
I’m a conservative who literally cried (not sobbed, but tears did run down my face) when Trump clinched the Republican nomination in 2016. I didn’t trust him, I despised his brash personality and his over exaggerating, he didn’t share my values, and I was sure it was the end of the Republican Party. However, the only politician I despised more was Hillary Clinton, and so I held my nose and voted for Trump. And although I still am not a fan of his hyperbole and braggadociousness, I am a fan of his stand on the most important issues and the fact that I know where he stands on these issues. I appreciate that he has taken the Republican Party and dragged it into the 21st century. McCain and Romney may have been more honorable in their losing elections, but at some point one has to fight fire with fire, and Trump was willing to take a page from the liberal playbook and WIN and implement policies that helped Americans overall. David French and Sarah Longwell suffer from severe TDS and have totally lost the plot if they think Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party are trustworthy or honest and deserving of my vote after the way they lied about and hid Biden’s dementia. Who is pulling the strings in Washington DC and controlling my country when it’s obvious neither Biden nor Harris are capable.

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Edit: In the interest of fairness and impartiality will TFB be doing a podcast on 'The Democrats Voting for Donald'?

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They did and they were much more detailed in their reasoning. I am just listening to this now and they are so blind to their own side.

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In the interest fairness and impartiality, with TFB be doing a podcast on 'The Democrats Voting for Donald'?

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Interesting podcast topic. But, sorry, I’m done with David French. He’s good at his craft but his thinking is deeply flawed and going to the NYT was just an “elitist” move.

Sarah Longwell is just wrong about Trump. He was wrong about the last election, I no longer support him, and I will not vote for him…but clearly she has TDS. For one simple example, he has more than 3 political policies…add low taxes, less regulation. He actually implemented changes. Real changes. She’s just wrong on facts, leaving TDS as the cause for her intense position.

Thank you, Bari, I don’t usually speak up but I LOVE your work and I have high respect and deep appreciation for you!!

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LOL to anyone thinking these people are still Republicans.

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Give me brownie points for listening to 60 of the 90 minutes. After 60, I could take no more. It would have been the equivalent of water boarding… Seven brief take-aways….

1: David and Sarah: Yes, the GOP has evolved. Some ways for the better, some not so - - - It’s all relative. Never the less, Please, leave the GOP ASAP, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

2: Bari: B+ on the interview. The few times you pushed back to illogical arguments, you then yielded the floor to 3 minutes of nonstop, non sensical rambling by both, THEN, you made no counter punch.

3: Note to David: At least half those voting for Trump, never wanted him in the primaries. We (“conservatives” who are NOT Never Trumpers) acknowledge that he’s not perfect (far from it), but is in fact the best of the two options available.

4: The label MAGA has become a derogatory term: It’s used by the Left, and Never Trumpers to lump anyone voting for Trump, as a braindead, racist, yahoo thug. Republicans using the term, MAGA, annoys the hell out of me.

5: There was basically NO mention of how the Woke world has taken over the pop culture conversation, and to the extent it was mentioned, French downplays it as insignificant to what he thinks is important. (January 6th, Trumps idiotic tweets, and economics – listen to what Andrew Breitbart so famously said: “Politics is downstream of culture”)

6: In what world does French think voting in a Democrat will “help the conservative cause”? (Judges, a culture in a tailspin, recognizing the difference between males and females, combating the trans lunacy, Free Speech, a strong military, supporting the police)

7: I could barely still still to hear Sarah speak … ouch. She was annoyingly naive, while French was more pompous and self-righteous. Both seemed to be living in a world that has passed them by, and they think they can revive their version of the old GOP.

7a. Mr. French really screwed the pooch when he downplayed by utterly biased the media is, and how that's not a major issue.

Now, please, Bari – give us a conversation with Democrats voting for Trump.

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She did and it is much better!

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just saw it - you're right. Much better. Great guests.

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Had to look pretty hard to find these two lunatics that hate Trump more than anything. Obviously these two were swayed by January 6th but I find it hard to believe these two say they are conservatives. The lady was the worst. She’s a new ‘coming out lesbian’ who’s entire life is politics. I hope Trump wins just so it will be the end of Trump.

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I try to keep a very rational view but as a Christian when I hear David French it is almost a visceral response. I believe he is a heretic and loves being employed at the New York Times which Bari and Nellie left for good reasons. Bari needed to ask him as someone who claims to be far more conservative than either of them why he stays on? Both guests seem to think if we vote for a an extreme leftwing ideology, then the GOP will magically to turn back to their conservative ideals. Then, in the future after likely 8 more years of a Harris/Walz presidency, the GOP will regain power under older loftier ideals and put all things right. This seems like a fairy tale to me.

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well said, James. The Left LIVES is a world of fairy tales and wishful thinking

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Wow, reading the comments and am appalled by the ignorance of what DF and especially SL are trying to do. “Saving democracy” sounds melodramatic but sadly, in this situation it’s true. It’s not about supporting Kamala Harris per se, it’s about voting against the dangerous Trump agenda.

