
Ms. Weiss: Watching the events in Israel and Gaza with horror. I have a question or three:

1. I viewed the final exit of the Israelis from Gaza. They left behind complete functioning greenhouses for produce export along with many other facilities and improvements. The Gazans promptly destroyed them. Was there any general criticism of their behavior?

2. Gaza is now essentially cut off from water and power, if I understand correctly. Now, given the billions in aid that flowed through the place, and the billions more available, why didn't the Great and Good in charge of the place build desalinization plants for water, and their own electrical generation and distribution grid? I don't understand. The Saudis and the Emirates did, why not Gaza?

3. Also, given all those resources, it seems high speed rail could have been installed for internal travel. They've got lovely beaches--why not a tourist trade? Access to the eastern Mediterranean--why not major seafood farming operations? Beirut had fallen apart long ago--why not establish a banking hub to rival what once was a few miles north?

I don't understand, I truly don't.

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Thank you free press for continuing to report and expose anti semitism. Decolonization and demonizing of Jews are one and the same - an excuse to kill Jews, regardless of their political orientation.

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So much for diversity being our greatest strength. Not looking like that is very true lately. It certainly can be if we unite around common values but we don’t do that anymore. In fact it’s discouraged (multi -culturalism).

How can our country have so many citizens / residents that can celebrate a massacre? How can we share space with such people? How can they be trusted? Why am I not next? I’m and infidel too. Why have we done this to America?

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We live in a world where Social Justice is looking for an opportunity to condemn someone.

Social Justice is our national penance for the fentanyl death of an addict and criminal, a counterfeit saint, overdosed, resisting arrest. His killer was never accused of racism, but racism became the cause celebre to throw the nation into chaos.

Social Justice was the verdict.

The sentence was rioting, burning, looting, murder, fire bombing, ruining of careers and businesses and city blocks, at the cost of billions of dollars! And holding hostage, condemning, and threatening anyone with white skin, until a confession of guilt could be extracted.

The Social Justice sentence was prescribed by physicians, defended by the executive branch, financed by corporations, justified by the media, absolved by district attorneys and local courts, and marketed by the players in the race industry.

It was the dream of ideologues.

Ours is a world where history became a story, written by a dreamer who states objective reality is myth, and where The Times endorses myth as news.

We live in a world where fact is myth and myth is 'fact'; where our president said, "We are not interested in truth, we are interested in 'facts’."

That makes sense now; myth and 'facts' are interchangeable. Truth would spoil the story.

Ours is a world where Social Justice is defunding and disarming police while we watch crime in the cities rise;

where carjackings are routine and murders are casual,

where thieves openly empty the shelves of stores,

where employees are terminated for attempting to intervene,

where those who steal are freed without bail to loot again,

where the man who subdues a threatening passenger is labeled 'racist murderer',

where a looting mob is considered 'fundamentally law abiding',

where burning buildings is 'mostly peaceful',

where a man can sucker punch a 60-year-old woman and take her purse,

or just for kicks.

We live in a world where the president weekly repeats the message, “We are a white supremacist, racist nation”; but wait, “Who is committing all these crimes?”

Am I racist for asking?

Obama was elected twice. Who is the VP now? Literally millions of brown and black persons are storming our southern border, giving up their homeland, to come to this 'white supremacist', hateful, racist nation.

Amid all this Social Justice,

how is it we are turning over rocks to find implicit bias?

It is Social Justice that is killing us.

On Times Square and in the Ivy League, there is praise for

the brutal image of Social Justice administered by Hamas,

their utopian wish turned nightmare.

Do not think our world is that different from theirs,

We are bound by the myth of Social Justice.

A test for absolutes once was;

“It is agreed that it is not okay to torture babies!”

Now legislators shrug off such crimes and

BLM waves their flag;

absolutes are relative in the Social Justice world.

Social Justice is looking for an opportunity to condemn someone.

There are victims everywhere ready to fly the flag of oppression.

Diversity, equity and inclusion have already smashed the gates of Troy.

The question is not, “Why didn’t someone warn us?”

It is, “Why have we invited that world into our homes, our businesses, our schools and churches?”

And we have been warned:

“But you turned justice into poison, and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood.” Amos 6:12b

“Moreover, I saw under the sun that in the place of justice, even there was wickedness, and in the place of righteousness, even there was wickedness.” Eccles 3:16

“Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far away; for truth has stumbled in the public square, and uprightness cannot enter. Truth is lacking, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey.” Is 59:14-15

In the verse above, the one who dares “depart from evil” (i.e., speak the truth), “makes himself a prey” (i.e., he is devoured).

“And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.” Matt 24:12

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It is time for the intellectual left intelligencia to stop whitewashing Islam. Islam is inherently Savage and antisemitic. well Traditions have evolved in many cases to peaceful and spiritual traditions like some of the sufis and the Druze of Lebanon the mainstreams retain their savagery. This is from the Hadith and Islamic scripture Then, Allah will afflict him with Muslims who kill him and his followers and the Jews will hide behind a tree or a rock and the rock or the tree will say to the Muslim: There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!” 3 This Hadith was reported by Ahmad in his Musnad.

this predates modern Israel by a millennium. there once was a great and peaceful Buddhist civilization in Northern India stretching into Pakistan and also almost all of Afghanistan. that was entirely destroyed by the Muslim hordes who destroyed the oldest university in the world in Yolanda. slaughtered the monks and nuns and in their own word made a steaming mountain of the lamaist heads.

