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“Don’t Say Gay” encapsulates DeDantis’s broad appeal. Not one Democrat who tells me they hate DeSantis has actually read the bill, yet they all have said it’s a reason they don’t like him. When I tell them what’s actually in the bill, namely that teachers can’t teach sexual topics to kids in grades K-3 (i.e., kids who are 5 to 8 years old) and that teachers must share information about children’s emotional health with their parents, the response is pretty muted —because what parent would argue against those things?? DeSantis stood up against the far left onslaught and practical Democrats, Independents and Republicans showed appreciation for his pragmatic approach to this and other issues in the voting booth.

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I agree. I'd also add, my gay friends with kids support the bill. It's an easy read, only 7 pages and very straightforward for an instrument of government.

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Amazing what happens when you state principles then actually defend them.

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This is so true. So many of my friends to the left are so emotional and I ask can you explain why you are upset? What are the facts? And then we can have a real converstation. I am blessed with many wonderful friends who are more left than I (but many Conservatives, also) I was out to dinner with one and we were saying how there is so much trust in our friendship, so she asked me about the overturning of Roe v Wade. I told her that this allowed the states to have a conversation about what is happening to women and to protect them and their babies. Most people don't won't abortion until birth. I consider her very intelligent and someone who does does her research, but she said that a state could make saving a women illegal for an ectopic pregnancy. I told her that was a lie told by the media - the life of the mother is always taken into account, but that if she could find the state that passed that law, we could have a conversation. She agreed to do more research. I live in MA, and most people would not believe that Boston Children's Hospital was performing hysterectomies and mastectomies on minor healthy girls. We just have to calmly keep stating the facts.

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Actually, what your friend told you is horrifyingly true in a few states. And no, the mothers health is not always taken into account. I’m not being provocative , it is not a media lie, look it up.

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What happened to the request for an example of a state that ignores the mothers health regarding abortion. My personal opinion is abortion is a polite word for baby killing. A difficult pregnancy where the baby must be sacrificed in order to save the mother should not be controversial or illegal. Not saying I know anything but would like to know which states you refer to. I do not believe the government should be involved in a couples decision to terminate a pregnancy up to the point of survival outside the womb.

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Online you will find Google search results that tell you that Florida makes no exceptions for abortion under conditions of rape or incest. When I read the actual Florida statute, it says that, abortions are allowed up to 15 weeks. The pregnant mother can provide evidence of rape, incest, domestic abuse or human trafficking that made her pregnant, and get the abortion even after 15 weeks. The mother's physical health is important in these determinations, according to this law. The doctor also is required to prioritize the mother over the fetus, but to try to save the fetus with all the care that would be used if an abortion were not the primary objective if the fetus is deemed viable. I see nothing wrong with this. Questions? Read Florida statute 390.0111 for yourself. I am a man and I find this to be completely reasonable and as a human being with a stake in the preservation of my species, I feel I have every right to have and express this opinion, despite the protestations of abortion advocates to the contrary. MSM is distorting the truth yet again, and when we search online we allow others' research and biases to become our own, even when it is outright wrong.

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Factually correct. And I thank you for it!

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Factually incorrect.

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Please elaborate. Which states? What exactly is happening to the mothers and to the babies? Under what circumstances? Who makes the decisions? At what point in the pregnancies? Please, facts. Tell us where you find what you assert.

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I did not think you were being provocative (though truth often is). Can you give me one state so I can look it up please? It is so difficult to sift though searches. If this is true, I want to know about it.

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Spot on Richard. I had the same experience with other "Dems". I told them you need to read past the headline and fully understand what it is and isn't. However, this is what the far left is good at these days, labeling stuff even if the label is factually inaccurate.

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My experience as well, Richard. DeSantis doesn’t back down & defends his position with facts. I was a Democrat for most of my life...now a registered Independent and a Desantis voter.

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Totally true. I’m a centrist Dem but I hate identity politics. (That’s putting it lightly.) I write a lot about this on my Stack. Every lefty friend I argue this point with says DeSantis is evil and hates gay people. It’s like, Wait, so when it comes to children you just throw them to the fringe-left dogs now? Anything goes? It’s so irrational. And yes: no one reads what’s actually in it. MSNBC tells them how to think and they knew-jerk regurgitate. Everyone in the country regardless of party is absolutely exhausted by the extremism on both sides. Do I agree with DeSantis on everything? Definitely not. Do I think he’d very possibly be a welcome non-Trump shift to something like the center? Yes. I’d take him over a radical conservative or lefty any day of the week. It’s time for the ‘exhausted majority’ (aka most of us) to kick ass and take names!!!

