
Definitely top three entertaining podcasts ever. Don’t think I could pass a Brat test but I don’t care. I almost drove my car off the road when River said Mayor Pete was the only non-brat gay guy in the U.S. Maybe a new show has been born. Need Bari or someone less hip but good questioner to play host I think.

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Like this was so superficial when serious issues are at hand and like we should be discussing those instead of like all those distractions. Really disappointed with this like podcast. Hurt my brain and really disappointed with the "discussion". Like, like, like....NOT

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Kind of like, you know, totally, whatever, like, you know, whatever, totally, like, so, you know, whatever...


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Honestly has felt like home for me the past year. A place where I didn't feel weird for being a serious person who cared about serious things.

Now I, like, feel, like, I don't know... Like maybe people, like, really don't care, like, as much as I, like, thought they did.

Anyone who uses the word like as much as River does should not be on a podcast.

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what I heard was a bunch of gibberish. The problem with pandering to the youth vote is that they do not vote. They didn't help McGovern in 1972. The Kennedy's had to cheat in Illinois in 1960 to get over the finish line. If Perot had stayed out of the race in 1992 Bush would have had a 2nd term. We could go on with more illustrations about the fallacy of the youth vote making a difference but I think most people get it.

The only thing going on is the DNC propaganda house organ (all of MSM) is going full bore on how fantastic the sows ear is but in the end its still attached to the sow and in the end the voters will see the sow for what it is. Just like they saw how Biden was not mentally there. So the same folks that a month ago were lying to the American people about how sharp and with it Biden was now want you to believe that Harris is the 2nd coming of Obama and folks she isn't and never will be. She has never ever won a competitive election because there is zero Republican competition in CA. CA would elect Hitler himself if he ran as a Democrat. So the Free Press and Honestly are throwing right in with the rest of the MSM and jumping the shark on Harris.

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Let me enlighten you to the undecided group that is so mystifying- we want to talk about stuff that matters. We want to hear about what the politicians are going to, practically and in real life, DO about issues like growing national deficits, failing social security, health care cost, the border crisis, inflation, homelessness, paying for national defense, crime, how we will participate on the world stage… you know, important stuff. Stuff that holds back would-be real despots and fascists in the world at large (not throwing around empty name calling. I’m talking about the legit next Hitler).

Also, we do not want our leaders to “tweet” out serious info, like the resignation of their nominated position with the Democratic Party a handful of months before the 🤬ing presidential election.

Serious things should not happen on Twitter or X or whatever it’s being called these days. But I guess that’s what is left when universities crumble into decay and refuse to keep open, intelligent discourse alive and institutions become more concerned with control and click bait than communicating trustworthy information during crucially important times. Like during COVID. Or the rise in gender theology. Or the censorship crisis (on both sides). Or when one side uses the court to attack the other side. Or one side riles up the masses with borderline rhetoric so they try to interrupt the transfer of power after a fair election. Or when the media complex only allows a one-sided version of discourse to be seen.

It’s like I’m living in a mash-up, B-rated version of 1984, Brave New World, and Animal Farm.

The most terrifying thing is that this podcast was useful for me. But now I’m just more scared. This cannot be reality.

Just reminding everyone who is feeling as desperate as I am after listening to this drivel that not everyone is like this. They are the loudest ones but they are not the only ones. There are whole swaths of humans- Americans- who think deeply. And we are challenging our kids to do the same. You just don’t hear from us because we aren’t on Twitter/X.

Maybe our leaders should get off that ridiculous platform! It just gives the stupid place more credibility.

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This is got to be the stupidest episode of honestly I’ve ever heard. Please please please don’t ever do something like this again lol

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I agree it was total waste of time.

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You've done some really cool things on Honestly. This steaming pile was not among them. I had to turn it off after 10 minutes and 8 lost IQ points.

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Respectfully, that was complete rubbish.

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For breakfast, I had the most wonderful cinnamon raisin bagel with a shmear of cream cheese. Made it myself. So good.

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This is the first time I have found an Honestly podcast to be cringeworthy. Some swishy clown lisping at length about camp and gay culture (2% of the population, some small fraction of which is titillated by this drivel) and the rest of it about the latest teenage fad. C'mon, folks, the state of our politics is too perilous to trivialize with memes and queens.

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This subject is STUPID BEYOND ENDURANCE. You've made an entire podcast out of a single adjective only some Millennials understand.

What is the FP going to do next? Cat videos? Airhead listicles of the type that made Buzzfeed a laughing stock? Can you guys please stop commenting on fragments of pop-culture fluff? This is so beneath serious journalists.

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Wow! That was lighter than air. Is there any substance to these momentary styles of expression on Twitter and elsewhere? The explicit rejection of discussion of policy is baffling. Maybe the promotion of Harris' brattyiness was an op from a Macedonian troll farm or the Democratic party.

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I know. Funny how they all lamented / hoped vainly that candidates would talk policy but then spent an hour on the cultural meme side of things. Guess it’s entertaining but in the process a lot of stuff was kind of cattily slipped in (e.g. Kamala did not get her start in politics as an appointee. She was elected.) That’s the problem with political nattering whether it’s on CNN or TFP. No policy, all tactical campaign second guessing. There’s this icky lack of respect for the people who are putting themselves out there

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Great to hear River on the pod, and Kat, of course, too. But I'm disappointed that neither thought to mention the brattiest Gen-Xer of all: Parker Posey.

And technically, Kamala Harris is yet another Boomer, even if only by a few months.

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I love this episode. The subtle layered commentary and satire delivered with love - plus i've learned something! (I'm 50). More with Kat and River, please!

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I think the people trying to make Ofc. Harris brat would really hated her if she’d been patrolling their schools

(I knew who Charli was before Kamala The Cop lassoed her. Saw her on SNL years ago…wow she has an incredible voice….)

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