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I am admittedly naive, but I've listened to Trump's speeches (I never voted Republican in my life) and I don't get what is dangerous in them. Kamala, on the other hand, sounds like an uninformed pretender who hates Trump, conservatives, Israel (which will have to defend itself alone if she wins) and honesty. She lies so much, I can't stand it. She's so fake, openly fake, and never takes questions she hasn't rehearsed answers written for her. I wanted to like her --I really did --but the last straw was the Oprah interview. Fake, fake fake. Never answers a question. And if I hear about how she admires the middle class's "aspirations, dreams, and ambitions," I will make a taped loop and post it everywhere. She is the danger. Can't believe I'm saying this, but Trump is a far safer bet.

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I agree and since she has had many more interviews since your post, you can see how uneducated Kamala is. I would be embarrased if she becomes the first woman president.

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Looking forward to the interviews of Democrats voting for Trump.

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Bari, I have so much respect for the way you usually present both sides of difficult issues. This episode was simply a free promotion of the Harris/Biden ticket with little to no fact checking on either person. They spewed so many inaccuracies as if they were fact. Why didn't you put on a Democrat planning to vote for Trump vs. a Republican planning to vote for Harris?

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It was impossible to believe that either of these two had any conservative leanings left in them.

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Two lesbians and an orthodox Christian discuss 2024 and not one word about the mantra of wokeism, the sacred cows of DEI and tensions in parental rights! I am a huge fan of TFP but this one episode shows why metropolitan media is sooooo out of touch with ordinary Americans!

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Clive - you make a good point. VERY out of touch. (Let me parrot the Left in finishing....) Very out of touch with us homophobic, close minded, rural bigots. (Please note the tongue in cheek)

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Unlike some folks below, I enjoyed this interview very much, and it certainly had food for thought in it. My biggest complaint, though, was the discussion about Harris' response in the interview whether or not she regretted her previous statements re Biden's cognitive whatevers. Longwell's answer pretty much boiled down to "what difference, at this point, does it make?" My biggest complaint about the Dems is their willingness to demonize anyone who disagrees with them and then, once it's revealed the alleged demons were right, simply pivoting to a "we knew it all along what are you complaining about" rather than what truly is deserved -- an admission of error and an apology to those wronged. If there's anything holding me back from a Harris vote (I wouldn't vote for Trump to save my children's lives), outside of hating their political policies, it's their haughtiness and condescension. I wish Bari had pushed back more on that.

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I pray your daughters are not in womens sports or expect to have privacy in women's spaces.

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This was just BS, got about 1/2 way and gave up, Bari didn't go after anything these 2 were saying in that Trump was the worst , Harris was OK . This is just crap, Harris isn't going to talk to any reporters and Trump is talking to any one and every one. And this makes Harris the best ? These people just are crazy with hate, and thus we have the blindness of Harris . To not vote for Trump I understand but to vote for Harris with the idea they are helping republicans is just really crazy talk and thus we understand what these 2 people are , that is crazy with hate. Hate , driving hate is not something a sane person should keep in there head all the time, these 2 have this problem. Bari this was just crap .

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Joe - I topped you! I got through 60 minutes, then threw in the towel. You sentiments almost echo my thoughts, word for word... crap, crazy with hate...

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Once French attributed the violent crime surge in 2020 to Trump I knew he was full of poo poo. The violent crime surge did happen under Trump but it was due to Defund the Police, BLM and Antifa—all endorsed by the Democrats and glorified in Leftist circles. The lower quality of life continues to this day. Last I find it alarming that the Democrats have a violent mob that can be amassed for nearly any issue; e.g. your pro- Hamas college protests being funded by Iran. The Democrats have their “brown shirts” and there is no Right Wing equivalent.

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I was baffled when French brought this up too... simply TDS talking.

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TDS resulting from elitism is my guess and definitely extremely out of touch. The ironic part is the absolute naïveté. Don’t people like French know that the Democrats will throw him under the bus in a heartbeat?

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I dislike Bari the more I get to know her. I agree with quite a few of her positions, mainly the culture stuff on the left and the Middle East. She has such an obvious chip on her shoulder about the MSMs “obsession” with Trump, as if that’s a reason to not cover him, “because there’s no meat left on that bone” - so, yes please continue to critique this Democratic movement, there is no shortage of goods there. However it seems so blatantly obvious to me that there is no moral equivalency between Trump and Kamala, all of the Trump defenses are weak and completely ignore blatant lies, “we can see with our own eyes”, Bari. So, while I agree there’s no moral equivalency between Israel and Palestine, it should be equally obvious of this false sense of equivalency between current GOP and the Democratic Party. I’d go so far to say that a lot of the FP commentary suggests that the Democrats are actually more dangerous than the GOP, that Jan 6th wasn’t an insurrection, and that they can’t quite believe Trump is willing or able to insert loyalists to thousands of government positions. All because the MSM has been covering this? She needs some perspective.

But… I do continue to respect Bari for hosting guests like these on Honestly. The podcast continues to be my favorite part of the FP. I felt as though the arguments set forth against Trump and for Kamala are sincere, obvious, and compelling and importantly rooted in what Trump folks seem to be willing to ignore: a higher moral ground.

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