Michael Mohr

‘Sincere American Writing’


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Maybe you can point your Lefty friends to the Gays Against Groomers group.

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One of my dearest friends is a 60-year-old gay man. He does NOT get the trans thing. He’s also not theatrically gay; he’s kinda tough. An old school gay man. He shakes his head often and laments the T in LGBTQ-LMNOP-QRS-TUV....

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Good for him. Give him a hug from me.

We need to lose the "T". "Don't Say They!" should be a new slogan.

These people are not OK and Queer Theory should not be a "science" taught in the schools


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Dave Rubin has a man crush on DeSantis and it appears reciprocated. The lefts insistence DeSantis dislikes” gay people is 100% dependent upon correlating dislike of sexualization of children with dislike of gay people. It is incredibly bigoted towards people who happen to be gay. It’s also false to correlate the two. I don’t care who any consenting adult has a relationship with. I firmly believe telling kids they could be born in the “wrong body” to justify medically sterilizing and mutilating their genitals is cruel.

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Cruel is an understatement. It’s diabolical.

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Agree 🔥

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Bravo Michael. We may not agree on certain issues but I will always defend your right to express your views. We need more honest honorable folks like yourself. And I too am quite exhausted

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“DeSantis stood up against the far-left onslaught”

It wasn’t just standing up that had an impact, the real key was that DeSantis stood the loudmouth lefties down with facts they couldn’t refute in a manner that couldn’t be ignored or twisted by the MSM

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Oh, they tried to twist his words. 60 Munutes deliberately edited his speech in April 2021 and was caught red-handed. Expect more of the same.

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Just read the full transcript and then the version edited by 60 minutes. Setting aside the question of who anointed the Washington Post as arbiter of what constitutes deceptive editing, the 60 Minutes editing DEFINITELY distorts the original conversation, and leaves the reader with an inaccurate impression of the conversation. (My personal definition of a deceptive edit.)

You can compare them yourself on Politifact, and I recommend you do so. (As a side note, you'll note also that Politifact seems to struggle with labeling the edits deceptive, saying only that the edits "could be seen" as deceptive, as though anyone could confuse the edits as a fair representation of the original.)

CBS's response also seems like nothing more an attempt to dodge the issue. Very disappointing.

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There’s a lot of conversation about DeSantis personally (whom BTW I would happily vote for but I live in CA so it won’t help much) but not the primary systems we put in place in the 60’s that now privilege the extremes of both parties. We wanted more democracy, and we got it. Until we remove that, our politics will continue to have to engage with extremes. Our party leaders have their hands tied on keeping the fringes from dominating discourse, and it’s our job as citizens to recognize it and change the system if we want something saner moving forward. More democracy isn’t always better.

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60's is about the time when the likes of Nancy, Feinstein or Maxine were first elected and they're still going strong and will continue to do so for as long as THEY want, or until Nancy decides to give her seat to her child like Huckabee gave AK to his daughter. Remember that poor fuck some years back who tried his darkest to just get Nancy to debate him so ended up debating an empty chair in a park?

More democracy is ALWAYS better but democracy can only exist in a place in which the country belongs to the people, not to a handful of selected families.

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Democracy is what America's founders were most afraid of. Mobs are easy to drive off of cliffs.

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I agree the MSM and deep state whores will try to defame him, especially as his popularity increases. I am encouraged however with his response to the hit piece you referenced. Unlike Trump, he diminished and demeaned them with facts, not playground insults.

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Why would anyone be surprised that CBS is in the tank for the far left and edited a speech to show DeSantis in a bad light? It is what the swine do.

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The progressives’ use of the phrase “don’t say gay” was likely arrived at by political operatives on K Street at the cost of $1,000 per hour.

This is why those democrats you spoke to are ignorant of the facts.

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Why get the facts when the rhetoric is so much more fun?

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How about a "Don't say They" movement instead?

