Reminds me of an incident in the 'seventies, when I was in engineering school.
One professor, an Arab, just hated Israel - and Jews. He used every opportunity to denigrate both; it made class pretty unpleasant. Back in those days, though, the professor reigned supreme, and there was no practical recourse for students who were offended by such action: they were just told to "toughen up."
Finally one fine day Andy - my best friend and devout Christian - had had enough, and from the back of the room I heard his slow, deliberate Southern cadence: "You shouldn't talk like that. They ARE God's chosen people."
Old Prof lost his mind; shrieking, "'Dey are NOT GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE!"
"Oh, yes they says so right in the Bible."
The prof got so out of control that he stormed out of the class. I don't remember if he ever improved or not, but I surely remember that exchange. Good old Andy.
Western Progressives being anti-Israel has more to do with being anti-colonialist, anti-American, anti-Western, and anti-US-Having-A-Presence-In-The-Middle-East than it does anti-Semitism.
Surely Mr. Savodnik knows this?
You are no better than the labelers on the left who seek to pronounce their opponents as bigots when you do this, guys.
It is certainly true that the victims are the same either way.
However the attacks were not from the left and from the right, but from the left AND from the left.
Nazism and Communism were/are two sides of the same leftist collectivist coin. One system held that the Fatherland was superior to the individual. The other system held that the Party was superior to the individual. Both sought to destroy the individual. The millions of dead bodies that these two system piled up attests to that.
That Hitler hated Communism doesn't make Nazism default to the "Right". I think it is an error when we use the expression that such-and-such is " the right of Hitler".
whether Nazism or Stalinism in the 30's was left or right is a matter of semantics; in the end, both were authoritarian. And my fear today is the same regarding the outer fringes of both parties.
Dear Bari Weiss, Here is the opening graf of my new opinion piece about the Times' outrageous decision to publish a gallery of photos of dead Palestinian children. Full piece available promptly on request.
Between 2014 and 2020, U.S. drone and missile strikes and ground operations took the lives of between 910 and 2,200 civilians, including as many as 454 children. These estimates, compiled by the Bureau of Independent Journalism, are especially noteworthy given the Times’ outrageous decision (May 28) to print a gallery of photos of 64 children killed in the recent war in Gaza. Yes, the Times has occasionally covered civilian deaths from American drone strikes, and no, it has never devoted 42 square inches of its front page to photos of children who perished in these actions. Unlike the American strikes, few of which occurred during ongoing hostilities, the actions of the Israeli Defense Forces were taken in the course of a raging battle initiated by Hamas, which fired 4,000 rockets aimed at killing as many children and adults in Israel as possible.
I’m the author of two published novels, more than 30 short stories and the recently published memoir, “Juror Number 2: The Story of a Murder, the Agony of a Neighborhood.”
Folks, this has been a terrific discussion, thank you all. I’m not Jewish, but I’m pulling for you, I’m pulling for all of us. I’m a small government, individual rights advocate, and a Trump voter. I can assure you that the “right wing nut jobs” have no place in our party. Despite what the media says, me and millions like me, just won’t let it happen - God bless you all and thanks again.
Hi Bari, I thought you might be interested in a developing story in Canada that has more than a whiff of systemic anti-semitism. The CBC(aka CBC/Radio Canada) the country's publicly funded government-owned broadcaster, started a whisper campaign insinuating the "dual loyalties" canard against Vivian Bercovici, who was Canada's ambassador to the State of Israel under the previous, Conservative, Harper administration, and who is Jewish.
Senator Frum is an extraordinary personality, and a key influence if the previous Conservative government led by Stephen Harper, and as such not one to take this without response, and today respond she did, with a statement to her Senate colleagues which you can see here:
Bari, please as a member of FAIR and from this important platform you have built here, consider exposing this to the American and Canadian public. This is a shameful episode of truly systemic prejudice and discrimination against people who have incontrovertibly been victimized in this way.
I've never understood the Jewish people in this countries continued support of Democrats it's astonishing! Same with this the Black community. It's insane to me. However the media, Universities, Hollywood etc do a great job of making Republicans the evil bad party. Heck I once believed it as well. No longer. In fact both parties are shit! The extreme left and right are powerful. Sadly the far left is winning. Fuck em both
What strikes me about this column is the contrast between Weiss's willingness to explore how the Democratic left's attitudes about Jews have changed while clinging to boiler-plate condemnations of those on the right. The notion that the right is somehow dominated by "white supremacists' is a lazy and unsupportable claim. American Christians, who represent a significant cohort within the Republican party, are among the most passionate supporters of the Jewish state. As was Trump. It's a perversion to conflate the Charlottesville protestors with Republicans in general or, specifically, Republicans' attitudes toward Jews. Show me the data that supports the argument that Republicans today are anti-semitic in any meaningful percentage. In fact, my guess is the data will show that there has been a sea change in the attitudes of conservatives over the past 50 years toward the Jewish state and Jews, which, as Weiss points are, are intertwined.
There are plenty of right wing racists and antisemites out there - they just don't control the party like the left wing racists do of the Dems. I agree, it's time for American Jews to make the Ds pay.
It is a painful moment for anyone brought up Jewish/Liberal in New York, or Pittsburgh, or elsewhere, when the realization finally strikes that the Democratic Party of today is not remotely related to the party of the same name in the '50s, '60s, or even '70s. Our parents revered FDR (ignoring his own anti-Semitism), we were inspired by JFK, RFK, even LBJ's Great Society ideas before Vietnam ruined everything. We thought Joe McCarthy was the Devil incarnate, and Barry Goldwater would incinerate humanity. However flawed and blinkered our upbringing, it shaped our beliefs.
