Great read, as usual!

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"Their confidence presumably comes from their experience of the midterms, when the polls underestimated Democratic support."

Or from their experience stuffing ballot boxes and getting away with it.

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Tell that sweet guy who got dropped from Tinder to send his info to TFP lonely hearts and that he was spared from pure hell. What he seeks is seeking him.

Also I vote Nellie blasts Tinder on Friday.

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The long knives are out on Nellie’s book. I read three incredibly vicious (and in large part untruthful)reviews in the New York Times, the Guardian, and the New Yorker yesterday. Nellie is a reporter, with a good reporter’s fidelity to asking questions and telling her audience the truth about what she discovers, and unfortunately many of her colleagues can’t tolerate that.

Having read it myself, I can attest that it is interesting, funny, and a good explainer of what caused the craziness that exploded in 2020 and still plagues us today. If you haven’t already done so, buy it and read it.

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I hope and pray everyday the incompetence we have in the White House is not reelected.

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I heartily and enthusiastically endorse Phil's recommendation. "Yes, Minister" and "Yes, Prime Minister" are together IMO both the best explanation of how governments actually work and one of the funniest TV shows ever made.

For advanced students, the study material is also available in book form, and just as funny.

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I listened to a bit of the Nellie Bowles video. My reaction to a couple of questions posed:

What does it mean to walk away from a movement central to your identity? Better question would be how did you get to the point that the brand of progressivism practiced on the west coast is central to your identity?

How does it feel to be accused of being a right-winger? Dear God, are you serious? What do you think a right-winger is?

To her credit Ms. Bowles does admit that the progressives have lost their minds in many respects and gives obvious examples of that e.g. the Smithsonian poster on white values and white supremacy. But what she apparently failed to do was realize that the whole progressive movement of today is built upon 'pie in the sky' ideals that have no practical solutions, especially when millions more poor needy people are walking into the US each year.

Maybe I can help out Ms. Bowles.

Right-wingers know that you can't tax your way to prosperity. They know that communism does not work, even a little bit.

They know that re-distribution of wealth just drives away those with wealth, leaving behind a society devoid of many of the most talented and ambitious among us.

They know that federal govt created jobs are temporary, and immensely expensive, and drive up the costs in the private sector because of competition for needed resources leading to inflation. And when they are financed with borrowed money, the costs are even higher.

They know that the federal govt produces nothing, and every penny in taxes reduces the standard of living of 'We the People' and reduces the ability of the private sector to expand and improve.

I challenge the FP to state what progressive programs can actually be defended as having a positive long-term effect on society.

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Oh Biden. Stop letting the leftist idiots influence you. Smart people now understand they’re almost as dangerous as the idiots on trump’s team.

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Now that Biden shows a few signs that he may not be Bibi’s bitch, it’s only a matter of time til Bari takes TFP full-on Trump. Then this comments section will get really interesting.

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Meaning support of Trump? Not going to happen.

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The market did not lose its mind with GameStop and AMC. Independent traders fucked with short sellers who had radically shorted both stocks, and lost billions. It was a groundswell of activists, and it was beautiful.

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Radically shorted AMC and GameStop? LOL, those corporations are essentially bankrupt. But it bothers me not even a little bit when shorters get squeezed.

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Honestly, I’m quite sickened by the obsession TFP has with abortion and its promotion. Get a grip, you’re talking about killing babies every day all day! It’s borderline macabre, ghoulish in fact.

It’s as though everyone must be convinced this is a normal, natural thing, to see abortion as the answer to all ills. When in fact in millions of cases it’s the beginning of the tragedy for women with a conscience. It haunts the lives of women all their lives.

Is there no one at TFP who cares or thinks about these things. Anyone who cares about the unborn? Anyone?

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It is the progressive mindset. I'm no psychologist, but it seems to me that they are narcissistic folks who barely acknowledge the existence of the fetus, and give far higher priority to women's rights than the fetus.

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Agreed. However, I call a baby a baby, not a fetus. It’s too handy for dehumanizing the baby and I don’t want to be part of that deception.

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Ben Meets America is Great! Keep it coming!

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Finally, Ben Kwaller’s “foray” into America provides an insight into the worst people in America: White Women. That bitch he interviewed is a poster child for why white women suck - and not in a good way.

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1. Voted for Biden last time because he wasn’t Trump. Just might vote for Trump this time because he isn’t Biden. One thing is for sure, Biden is off the list.

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I like your thought process!

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Won’t they be surprised when the “tired of all the BS” voters select RFKJr - a very strong showing is not out of the question but I think it’s funny that Biden just ignores him - unless it’s debate planning when he cuts him out all together

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I think they believe if they ignore and cancel and ridicule RFKjr enough he will just quietly disappear. What they do not seem to understand is this his not his first rodeo and he has been going up against the big boys for a very long time. and well the democrats disowned him way back when he started pushing effectively against Big Pharma. And what else they don't understand is RFKjr did not originally enter to 'win' he entered to have a platform so he could speak the truth and they could not cancel him as a presidential candidate, although Facebook tried and then had to apologize..... RFK is one smart duck. Had a great moment today when driving past a neighbors and they had a big RFK sign in front of their house. I stopped and thanked them profusely!

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The ACTUAL data backs up the Biden assertions: based on outcomes from 2020 and 2022, voters will break against Trump resulting in stronger than expected victories for Democrats. Trump doesn't even seem interested in convincing Haley republicans to unite with him. Why does the media focus more on polling and not actual results?

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You seem confused. Polling is about predicting the future. The actual results are from the past. The actual results are only predictive if nothing has changed. Well, I think we can all agree that much has changed during Biden's term, and not for the better.

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Thank you for your response. I disagree. I don't think much has changed. When people get to the voting booth, they will vote against Trump, based on the previous two elections. It is not like Biden was that great a candidate in 2020. He ran against looney lefties in the primary, and then ran against a highly disliked Trump. Trump is still highly disliked. We have data going back to 2016 to show that.

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Ooooo, the data. The ACTUAL data! Paul has secret data. Prolly got it from an Ivy league Humanities professor.

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Thank you for your response, Running Burning Man. I have no secret data. I only have the outcomes of the past three elections to rely on. Maybe I am wrong, but I think that prior election data is a reliable indicator that people will vote against Trump in 2024, and Biden wins.

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