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So if finance bros is a thing now, and we already had tech nerd, and crypto boy genius popularized, well, when is it time to socially respect my fellow building buds? Construction kings? Working wise? Trying some names out. Come on ladies! Don’t you want a guy who makes a lot of money AND and can do house repairs?? Just a thought

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Matt Labash is not a conservative. A conservative would educate themselves on facts, not notions The NY Times presents. He clearly believes the trash The NY Times presents as journalism. Please don’t ask us to take this person seriously - how does somebody so ill-informed get credence from the FP?

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I can’t be the only one that thought American Psycho was the origin of the rebirth of the Age of the Finance Bro.

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Some of this is pretty good. Though I'm pretty sure I've seen variations of Suzy's thoughts on tall, rich, white men in, let's see, oh yeah, every single other publication where such drivel can be published.

Please leave the Cosmo stuff to Cosmo.

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Voting for Trump to ‘save democracy’ … that’s got to be up there with ‘Queers for Palestine’ …

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Better than Biden for certain.

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The dems seem to Trump as a disease but he is only a symptom. If it wasn't him it could very well be someone worse

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Disaster vs catastrophe,, Trump disaster-short term , Biden ,catastrophe -long term

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No fan of Trump, but then again despise Joe Biden even more. Trump's trial was an orchestration, and not a very subtle one, made to make him more odious than he is. The law was misapplied and the judge was biased to the extreme. The former chairman of the Federal Elections Commission was not allowed to testify. i could go on ad nauseam, but the justice system has been weaponized by the progressives to de fang Trump. The progressives claim that Trump will end democracy, but i think it is the other way around.

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It seems Biden is ending democracy-where do I begin?

-Biden violating Supreme Court ruling on student loan forgiveness is uncontitutional but said we'll pay for them anyway.

-Allowing the rule of law to be violated by allowing millions, yes millions of illegal immigrants to cross our southern border with no consequences and costing our country billions to take care of them. And Mayorkas says the border is secure! Cannot make this stuff up!

-Pulling the wool over the American people regarding clean energy-giving billions to wind and solar companies-what a scam!

-Not honoring women and girls in sports by allowing men to claim they're women-another absurd movement in our culture.

Biden's love affair with Iran is dangerous to our national security and an insult to Israel.

There are so so many other transgressions Biden's White House and his administrative state have imposed on our beautiful country.

Four more years of Biden will really sink this country!

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" I never mentioned a wall." - Donald J. Trump

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Who give a fuck?

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gives Apologies.

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Maybe an oversight? No mention of the oddly fascinating event where scarf-wearing Queers for Palestine clashed with the colorfully dressed participants at the Philly pride parade.

Brings to mind the Roman amphitheater scene in Monty Python’s movie “Life of Bryan” where the splinter groups sit in the stands accusing & arguing as to who is the most genuine & legitimate bearer of dissent. (Meanwhile the Christians get mauled by the lions).

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Concerning “racialized space,” Mayor Erickson is just trying to fit liberal race and gender ideology buzzwords into a vapid conversation about architecture design, which doesn’t make sense, as Ben noted. Erickson couldn’t back out of his stupidity, because what could he say? Remember the “Colored Only” drinking fountains from the - early 60s? That’s kind of jumping the shark in reverse.

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The mayor belongs in Monty Python. It's blather. He knows Ben knows it, but he's pushing on through. Completely Orwellian, but isn't everything?

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Yes he is. He achieved this machiavellian feat by forming an unholy alliance with the ultra far left, communists, separatists and terrorists; all of with whom he swore never to form a coalition. Thanks to their counter productive manipulation of all branches of government—particularly the judiciary—Spain is now commonly known as Europe’s banana republic. Sound familiar?

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Yours truly has changed my voter registration to Republican after many years as an independent. I used to hold the two major parties in equal sustain but the legal system weaponization against Trump has tipped the scales. Never thought that I would view the Democrats as a greater threat but there it is. I think I will sleep better tonight. At least, I hope I will...

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Blasted Autocorrect replaced "disdain" with "sustain". I think you all got it, nonetheless. Thanks...

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On a less cosmic scale, I was excited by thenote that The Free Press is hiring! New hiring is a sign of growth and economic health and the success of Bidenomics and all that other good stuff that CNBC emotes about endlessly. It’s a testament to the new age of independent journalism, to freedom from the shackles of the oh-so-90s/00’s news room, to the exciting prospect of the inclusion of previously ignored views and values from every unfashionable nook and cranny across the fruited plain of these United States. A stark contrast to the much mocked Biden campaign’s search for a Director of Memes whose primary qualification was a Delaware residency. Those Democrats! It is to laugh! Oh wait,,,,,,what’s this…..all the open Free Press positions are on location in either New York or Los Angeles? Perhaps I missed something. Never mind.

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They may be hiring, but clearly they lack an anti-nepotism rule, so you and I won't have a very good chance if Bari still has more relatives out there in need of a job.

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West Hollywood’s mayor, Erickson, is a fine example of the scores of individuals who have found their way into the realm of bureaucracy elite. There is no accountability in this realm. “Imaginary” goals are set that cannot be measured and therefore never fall short while continuously expounding on their greatness, with an ever constant eye towards the next crisis of culture. Homelessness, whiteness, gender affirming, inequality of (fill in the blank). It’s the voter that was so overcome with implied guilt that I cry for. Who are these mindless amoebas that hear a man such as Erickson speak and believe that he has the ability to deliver results? I suppose the same people who vote for his ilk believe that architectural racism is a real issue.

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“Mindless amoebas”! Yes!

Of course, the perfect turn of phrase from you, sir!

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Trump's conviction is the Rubicon for U.S. governing elites. https://thewordofdamocles.substack.com/p/the-rubicon-a-river-in-manhattan

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