
I subscribe precisely because I’m hoping you will make a difference. Our politics don’t align immensely, but I think we both agree this is one of the most important issues of our time. Good luck. Go get em.

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With utmost respect for the FP & it’s reporting, the #TwitterFiles was NOT good investigative were given “access” over a week long period by the OWNER of Twitter, who has an agenda. Although I’m disturbed by govt interactions with Twitter, I certainly believe there were also substantial interactions by extremely conservative voices, & continues to be.

That being said, I’m very grateful for the overall quality of writing, perspective, reporting & COMMON SENSE.

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You guys are saving journalism

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It took a while for the world to realize the insanity that were the Salem Witch Trials. One of these days the world will say what were we thinking? Hopefully before it is too late for the US.

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The truth will set us free.

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We love the Free Press. Hopefully more of the media will 'smell the coffee' and figure out what people really want.

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Damn proud to be a paid subscriber. Keep up the great work.

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Your reporting has a had a real world impact on me personally. The greatest isolation I felt during the pandemic was the intellectual isolation I felt for asking what seemed like obvious questions about a variety of issues from the possibility of a lab leak to social media bans to transgender issues. Thank you for reminding me that I'm not alone.

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We’ve all been caught in the Matrix the last few years.

Endless lies from narrative control mean you don’t know what is real.

Democrats (and Liberals here in canada) celebrate that.

I hope people remember that.

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One measure of impact? Maybe when a great grandfather finds today's honest Free Press and learns a lot about important issues that previously confused him. Thanks.

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Dear Bari

The NY Times ran this Opinion piece written by Pamela Paul based on YOUR story today, Thursday

look at this comment that the sleazy NY Times DID NOT POST


YonxvillePending Approval

Please give credit to where this free speech conversation is coming from:

Bari Weiss and Nellie Bowles and their news organization -

The Free Press

The NY Times must really be scared of you and Nellie, they could not bear to print the Free Press as the source of the original story they were opinionating on

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Thank you for your incredible reporting. Thank you for trying to get to the truth no matter if it fits neatly into a narrative. The mainstream media here in New Zealand is an embarrassment

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My monthly subscription is the best money I have spent in years. I love what you do, I love your dedication to truth & the high quality journalism you deliver, I love the difference you are starting to make. Thank you.

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Bari, I’ve been following you since I read your epic resignation letter from the NYT and have been so impressed with you ever since! Keep up the good work! And I look forward to TGIF every week! Go Nellie!!

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Thank you Bari, great discussion.

At about 31 ministers into the discussion Nellie hits the nail on the head. Home run. She states that, for the first time that anyone can remember, the purchaser of a business wanted to disclose the practices of the company prior to acquisition. My observation from 35 years in business says this is not unusual behavior. Just odd, because of the facts in this case. So here is why, it’s simple really. Had Musk purchased Twitter and not immediately investigated the practices of Twitter before he purchased the company, he would own them himself. He had only a short window to do this. If he did nothing, those problems are his. This is not unusual in business. It happens every day. Musk was just smart enough and had the courage and conviction to carry it through. Bravo.

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