People like Salazar don't let facts get in the way of their opinions and desired outcomes. Daniel Penny protected others on that train at risk to himself - how many good Samaritans have we already dissuaded with his sham persecution?

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Threw rocks at him and beat him with clubs?

Man....it would be terrible if that happened in other places.

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I want to put Julia Salazar on that F train with Jordan Neely and record her.

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I have a problem with a justice system that even prosecutors a case like Penny's. We have gotten to a place where we are fine with certain criminals getting away with murder and hunting down people trying to save others from those murders. Our justice system is completely broken when you can give me the race of the defendant, the race of the prosecutor or da, the racial makeup of the jury and the district of the trial and I can give you the verdict with about 80%+ accuracy. Maybe all trials should be moved out of their own state.

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And yes, the democrats don't like the Electoral College, same reason our canadian woke progressives don't like our first past the post system which gives the same protection.

These systems are designed so that if everyone within major cities goes insane supporting insane policy, they cannot swamp the rest of the country.

Both systems require widespread support in order to gain power.

In canada the winner of the popular vote does not always win power, and that is a good thing. We don't need the idiots in downtown toronto vancouver and montreal deciding everything for the rest of us

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The Democrats would love the electoral college if they needed it to win.

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"All process arguments are insincere" - Michael Barone

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Liberals neuter the cops to propagandize and scapegoat law enforcement to deflect from decades of liberal politics causing terrible outcomes in the black community... and then when citizens have to step up to deal with the mess, the same liberals persecute the citizens.

None of this gets fixed until crime gets into the exclusive liberal gated communities.

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The USA leaking Israeli plans is treason, what kind of american favors the mullahs?

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The democrat kind. And yes, it **IS** treason.

But no one will ever be prosecuted, because no one will ever be caught, because it won't be investigated any more stringently than the cocaine-in-the-White-House was.

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The Biden/Harris kind of Americans.

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Yes, was a rhetorical question.

Again recommend a recent piece by Victor Davis Hansen on what the Biden-Harris administration has done to bring the mad mullahs back from the edge of oblivion where Trump had them 4 years ago.

How anyone sane can vote for these people is beyond me, they are specifically supporting people doing their level best to destroy america.

At some point you'd think they would notice?


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The Hezbollah's Hostages video series shines a much needed light on that terrorist organization. They're thugs, as the speaker in the latest video says.

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"In better news: Data from the CDC shows drug overdose deaths fell 12.7 percent between May 2023 and 2024 to 98,820. (It marks the first time in three years the yearly estimate has fallen below 100,000.) Experts aren’t sure what’s behind the sudden improvement."

I would say the most obvious reason is that the CDC changed their statistics reporting, just like the FBI did.

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Unexpected, happy news just before an election may be to good to be true.

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Maybe the use of anti-overdose drugs? Is it called narcan?

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"2020, the year that cities across America were swept by progress that looked an awful lot like chaos.”

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The current corrupt, evil, feckless administration CANNOT be trusted. Wait for the return of TRUMP. MAGA!!

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Yip Madjack bring him on, bring him back we need him now! God bless him and America!

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By the way - Penny is a HERO. Do Americans really only want neutered beta men (like Walz)?

And Covid was a hoax. They wanted to see what we'd all due if they scared us and most of us failed miserably. People died, you say? People die every day and Americans are all back to not caring how many deaths there are from the common flu every year and absolutely nobody cares about fentanyl deaths - certainly not the Biden/Harris regime.

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I wonder if Millie has a special relationship with Iran like he does with China. Remember how he said he would warn the Chinese if Trump were going to do anything against them?

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My reaction to today's column is ... you know, there is more to the United States than New York City. I wish The Free Press had moved its headquarters to Dallas, or Miami, or Nashville.

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Could Penny, and all the other passengers on that subway car, sue NYC for negligently endangering them and not maintaining a minimum of orderliness?

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Simple! I'm with Israel, Daniel Penny, Salman Rushdie, Douglas Murray, and Donald Trump.

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Great lineup! I’m adding JD ❤️❤️

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Yes! JD Vance should definitely be on that list.

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On the right side of history all around!

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