Sorry but I’m not buying that China is behind every balloon flying in our skies. Wasn’t there a US-based balloon society that claimed they believe one of their balloons was downed by the $400k missile? This article is a bit too speculative and hysterical for my tastes.
Sorry but I’m not buying that China is behind every balloon flying in our skies. Wasn’t there a US-based balloon society that claimed they believe one of their balloons was downed by the $400k missile? This article is a bit too speculative and hysterical for my tastes.
I also find it telling that we don’t see much information forthcoming about the details of the spy equipment recovered from the Chinese balloon shot over SC. I am beginning to doubt it was a Chinese military surveillance balloon. I no longer believe anything the WH and the govt are telling us. For all we know, it could be a weather balloon, and they are simply inventing stories to cover their incompetence and to justify firing a $500K missile at it.
The article reads as if written by a first year journalism student, clearly excited by the story he thinks he’s uncovering and all the quotes he was able to get..
The truth is out there somewhere- and I think it might be boring.
And you're clearly excited that you get to show us how erudite you are by constantly criticizing. Do you have anything useful to add? Other than badly plagiarizing the X-Files tagline and suggesting the obvious, that you "think it might be boring."
I agree with you. Adam Popescu is a creative writer and is 38. It was about 50 years ago that people in their 20s began to be described as Senior Writers. I was initially amused.
Other than the fact that the border is closed, does anyone writing for the Media know anything?
Also, is there no chance that our military doesn’t want China to know what they know, which means they can’t really let us all know exactly what they know?
I noticed that as well, but I think that he was talking about all the balloons currently up there, not necessarily just those that were shot down. And you're right that of those shot down, the only one anyone suspects for sure came from China was the one that took a nice long stroll across the country right in the beginning. The one in Alaska I heard came from some kind of hobby group.
Bruce Miller, Here is the article, by Fox News no less: I completely agree with JBuzz3, not every anomaly in the sky is from China. Further, questioning whether or not China is behind every balloon does not suggest that China is not malign. It is simple logic, there will be a whole bunch of junk in the sky: private balloons, weather balloons (from many countries), and actual baddies, spy balloons. This is just reality.
You can't believe anything the Biden admin says. Just a couple of days ago his idiot VEEP said inflation was down, gas prices were down and groceries were down, all because of the wonderful things the administration is doing.. One commentator said she must be in an alternate reality.
When it comes to China I am even more skeptical because of the bribes the Biden crime family has taken. Only Democrat fanatics like R T or comprof would think that China will not use these bribes as leverage or that the bribes happened in the first place.
The ever senile Joe and his equally incompetent VEEP need to be fitted for wrap around jackets and put in a padded room.
I do remember Trump on a debate stage in the primaries seven years ago not understanding what the nuclear triad meant. So I understand your fear of an incompetent boob with his fingers to the codes..
But……Trump is not an argument. Try living in today’s world. You know, where Biden has been in control for the last two years and Trump is a memory. At this point, Biden owns the economy, defense, etc.
Honestly Lee, would you trust Biden to go to the store for some milk and bread for you without screwing up the order, getting lost on the way back - or both? That this corrupt moron is the leader of the Free World is a very unfunny joke.
You'd prefer someone who has settled a fraud case for 25 million, had a charity they set up closed down for fraud and who put their daughter and son in law in positions of power, only to have a state (Saudi Arabia) with which they dealt sign a 4 billion dollar deal with them months after leaving the white house? Biden is both sharp (see the state of the union) and a straight shooter. And even better, he's actually working for the people of America. All of them.
Sharp and a straight shooter? You obviously don't read history. Joe ran for president twice before winning the last one. He had to drop out of both races because he was such a liar and got caught in his lies. Like saying he graduated at the top of his law school class. He was near the bottom of his class. In his second try at the presidency he was caught plagiarizing a Neil Kinnock speech and claimed it was his own. Neil Kinnock was the British Labor Party leader at one time. Joe also plagiarized a couple of JFK's speech. Plagiarism is intellectual theft so Joe is also a thief. While in law school your straight shooter fail a law course because he was caught plagiarizing.
I could give you many more times he was caught lying but the list would be too long.
Look up "Biden lies". Here is a sample of you straight shooter's lies:
I have hint for you. Before you make outrageously, false statements do a search first. It will save you embarrassment and you won't look like such a left wing, lemming, ignoramus.
I take your point. But the octogenarian still has the power and support to fly anywhere he wants around the world (he doesn’t seem to like Ohio though..) - Putin? Who used to walk around shirtless and bare chested?
Despite the shrieks of the progressives there are few if any conservatives who like Putin or don't think he's murderous thug. Albeit a clever one who predictably overreached this time.
He certainly has - overreached. And I'm not saying conservatives like the mad Russkie..
My only point is that Biden for all his scary stumbling and meandering (which we all should bloody worry about..) has to be compared to the one adversary who is staring back at him - Putin.
Not an obscure term. I'm nothing more than a regular reader of the news and that term is familiar to me and has been so for at least two decades. Trump was simply incompetent and unfit.
Sorry but I’m not buying that China is behind every balloon flying in our skies. Wasn’t there a US-based balloon society that claimed they believe one of their balloons was downed by the $400k missile? This article is a bit too speculative and hysterical for my tastes.
I also find it telling that we don’t see much information forthcoming about the details of the spy equipment recovered from the Chinese balloon shot over SC. I am beginning to doubt it was a Chinese military surveillance balloon. I no longer believe anything the WH and the govt are telling us. For all we know, it could be a weather balloon, and they are simply inventing stories to cover their incompetence and to justify firing a $500K missile at it.