BLM’s racist thugs have come out of course in favor of Hamas is atrocities as they would like to perpetuate those against the Asian and white populations if they had their chance. whoever they do it anyway through individual crimes which is why they commit 90% of interracial violence.

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Just no words to describe this insanity!


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I’m a Catholic, an American, a female, but who cares? I’m HUMAN and I feel like we’re all one right now. There’s so much pain. I feel I can’t even comment on this barbarity anymore...I won’t ever get Bari’s face from yesterday out of my mind 😔

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Three name to be voted/removed from Congress:Reps. Cori Bush, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

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“This is a justified response to the provocation of Israel existing.”

There was no more justification for the attacks on Israel than there are for other wanton military or terrorist attacks. But c'mon, those words in quotes are yours, not theirs, Bari. Perhaps they would call it a response to apartheid, to the illegal settlements, and the cluster bombs and other horrible things done to Palestinians by the Israeli government. While Hamas does indeed seek the obsolescence of the Israeli State, it can't be assumed that all Palestinians do. And it should not be assumed that Americans who believe the Palestinians are justified are also thinking this is one more step toward the elimination of Israel. Many of them, like the idiots in the 30-some student organizations at Harvard supporting the strikes against Israel, are just drunk with woke power, eliminating terms like "you guys" (Stanford) because it is sexist, and "fields" of study (USC) because it's racist and nods to slavery. And they have continued to be encouraged by people who used to be liberals, until they decided to support war, censorship, surveillance of citizens, etc. Those misguided people cheering likely hope this is a step toward less apartheid. A horrible and seriously misguided one, in my opinion.

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Always happy to be a subscriber. But it takes this horror for me to realize how indispensable y’all are. Thank you.

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This NYT reporter provides a sane and balanced alternative to the Free Press's extremely biased account:

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I do not think that characterizing the reports herein are biased, simply truth. I do agree that there may be an end-game as forecast by the “Times” and that is frightening!

An Israeli legislator suggested a nuclear response...even more frightening. That said, rabid animals need be destroyed, less the disease spread.

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Lead the charge Bari!! Nothing is going to change until Jewish Americans wake up and stop voting for people who either hate them or will use their own people for personal advancement.

The silence of those democrats who should be the most outspoken Israeli allies is deafening... because those cowards are too afraid to offend the members of their party who hate them. A cultural reckoning is long overdue.

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My own college President, who is quick to express her deepest sympathies following pretty much every tragedy, natural and human-caused, did not say a thing until after hours on Monday. And this is the milquetoast, passive-voice language she chose:

"Dear [college] Community:

As you are likely aware, conflict in the Middle East has led to horrific acts of violence—hundreds of innocent civilians who have lost their lives or are wounded, and individuals taken hostage.

[The college]’s International Education Center has reached out to our Israeli and Palestinian F-1 visa students to offer mental health and academic support, as well as assistance with their visas. ... "

Compared to the stuff coming from DSA chapters and campus leftists, this is not a terrible statement. Indeed, the email continues with more specifics about how to reach out for assistance from the college. It's all boiler-plate stuff, but nonetheless helpful and welcome. When the belated message finally arrived in my Inbox last night, though, and I read that opening single-sentence paragraph, I was outraged. Still am. The architects and perpetrators of this egregious act of coordinated terror? Apparently it was just another episode of "conflict in the Middle East". Boys will be boys, you know. Words never mentioned in the email: Hamas, terrorism, jihad, pogrom, anti-semitism, Jews/Jewish, ... and Israel only shows up in that one sentence referencing "Israeli and Palestinian" international students.

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It should not have taken so long, and it should not stand out as so exceptional, but the statement released today by the UW-Madison Chancellor is exemplary. Kudos to Chancellor Mnookin and to the campus's Hillel chapter with whom she worked.

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Welcome Pete. You are now able to see these people for who they are. No outrage that these liars have sold over the past 7 years has been real, only virtue signaling and manifest falsehoods designed to encourage numbers to trust them with more power to keep doing the same. It’s a terrible shame that these people cannot call a spade a spade unless it’s party-approved. But at least, if there is any silver lining to these tragedies - hopefully it will be the last time so many give heed to the vile propaganda spewed by our traitorous ‘leaders’

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Idiots at the CBC, Canadian broadcasting corporation, have already begun their campaign to say the Palestinians are victims. The CBC is full of bigots. Jews, the liberal progressive is your enemy.

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I am ashamed of the western world at present. It has forgotten the lessons of two world wars. For evil to flourish all that is required is for good people to do nothing...

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I hope this serves as yet another wake up call to stop voting for Democrats. If you can't stomach voting Republican, then do third party. Democrats have been telling people over and over which side they were on before this even happened. I will no longer vote blue. I will leave the box unfilled if there are no other options.

I am absolutely disgusted by the people justifying what happened this weekend. I've seriously ended friendships. One doesn't have to support a government's policies to admit what was done to it's citizens was nothing short of evil.

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