we Jews able to read and learn the truth and the rest of the world is not? Even the Arab nations that hate the Palestinians herald their innocence while demonizing the Jews. We can’t win but we must and we will!

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I stopped paying attention to mainstream media and that place of groupthink some time ago... and universities seem to be hotbeds of stupidity. Hang in there, Jews have more friends now than ever before and ironically a good portion are evangelical Christians.

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There's a lot of conflation in this piece. Supporters of Palestinian freedom and liberation are NOT "Hamas supporters." Criticizing and condemning the policies of the Zionist-led Israeli government is NOT "hatred of the Jewish nation-state" NOR "hatred of the Jewish people." Contrary to the very intentional narrative being painted here (and throughout all of TFP's recent coverage), it is NOT antisemitic to not give full, whole, entire, 100% support to Israel.

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I give the Palestinian people living in Gaza no get out of jail free card simply because they aren’t in the official ranks of Hamas. Women and men raise their children to hate Jews at home, in school, and through their religion. They have all been brainwashed, and therefore, must be killed to stop the cycle of evil. There is no way to pick the redeemable from the irredeemable.

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This whole world is set on wickedness. The world despises the Lord, and therefore it will despise his people. This is a spiritual battle. Before sending his apostles out he told them, the world will hate you, but it hated me first. Let us stand with the Jewish people, to help and comfort them.

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Our Christian family will always stand for Israel and our Jewish friends and neighbors

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Thank you, Michael. All of us, Jews and non-Jews, must study the nature of anti-zionism and antisemitism. It is not as simple as being "against Jews" but a deep-seated hatred of Jews, in all their heterogeneous characteristics. It is a deep and enduring malignancy within the human heart. To me, the Muslims as a group have completely lost what little respect I had for them. Their celebration of utter barbarism is anti-civilization in its essence.

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Well said Michael. We see "Never Again" becoming "Once Again". It never ends.

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As a Catholic, I was never taught to hate Jews. The opposite. I was taught to see them as our older brothers and sisters in the faith. Jesus was a Jew, as was his mother, his family, and his disciples. The Romans, at the behest of the religious elders, crucified Jesus. But he died for all our sins. His own disciples rejected him and fled, don’t forget. (And the Romans were pagans.) This is not to deny the persecution Jews suffered over the centuries at the hands of Christians. But Christians also sheltered and hide Jews during the Holocaust, and priests like Fr. Kolbe died in their place. I stand with Israel, as do most practicing Christians (I hope) in North America. I am utterly horrified by the gross antisemitism currently on display in the world.

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