
This is the story of the genocide by the Ukrainian People (Nazis) who mass murdered my family in Kiev. Still an underlying nazi country (Zelensky married to a christian) that is a failed state that funded the Biden Crime Family.

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The plight of the Ukrainian people is heartbreaking yet I don’t hear our feckless leadership even talking about peace negotiations. I don’t see where Crimea, which is mostly occupied by Russians anyway, shouldn’t be permitted to vote to return to its former disposition as part of Russia.

We simply are not in a position to finance this war. Not in any capacity. We have seriously depleted our petroleum reserves, our defensive hardware, military personnel and have via unnecessary, foolish policies made enlisting as unappealing as possible. I think the Russian leadership saw this administrations’ policies as a green light. This admin has made blunder after blunder, floundering in ineptitude and brought the West down a dangerous rabbit hole from which we are stuck.

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You know what's "vile"? Vile is Russians raping ukrainian children, girls and boys alike, in front of their chained parents. Rape them till their insides fall out and they die. That's vile. And it haunts me every damn day. Vile is Russians bombing hospitals, schools, bread lines, evacuation convoys.

"Nitwit" and "sheep" are mild invectives for people who pretend to put America first while literally repeating every Kremlin talking point. Vile is hating the political opposition of your own country so much you would rather believe Russia than your own compatriots. Vile is claiming to be pro-life while loudly and proudly proclaiming "I don't give a fuck about Ukraine"

And yes, I say "us" because I was one of those children that Soviets tried to indoctrinate. Thankfully, my family was Evangelical Christians and we were inoculated against that bullshit. And I've come to dream of America as that shining city on the hill that stood for freedom, justice and patriotism. And it became just that to me and my family for 30 years.

You, my friend, are no patriot to this country. The first sign of decay is when citizens start to hate their own country, like it happened in Soviet Union. You won't recognize it, its new to you. But I recognize it. And I fear for us.

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The NYT has been slanted and bias for quite a long time. I always laugh when Democrats scream about how terrible FOX news is. They really need to look in the mirror.

Yes, I guess the only thing redeemable about the FP is that we can comment however we please and not get deleted. That we are grateful for that shows how bad things have become, though.

I'm not in Baltimore... thank goodness :)

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I’m shocked by most of these comments. This is on Putin full stop.

Biden and Allie’s are right to try and stop this mad man

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One last note to everyone claiming these photos are propaganda and the US shouldn't be paying for this etc. Fact is, your comments will become propaganda for the Russians or Chinese, and I guarantee that these comments are being monitored or some commentors are trolls. Such irony is the more you say your opinions, the more the Russians or Chinese can use it. One of life's ironies in the digital age.

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Wow, the commentators for the FP blame the US for the invasion, poor Putin can't but help to be a murderous rapists.

Too bad that the Putin parrots are taking over civil discourse on Weiss' site.

Too bad there isn't some compassion for the murders and rapes in Ukraine.

The pictures are very heavy, and all these commentators that just say nothing about it.

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The Russians are evil? Give us a break from the US neoliberal narrative painting Ukrainians as freedom fighters. You’re supposed to be the ‘free’ press, not the ‘military industrial Victoria Nuland-approved press’.

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100% !

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War is hell. And we are financing this war with tens of billions of dollars and weapons with Biden promising our support will continue indefinitely. Putin is a tyrant but Zelinsky is no George Washington. Ukraine is as corrupt as any country in the world and I wonder if US funds are being diverted to some of its leaders, especially when there has been no accounting.

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Can I make a suggestion for the next story? Can we have a photographer take pictures of the dead and injured innocents living in the DPR and LPR? Or are Russian "crimes" the only allowed subject matter?

It's a shame the FP continues to give exclusive voice to the Empire's take on the Ukraine war. Bari has too much affinity for neocons and it's a huge blind spot for her.

What is happening in Ukraine is a horrible tragedy. I weep and pray for all the departed souls and affected families. My blood boils over their leadership's decision to fight to the last Ukrainian and upset their society. I mean, anyone who could have left, has basically left. Their best citizens are long gone to other parts of Europe and the world. When this war ends, the cumulative brain and talent drain will be monumental.

Pre-invasion, the most mainstream of news (the Guardian, NYT) condemned and questioned the Ukrainian regime for its rampant corruption, Neo-Nazi cultivation, general lack of functionality, and even questions surrounding its authoritarian anti-Russian policies.

I'm not suggesting that Russia's invasion is necessarily a just war under objectively true moral law. For one, they use conscription, which is slavery by another name (Ukraine is equally guilty here). But I am saying it's not a clear cut case, and almost impossible to determine from a Western vantage point. And aside from that point, Russia sent enough warnings, and Ukraine foolishly courted becoming legally and contractually entangled with a belligerent empire that leaves no doubt as to its policy for Russia.

You see, you don't have to necessarily wait for your next-door neighbor join a bloodthirsty gang that seeks to undermine your house, before you take some kind of defensive action. That in and of itself is a threat of future force, or at least, arguably.

I pray for peace, and pray that the peacemakers will raise their voice and that more join them. There is a deal to be had here that could ensure Ukrainian sovereignty indefinitely, guaranteed by Russia itself. But some sacrifices will have to be made, and egos deflated.

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Excellent comment! I said something similar about the one-sidedness of this article, asking them to now do a story on the atrocities the ethnic Russians in Donbass have suffered since 2014.

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You should go online and look at some other reporters like Eva who show another side to this story - people in Donbass since 2014. The propaganda from the US is unbelievable. Neither side is right in war but the US has aided and abetted this from occurring and hurt so many people and not for any of the right reasons.

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Yes, Eva Bartlett is amazing! As is Vanessa Beeley, Scott Ritter, John Mearsheimer, Aaron Mate, Michael Tracey, Glenn Greenwald (off the top of my head).

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agree with all!!! Eva I mentioned because she does a lot of great photos.

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Addario is documenting a humanitarian crisis, which is devastating to see. But no new information is coming about the real causes of this war, American involvement in it, and whether it could have been avoided. Or how it could be stopped. As a journalist, Addario sucks: her book That’s What I Do openly was narcissistic, flat, and unrevealing.

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TBH, the war in Ukraine means nothing to me. I don't have a dog in the fight. This may be an unpopular opinion; but I don't care.

The war is an earnings opportunity for Weatern armaments manufacturwrs, so there is no incentive to end it. The value of Lloyd Austin's Raytheon stock will appreciate considerably..

Historicalky; Ukraibe has been an intrgral part of the Russian state, whether Czarust; Communist; or post-Communist- since before there was a united States. From the Russian perspective; they are attempting to reintegrate a histiric part of the Russian state with the state; whether you agree with it or not. From there perspective, it's removal in 1991 was the work of historically hostile states.

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