A half-baked support of Israel under the present circumstances, is an ethical and political suicide policy of the current administration.

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Is anyone talking about the Biden administration alerting Congress that it is shipping arms to Lebanon? No wonder border towns in Israel with Lebanon are being evacuated. The U.S. is shipping arms to a state controlled by countries acknowledged as terrorist regimes. Doesn’t this administration consider that supporting terrorists and terrorist nations puts US citizens at risk on U.S. soil?

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There is only one high road and that is full support of our ally Israel in their defense against Hamas and any other terrorist groups. I am constantly astounded by efforts to call the current problem a “war” as if between two independent states. No. It is one independent country, Israel, defending itself from horrific terrorist invasions and continuing attacks, including the taking of hostages, including Americans. Where is our outrage over what happened on October 7? I am not Jewish. But I am still furious about what happened and how it has been reported everywhere except here in tFP or in Jewish new sources. It is an international disgrace. Our President is disgracing America with his remarks and maneuvering. Slippery Joe cannot have it both ways. Apparently he has forgotten the 1970’s and 80’s. The US cannot hold hand with Iran. They were evil then. They are evil now. They support Hamas. Perhaps they have already sent Hamas sleeper agents here. If so, I want Trump in office, not Joe.

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Joe Biden will learn the hard way that nonstop pandering is not sustainable. It comes back to bite you when several of the groups to which you pander are at odds with each other.

The administration sends weapons to Israel and gives them lip service, while at the same time sucking up to Iran by shoveling billions their way and easing sanctions against oil sales. Kind of like having one foot on the brake and one foot on the accelerator simultaneously.

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Perhaps some divine intervention will land former President Trump in jail and the Republicans can nominate Niki...Ok we are all entitled to our fantasies.

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Hamas is still considered a terrorist organization by the United States. If the Biden administration reneges on it's "Full Support for Israel our only Democratic Ally in the Middle East" promise, then I will consider Biden a terrorist supporter. I'll never forget what terrorist did to our country on 9/11. It seems Biden has...

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When Trump won in 2016 I was in horrified, and was relieved when Biden won four years later. I could not have imagined that four years on, I'd be planning to vote for Trump.

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Trump will lose California. You know that. If you’re really in SF and you’re not gonna do the sane thing (ie vote for Biden) how about a little nostalgia circa 1979: Write in Jello Biafra.

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I'm thinking a million plus Palestinians in the USA before Joe leaves the White House, minimum. Crazy huh? Well, if he can "cancel" (make us pay) 488 Billion in Student Loans, he can certainly leave the door open for the refugees of war... I mean, why NOT them?

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That door has been open since he took office

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I am perturbed that these former biden supporters are turning from biden because of the arms to Israel. As a Jew, that's important to me, but so are other facets of biden's policies. How about open borders, title IX and VIII with regard to protecting real female athletes, homelessness, violent crime, inability to fill police and military ranks, drug deaths, human trafficing, inflation, mutilation of children, and transfer of wealth to college loan deadbeats, just to name a few issues which are the results of biden's will. Why weren't these problems enough to convince these folks that he should not get a second term? Or, just the possibilty the kamala would ultimately serve out most of his term? Doesn't that worry these donors? It should.

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Your points are spot on!

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Botched Afghanistan exit

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I agree. And the funding of terrorism that killed American soldiers by lifting sanctions on Iran. All of these things make him incompetent to serve.

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It should worry big time

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GREAT questions.... why, indeed?

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I view the coming election as a looming disaster, where Americans will be voting for one of two senile old men, neither of whom is capable of leading the country.

Choose your poison.

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I agree with your point re the two candidates….but it’s also about wresting control from

the far left currently in charge of the democrats. I hope more moderate people within the democrat party can gain ground if Trump wins, but not really hopeful that they can put 2 and 2 together in understanding why they lost. If only the country avoids going up in flames (my fear)!

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What are the charges?


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Grandpa, you gotta take ALL of your medicine, every. day. Remember what the Doctor said?

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Sonny Jim, I don't really care what you think. I won't be here any longer than either one of those two. You, on the other hand, have to live with the results for decades, lol.

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You are not taking the yellow pills, are you? Not good.

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Add me to the list. I was convinced that Donald Trump was a threat to democracy, then the Democrats took my sex based rights away from me. Rights that were fought for and won. Ironically, Donald Trump may restore my rights! Imagine that, a dictator restoring rights!!!

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Just curious. Politely and genuinely....what made you think he was a threat? I keep hearing that and I do not know what people are talking about. We already saw what his presidency was like for 4 years. Please help me understand.

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May 28·edited May 28

That's all liberals spoke of for several years. Liberal propaganda. They're still spewing this nonsense.

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Why no mention of the third option, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose independent presidential campaign is gaining momentum?

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Because he has no chance and this is not an election for pie in the sky. He will take votes away from one of the two awful but realistically speaking, only, candidates we have. And those votes will probably be taken away from Biden, so I say, have at it!

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May 29·edited May 29

I disagree. RFK will take votes from Trump. Stop and ask yourself where are the voters vacillating between Biden & RFK. I’d say, not too many on this planet. But deciding between Trump & RFK? Yes, I can see those people. In the same way former Bernie voters came to vote for Trump in ‘16. Both RFK and Trump are ‘anti Establishment’ so was Bernie for a spell. Biden is decidedly, not anti Establishment

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Biden literally took Bernie's 4 year plan and that is what we are seeing. It was part of the deal.

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There really is a threat to democracy on the ballot this time but it does not come from the Republican side. Lawfare as being practiced by the Democrats will destroy this country if the debt or the racial fear mongering don't get us first.

When 65% of the American people believe we are on the wrong track maybe one should believe them!

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I agree that Biden presents a threat to democracy, but Trump certainly does as well. Time to look at third-party candidates en masse.

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How does Trump threaten democracy? Respectfully, I keep hearing that from the left and I can't put my finger on what they mean.

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Listen now, Weiss. You are doing good

Your site is being used more and more as source material in place of nytimes, cnn, et all.

Be careful that you don’t fall into the same trap that destroyed them - -

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The article should have reiterated the fact that the present Democrat party is not a friend of either Israel or the Jewish people. Whether voters, or members of the administration, many people in the party are rabid antisemites and see the Israeli-Western axis as the source of all the world’s evils.

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Actually, they aren't even a 'friend ' of the American people.

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