The article reads as if written by a first year journalism student, clearly excited by the story he thinks he’s uncovering and all the quotes he was able to get..
The truth is out there somewhere- and I think it might be boring.
And you're clearly excited that you get to show us how erudite you are by constantly criticizing. Do you have anything useful to add? Other than badly plagiarizing the X-Files tagline and suggesting the obvious, that you "think it might be boring."
I consider that a compliment, Lillia. You're the first to comment on my apparent erudition here. You're pretty good too..
I agree with you. Adam Popescu is a creative writer and is 38. It was about 50 years ago that people in their 20s began to be described as Senior Writers. I was initially amused.
Other than the fact that the border is closed, does anyone writing for the Media know anything?
Also, is there no chance that our military doesn’t want China to know what they know, which means they can’t really let us all know exactly what they know?
I noticed that as well, but I think that he was talking about all the balloons currently up there, not necessarily just those that were shot down. And you're right that of those shot down, the only one anyone suspects for sure came from China was the one that took a nice long stroll across the country right in the beginning. The one in Alaska I heard came from some kind of hobby group.
I don't recall the article suggesting that China was behind every balloon flying in our skies. Are you suggesting that China is not malign?
Bruce Miller, Here is the article, by Fox News no less: I completely agree with JBuzz3, not every anomaly in the sky is from China. Further, questioning whether or not China is behind every balloon does not suggest that China is not malign. It is simple logic, there will be a whole bunch of junk in the sky: private balloons, weather balloons (from many countries), and actual baddies, spy balloons. This is just reality.
You can't believe anything the Biden admin says. Just a couple of days ago his idiot VEEP said inflation was down, gas prices were down and groceries were down, all because of the wonderful things the administration is doing.. One commentator said she must be in an alternate reality.
When it comes to China I am even more skeptical because of the bribes the Biden crime family has taken. Only Democrat fanatics like R T or comprof would think that China will not use these bribes as leverage or that the bribes happened in the first place.
The ever senile Joe and his equally incompetent VEEP need to be fitted for wrap around jackets and put in a padded room.
This has to scare sane people but make Dems proud they elected an incompetent boob who has access to the nuke codes.:
It scares me.
I do remember Trump on a debate stage in the primaries seven years ago not understanding what the nuclear triad meant. So I understand your fear of an incompetent boob with his fingers to the codes..
But……Trump is not an argument. Try living in today’s world. You know, where Biden has been in control for the last two years and Trump is a memory. At this point, Biden owns the economy, defense, etc.
But Trump can be used as an example when Biden is accused of not being fit enough to know the nuclear codes..
Honestly Lee, would you trust Biden to go to the store for some milk and bread for you without screwing up the order, getting lost on the way back - or both? That this corrupt moron is the leader of the Free World is a very unfunny joke.
You'd prefer someone who has settled a fraud case for 25 million, had a charity they set up closed down for fraud and who put their daughter and son in law in positions of power, only to have a state (Saudi Arabia) with which they dealt sign a 4 billion dollar deal with them months after leaving the white house? Biden is both sharp (see the state of the union) and a straight shooter. And even better, he's actually working for the people of America. All of them.
Sharp and a straight shooter? You obviously don't read history. Joe ran for president twice before winning the last one. He had to drop out of both races because he was such a liar and got caught in his lies. Like saying he graduated at the top of his law school class. He was near the bottom of his class. In his second try at the presidency he was caught plagiarizing a Neil Kinnock speech and claimed it was his own. Neil Kinnock was the British Labor Party leader at one time. Joe also plagiarized a couple of JFK's speech. Plagiarism is intellectual theft so Joe is also a thief. While in law school your straight shooter fail a law course because he was caught plagiarizing.
I could give you many more times he was caught lying but the list would be too long.
Look up "Biden lies". Here is a sample of you straight shooter's lies:
I have hint for you. Before you make outrageously, false statements do a search first. It will save you embarrassment and you won't look like such a left wing, lemming, ignoramus.
Why I love February.
I love February because it contains two of my favorite annual events:
Groundhog Day, and the State of the Union Address.
One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a notoriously unreliable mammal for prognostication with no basis in reality.
The other involves a groundhog.
This reminds me of the Bill Clinton joke:
What is the difference between Bill Clinton and a catfish?
One is a low life, slimy, bottom feeder.
The other is a catfish.
I take your point. But the octogenarian still has the power and support to fly anywhere he wants around the world (he doesn’t seem to like Ohio though..) - Putin? Who used to walk around shirtless and bare chested?
Don’t think so..
Despite the shrieks of the progressives there are few if any conservatives who like Putin or don't think he's murderous thug. Albeit a clever one who predictably overreached this time.
He certainly has - overreached. And I'm not saying conservatives like the mad Russkie..
My only point is that Biden for all his scary stumbling and meandering (which we all should bloody worry about..) has to be compared to the one adversary who is staring back at him - Putin.
Putin is a sociopath but he's not senile. I don't know who is more dangerous Putin or the senile idiot.
I guess we'll find out - in due time..
Lee Morris
Not knowing where you were yesterday or who you spoke to is a little more concerning than not knowing the technical term Nuclear Triad.
Sure about that?
I have trouble knowing where the hell I was yesterday..or who I spoke to..and I would still trust myself more than Donald with that suitcase..
Not knowing what an obscure term is and not knowing what planet you are on are two different things.
Not an obscure term. I'm nothing more than a regular reader of the news and that term is familiar to me and has been so for at least two decades. Trump was simply incompetent and unfit.
As nutty as Trump was, I think he is far better than the ever senile Joe.
As long as he can see planet earth through his aviators..
Not at all, wtf.