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The Biden by the people for the people of the people government lies to us every day in every way.

A few kernels of doubt? Try a whole bowl popped.

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Apparently balloons floated over our fair land between the years 2016 and 2020. The Trump people say they were never told. Now thatтАЩs what I call command and control.

Not so reassuring..

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And people are saying that the ever senile Joe's admin lied about the balloon incursions during Trump's admin.

Think about it. If the Trump security people were never told then how did the ever senile Joe's people know about them. Face it somebody's lying. Seeing as the ever senile Joe always lies then.....

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I have said all along the ever senile Joe and his Socialist pals in congress and the Dem/Soc party are more interested in the welfare of undocumented democrats than they are about our own citizens. Watch the video and tell me I am wrong:


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Well, according to a few commenters here, Biden's in bed with our intelligence agencies. I'd rather he be in bed with them than not. Trump was probably hated by the CIA and the FBI. Not so good for the country.

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So you're just fine with the CIA and the FBI and all those other alphabet agencies running the country and our foreign policy? You do realize that they care even less about the welfare of the average American than your average politician does and they're even less accountable for the messes they make.

No, anyone the FBI and the CIA hates should be nominated for sainthood. They're definitely doing something right, and that would, as much as I'm ambivalent about him, include Trump.

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I'm not fine with it. Just realistic. You're not wrong, Lillia. I respect your idealism.

Just to keep in mind though, the fact that there hasn't been an external terrorist attack on the US since 9/11 means the agencies we disparage (because I do too, at times) have been doing their job. Quietly.

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While that seems a natural conclusion, the fact that they have been caught helping to "plan" some of the attacks they "foiled" (see Gretchen Whitmer) means I'm not so sure it's that they're skillful or that we're lucky or that the terrorists are just that stupid.

But thank you for respecting my "idealism." I haven't been called "idealistic" in a long time.

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I equate idealism with having principles. We've been debating for awhile now, and your principles are consistently there. You stay on course. So let's call what you display as principled idealism. We do not agree for the most part on anything - I waver between cynicism, pragmatism and a center bias..

I try to stay away from anger. But I get caught at times. And I can be inconsistent. In the end though - as long as we can still converse and advance the dialogue - isn't that what the Free Press is all about?

Enjoy your weekend..

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Well if Trumps security people including those the ever megalomaniac Trump fired, the ones he fired dislike Trump and said they were never told. If they are telling the truth, then how does the ever senile Joe's people know about them?

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If Joe knows as much as you think, being so old and senile (of which I agree), then we're in trouble..

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No, that's what's called a corrupt "intelligence" apparatus who thinks *they* should run the country rather than actual citizens via their elected officials.

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Like now?

WouldnтАЩt the intelligence establishment still be тАШcorruptтАЩ? Or was it corrupt only during TrumpтАЩs time..

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It has always been corrupt. They were involved in JFK's assassination, five of the 'burglars' in Watergate were CIA(including Bernstein), and the 'Trump-Russia' collusion was an FBI/CIA op.

Trump unleashed American energy to help keep oil at $40/barrel which perfectly neutered Russia and Iran. For three years.

Putin is a bad hombre and our own government is worse. We promised to not expand eastward and then did. We armed Ukraine and then they attacked their own Russian citizens using Azov battalions. Ukraine is a money laundering scheme for our politicians - except Trump, buddy.

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Lillia - Beautiful name.

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No, it's always corrupt. It's just that Biden is their "friend."

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Not so sure Biden is their 'friend' - perhaps they're 'corrupt' because the deep staters thought #45 was weird for having two high level Russian officials in the White House with only Russian media present..

..or when Trump was on bended knee to Putin publicly in Helsinki saying he believed Putin over his own intelligence agencies, and then in a closed meeting with the Russian grandmaster Donald goes in with only a translator. I think the rabid weasels in the CIA or the FBI got a little worried then. Does Donald belong to us? Or someone else?

I wonder where her notes are now..

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Enough of this crap. I read the Jeff Gerth series in the COlumbia Journalism Review. It reinforced Lee Smith and others meticulously researched work showing how the Russia hoax was perpetrated. Gaslighting still works for some, but it makes you look like a troll at this point.