""Non-binary queer" artist featured in Vogue for LGBT art arrested for arranging rape of a 9-year-old boy and sharing child porn"


There is no such thing as a human being a "Non-binary" they person. I thought this article explains the situation we are in well:

"Why the pronoun thing matters"


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Interesting, thanks for sharing.

I just simply refuse to play the pronoun game.

Call people by the name on the birth certificate.

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I agree. Thank you. And, it is their name because their parents gave it to them at birth. Changed names and "using pronouns" is all cultish commitment gadget material.

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And my experience with progressives is that they are incurious, even hostile, to anything that might challenge their self-righteous points of view.

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I struggle with this at work constantly. Im not overly partisan and I always want to focus on the postive/agreement instead of debating in my place of employment. But the flippancy with which left-leaning coworkers (not ubiquitous but they assume as much) run their mouth talking absolute shit about people like me, my family, my friends, and many many more who are much better educated than they- it can occasionally boil my blood.

You (oblivious libs) assume youre correct, you assume everybody agrees with you, you assume that bc somebody “smart” said it that you can repeat it unwaveringly. But you never read the fucking book for yourself, you never saw the whole video for yourself, you dont have kids in the corrupt school system yourself, etc etc. The people you cast vicious aspersions on are so very often much more informed than yourself. In fact many people disagree with you BECAUSE they are more informed than you, not due to ignorance.

But the true frustration is the idea that some Americans would so rudely and casually speak about vast swaths of their countrymen with such disdain, disgust, hatred, and dehumanization. Its a good thing that they live in a bubble (portland or) otherwise theyd learn real quick not to be a random asshole

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Did I mention that they are useful idiots? They are the mass that allows our corrupted, perverted system to flourish.

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I take it you live in Portland. I watched in horror in 2020 when your city was burned and occupied by BLM. I believe your co-workers are violating the law by creating a hostile work environment for those who do not think as they do. You should not have to struggle with this to work for your employer, who should want your best performance on the job, unhindered by inappropriate behavior by others. So sorry for your situation, but I bet you are not alone on this.

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Useful idiots.

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My experience too.

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This is true

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“Don’t say gay” was designed to be inflammatory and pejorative to conservatives. The progressives who pushed it were knee jerk reactionaries who didn’t care what was in the law, just what political hay they could make with it.

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“The progressives who pushed it were” straight up dishonest, as has become their modus operandi. They know in their little hearts that truth and honesty won’t get them the control they want. For decades I always thought the left wanted the same things everyone does, just had a different philosophy on how to get there. I’ve learned from the last decade and a half or so, that’s not true. They don’t want the same as the rest of us do. They want their brand of control. They don’t want us in charge of our own lives.

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Yes - same here. In particular the Left does not want us in control of our children. It's always about the next generation with them. We've got Red Guard level ideologies taught in our schools and those who object are blasted. When the pandemic hit teachers associations were alarmed that parents would learn what was happening in the schools and all the messaging was about how children would be "abused" in the home and were so much "safer" at school... This time around it is CRT and RGT (Radical Gender Theory). I think it is fair to say that RGT is our Eugenics II movement. The first one didn't end well. From https://pitt.substack.com/p/echoes-of-eugenics-what-the-doctors :

"You’re a doctor in the most advanced society on earth. You’re highly educated and skilled (and you never let people forget that). Still, your profession as you’ve known it is facing challenges. A new idea comes sweeping along, taking the whole world by storm. It promises a better, happier world. And those promises kind of make sense. Kind of. Its activists seem so confident, and it gets so much institutional support. Academia, business, entertainment… Charismatic, up-and-coming politicians... Billionaire donors… Plus lots of ordinary people. It combines elements of things you already liked with new elements. It appeals to you as a doctor, championing biomedical solutions to social problems. And, oh yeah, it offers huge professional and monetary benefits.


The similarities go beyond that. It’s painful to recognize, but it’s actually helpful to our present cause, that those German doctors were simply following the lead of British and especially American eugenicists. (Why is it helpful? Because it proves that the sickness can come from within. The problem is not faraway men with funny accents and mustaches, it’s part of us. We made this mistake before, and we are making it again. And we are making it again in more ways than just Trans.)

Eugenics originated in late Victorian England but quickly took off in America with the broad support of America’s elites.

