
“Savoring” time with the children when are young, is my counsel to parents with little ones.

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This tone poem is beautifully written and incredibly readable.

Short sentences with simple words.

Short paragraphs.

Great content.

At over 80, I don't feel that I've wasted a second. I've spent my life with the love of my life.

While I think about the future and the past, I'm mostly an "in the moment" type of person.

It's all about being with my wife, working with her, getting something done, doing fun things and being smart about diet and exercise.

I can't do anything about the future. Nothing about the past.

When you're born lucky with good health, parents, education and opportunities, you wind down feeling both lucky and grateful.

Grateful to be born in a democracy, America. Grateful for great parents and a wonderful spouse. Grateful for modern medicine, which has kept me going longer than I would have if I had been born 90 years ago.

And when you're born into a family that has cherished education and integrity for centuries, you're the luckiest person in the world.

Good luck.

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15 years later and you're still wise beyond your years. Eventually the years will catch up though, isn't that the point? Great article!

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15 years later and you're still wise beyond your years! Great article!!

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Maybe just "Don't Be a Narcissist". As per the Tale..Echo whispers in his Narcissus' ear but he ignores all, only looking at his own reflection. Simple problem with no solution? Time other than the present is not understandable to a child.

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I have three kids, two when the pandemic happened. My two oldest are boys are 18 months apart and we were schlepping around non-stop before the pandemic. When it kicked in, our family was never happier. We ate breakfast together, rode bikes, cooked meals, watched movies. Now that we are back into schlepping non stop I wish we could just yank my kids out of school and sports and just screw around all day with them.

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My baby daughter turned 21 yesterday. I was happy she wanted to spend the day with me...sort of. We went boating from 10am to 3pm while she and 5 girlfriends drank mimosas, danced, tubed, sang and cranked wretched pop music to nearly unbearable decibel levels. It was a blast (old guy term). Then they decided they wanted to go to a cubs game so I drove them nearly 2 hours (again with loud music and singing) into Chicago traffic, booked them a room and drove home. It was a long day but I was grateful to have been a part of the celebration - they too were grateful and showered me with love. She's my youngest and I know these days are fleeting so I will continue to soak them up as often as I can. Thank God for foam ear plugs though, I must say. Their plan is to take the train home and I can't wait to hear about their experience in the big city when I pick them up this evening.

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As someone much wiser than I once said, how can you really know someone unless you spend time with them? To really, deeply and truly know someone, to be their friend, confidant, trusted companion, you must spend the gift of time with that person- face to face.

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Wait. Who ever said "I can't wait until I'm 45"? I think 16 and 21 were my only goal ages.

Still, loved the story. Thank you for a new perspective.

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At 56, my littles are now 27, 25 and 22. I've spent a lot of time recently thinking about how much better I could do it as the person I am today, if only I could go back. But we can only go back from today, and going back from today means we can only go forward. That's a tough pill to swallow some days. I love your perspective, Sahil.

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I have 3 sons. My middle son I only had for 16 years 💔.... I’m so blessed I had 16

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At the age of 70, this rings painfully true to me.

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Great article. My two children,(4 and 1) remind me everyday to slow down and appreciate every second. Good stuff.

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They won't let you hold them when they're 12. Babies are the coolest and you have to embrace and savor every moment of the most important role any of us will ever have.

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Awesome article. Thanks for the reminder, brother.

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