Here, I even give you the link, https://www.cjr.org/special_report/trumped-up-press-versus-president-part-1.php.

Besides that, help me understand how a special counsel stocked with DOJ officials that despised the guy and 40 FBI agents to do their investigative work came up with nothing, not even a tangential charge.

Liked the guy or not, every American should be disgusted by what the DOJ/FBI did to so many people during their witch hunt.

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I'm laughing.

If good old decrepit Biden were to have two Chinese diplomats in the Oval Office with only Chinese media there and none American, with no one in the USA knowing what they talked about, the right wing in this country would go apoplectic (and probably the FBI and the CIA as well, for good reason)- as with most of the commenters here on this thread.

But that's what Trump did soon after he became President with two high level Russian diplomats. Trump put himself in the crosshairs of suspicion, he's good at it. He was, and still is, an imbecile..

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Did some stupid things, but again, a special counsel full of Trump hating, progressive idealogues who were angry that Hillary lost could not find the crime to hang on his neck.

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Progressives were upset, youтАЩre absolutely right. But was the special prosecutor progressive? He was a Republican.

And then, thereтАЩs Georgia. Like I said, Trump puts himself in the crosshairs of suspicion - his phone call was slightly ill advised.

That might be a crime Hilary had no part of.

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I wasnтАЩt even a huge Trump fan, but I did like his economic policies. I mostly hated that the DOJ /FBI interfered with the peaceful transfer of power and persecuted a President on false pretenses using the full weight of the US government. Whether youтАЩre a Dem, Republican or Independent, that should bother you.

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Robert Mueller was the dementia patient beard for Andrew Weissmann. The Georgia call was ill advised, but was obviously not illegal. Had it been, the DA would have convened a real grand jury, not the тАЬspecial grand juryтАЭ with the absolute embarrassment of a forewoman and completely different rules.

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So you admit there's a deep state that undercuts the will of the voters and you're one of those conspiracy theorists who actually thinks Putin was running things when Trump was the one who sent all those Javelins to Ukraine and escalated the situation to where we are today. You really need to get your story straight. Was he working for Putin or not? Because if he was, I doubt he would have (stupidly) armed Ukraine.

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The will of voters has been undercut since the end of the Second World War. Nothing new there.

Trump was too up front and center with his admiration for strongmen like Putin..that's what made him different. I'm more inclined to say the GOP in Congress forced Trump's hand to ship arms to Ukraine..He was too conciliatory to Putin and they were not.

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Well, now we have someone not "conciliatory" to Putin and we're about to test the theories of mutually assured destruction being a deterrent for bad behavior. I think I'd take Trump and Putin being buddies, thanks. At least I didn't have to worry about whether or not my ten year old niece will get a chance to grow up.

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I wouldn't go to Ukraine anytime soon, Lillia - I don't think you'd be welcome there..

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I don't see that as being a problem, Lee.

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better to have enemies than friends.

better to have war than peace.

simple enough world view you've got right there.

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I know. I'm too cynical.

My take on it is, and it will never be proven, is that if Trump was still in power last year Putin could have entered Ukraine with an arched eyebrow from the White House, and that's all. After a valiant Ukraine goes down to defeat with fewer arms from us, Putin slowly over time sets his sights and rhetoric and infantry brigades to the direction of the Baltics. NATO and the EU, since Trump couldn't give a damn about the Continent, splinters into bickering pieces.

And then Europe and we have another, potentially larger problem.

A simple world view.

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Simple maybe, but probably correct

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Keep up the globalist bullshit line. Russia responded to continued aggression going back to 2014 when Victoria Nuland and company deposed the Russian stooge president and installed an American stooge president. Ukraine is widely known as one of the most corrupt countries in the world and has been used as a laundromat for American Foreign Aid forever, see Burisma and the sons of John Kerry, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.

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what makes you think putin attacked ukraine to conquer it?

he could have gone through that country in a couple of weeks. He's only interested in making it uninhabitable

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Destructive and fatal, but simple.

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