Top universities taught it: “After 1914, courses on eugenics were being offered at some of America’s leading universities [including] Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, and Brown … By 1928, eugenics was a topic in 376 separate college courses, which enrolled 20,000 students.” [Selden]

Lawmakers implemented it: “Sterilization began as a voluntary process but became involuntary in 1907 when Indiana became the first jurisdiction in the world to mandate the procedure against the mentally impaired, poorhouse residents, and prisoners. Three more states [including California] ratified similar laws in 1909. In 1911, New Jersey Governor Woodrow Wilson, who would become president the following year, signed into law a bill to join them. In 1913, former President Theodore Roosevelt announced his backing...” [Sasser 2019] Eventually compulsory sterilization laws were adopted by over 30 states.

Billionaire’s fortunes such as Rockefeller, Harriman, and Carnegie bankrolled private efforts both at home and abroad. All three funded the Eugenics Record Office at Cold Spring Harbor. That ended only in 1939 when the Carnegie Institution “became increasingly embarrassed” to find “mounting evidence of serious flaws in eugenics research ... [and the director’s] misuse of ‘data’ and almost religious belief in his version of eugenics... Knowledge of the horrors of the Nazi application of eugenics sealed the fate of the American movement, and the ERO was closed in 1939.” (PITTs take note: sloppy science and big missteps that embarrass funders can lead to reform.) Speaking of embarrassments, it was Rockefeller money that paid 25 year old Josef Mengele as assistant to the director at the Kaiser Wilhelm Eugenics Institute. [Messall 2004, p.34] As of 1956, eleven years after the war, Mengele’s old boss, Dr. Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, was a member in good standing of the American Eugenics Society of 230 Park Avenue, NYC.

America and Germany admired each other’s plans. “Hitler’s sterilization efforts were modeled on laws already introduced in America and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. Eugenics News in the United States evaluated the Nazi legislation as ‘clean-cut, direct and model. Its standards are social and genetical. Its application is entrusted to specialized courts and procedure. From a legal point of view nothing more could be desired.’” [Sasser 2019]"

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Thank you for bringing this history is forward. I dearly hope we are not about to relive it because not enough of us learned it.

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Thank you for reading it.

I think we are living it now. It's just most people look the other way or believe NYT sort of reporting concerning the Queer Theory Trans/Cis/Non-binary indoctrination in our schools and all the pediatric gender clinics.

Check out the graphs here:


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A reader comment on the PITT substack:

"Perhaps we could call it the "New Eugenics." Because of self-interested and anti-scientific theories, groups of people are being led (this time, with their consent) to sterilization. Gender ideology promotes genetic eradication of homosexuals, autistic people, and other people who don't conform with gender stereotypes."

I like that alot. Perhaps any time people spout "Don't say gay" we could point out that this is a New Eugenics movement. Only with New Eugenics the naive (and children) are indoctrinated with cult skill so that they "consent".

People behind the Old Eugenics thought they were being progressive:

"Echoes of Eugenics: What the Doctors Trial at Nuremberg Means for Us in the US

On the 75th anniversary of the trial of Nazi doctors at Nuremberg we examine Nazi medicine and gender-affirming care"


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I agree with what you say regarding “Don’t say gay”

I think it's odd that Olivia did not interview a single parent concerned about radical Gender Ideology indoctrination in the schools. We should not sexualize people's kids and we should also not tell them that Queer Theory is proven science and use colorful unicorns to preach the new religion at them in our public schools.

"He’s gotten three doses of the Covid vaccine, and he’s all for transgender rights, but he’s tired of other progressives looking for all the ways he’s not perfect, the wrong words that slip out of his mouth, the incorrect opinions he’s voiced."

The thing is - everyone in our country has rights under the constitution. I even have the right not to agree with a deluded man regarding his fantasy that he actually *is* a woman - not just that he likes to parade about as a cosmetic facsimile of some caricature of a woman. This is the big incorrect opinion of our time.

Why do long hair and lipstick or feelings make one female? Don't some of us have a right to disagree with this? Will Justice Jackson say we do not have this right because only a biologist can say what woman is, and most of them are too afraid?

"Med school professors deny biological sex to avoid being called transphobic: report"


"‘An extraordinary medical atrocity’: surgery professor condemns transgender treatments"


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They have "Don't Say They"!

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Democrats who supported because the political drift was in the direction of perversion.

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