But our beliefs were disastrously wrong even then, and are a grotesque perversion of reality today. Today's "Progressives," are the intolerant, anti-democratic, repressive, violent, and virulently anti-Semitic ones, and every Democrat who acquiesces to their takeover of the party is as guilty as they are. Republicans today are the ones standing up not just for Israel but for the glorious ideals enshrined in the Bill of Rights, and the beautiful dream given voice by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Democrats' lies about Charlottesville, and Donald Trump's response to it, are as despicable a calumny as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Southerners with no hint of racism in their souls still respect the memory of their Civil War dead and resent the wanton obliteration of their past by today's woke vandals. The Charlottesville demonstration was about that, and the few white supremacist idiots who crashed the party, even the criminal who ran down the counter-demostrators, would have been less than a footnote without Democratic and media hysteria. Donald Trump's entire statement began with condemnation of white supremacists, and he specifically excluded them from his observation that there were "good people on both sides."
Wake up, American Jews! The Democratic Party is the enemy. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar represent the Democratic Party as surely as Julius Streicher and Josef Goebbels spoke for the NSDAP in 1930. If you want advice about whom to support, look to Jared Kushner, or Stephen Miller, or David Horowitz. American democracy, and Jews' safe place within it, can still be saved, but people had better wake up soon!
It's always fascinating to me that the left will always shriek that whatever republican is in the oval office will start WW3.
Barry Goldwater is going to incinerate the world three and a half minutes after he takes the oath of office. What did we get instead? "Hey Hey Hey LBJ. How many kids did you kill today"?
Ronald Reagan is a crazy cowboy movie actor that is going to incinerate the world three and a half minutes after he take the oath of office. What did we get instead? "Mr. Gorbachov tear down this wall", followed by the tearing down of that wall and the fall of the Soviet Union.
Donald Trump kills Soleimini (no points off for spelling please) and the left screams that we are now on the brink of WW3. What did we get instead? The historic Abraham Accords and the American Embassy in Jerusalem.
There is simply no question that it’s finally time for both sides of the aisle to work together. These elected officials are custodians of the republic which has been torn apart with partisan divide too too long now. The end game is this current chaos or worse. The idea of Israel is simple. A multi-cultural democracy where citizens have the right to criticize it’s policies and strive for better. The opposite of the total darkness which millions of fedayeen have dwelled for the last thousand years. It’s inconceivable that democratic loving guardians of things like the Bill of Rights could ever even think there was a choice of where our support would lie. Get over yourselves progressives and look in the “not in my back yard” Mirrors.
I'm a non-religious but identified Jew who has been trying for years to get my friends to stop voting for the Democrats. I'm afraid things will have to get a lot worse here at home before the might do that.
What's Jewish about a Jew if they are not religious or attached to the Jewish state or are proud of being Jewish in simply any meaningful way? It's just their blood. I believe the disappearing of Jewishness altogether is one of the most antisemitic things about the left: they deny our existence as a people. They call us white and privileged. To them, we are - especially now that being white is akin to being a white supremacist colonialist Nazi, and of course the Israelis are just white settlers, not children of refugees fleeing from the countries who wished them harm (and some American Jews of course). The left consistently demonizes Orthodox Jews - I should know, I am one. They ignore the reality that NOT ALL JEWS ARE ASHKENAZ. And Israel, of course - the Nazi nation. So it's clear that what they want is to disappear the Jewish identity altogether (when their minions aren't going around and killing us, beating us up, etc).
What makes me Jewish if you just look at me? I look white. Take away my modest orthodox garb, I look like a regular white girl. Except my grandmother's parents died from starvation in a Russian gulag, while her sister was killed by the Nazis in poland (the russian gulag was actually the escape route - that was the good part about WW2 for my grandmothers family). I come from a long line of people who sacrificed for their Judaism, for 2000 years while we prayed for Tzion, we sacrificed to remain distinct, we died for the sake of G-d to practice Judaism, and still do. But if I decided to throw it all away, could I not easily pass as non-Jewish? What makes me Jewish, apart for my blood, and everything I am and do?
Now, for an American Jew, who knows they are Jewish, but, as a good progressive, puts their politics before their Jewish identity, is probably successful, disdains of religion as most progressives do, is pro BDS - they are every progressives Jewish poster child. They'll come to all the events, have their voice amplified everywhere as they describe the horrors of their orthodox upbringing, or the horrors of having to undergo the trauma of being brought up zionist, say how they must put see themselves as White, and be aware of their privilege. This is what the left wants of Jews: to lose their identity completely. Can you imagine, the nerve, implying Jews are White in the way progressives see it, someone with privilege - the absolute gall of it. I've seen it so many times. It's so sick - and yet this caricature is so real. Jews have survived against all odds for 2000 years, but will disappear themselves for the lies of the left wing and the comforts of America. The Nazis didn't destroy us, but we'll destroy ourselves. Of course, no matter how much any one of us denies it - a Jew can never stop being a Jew, not even if he converts to any other religion, and fake progressive values will NEVER replace Judaism.
Anyways, I'll never believe their lies. I know who I am, and if I forget, the world reminds me.
Jews, the group with the highest IQs in the world, should be smart enough to support policies in practice, over word promises. Where are the anecdotes about going to a Republican's house and feeling unwelcome, or hearing a Rep bad-talk Jews. 74 million voted Trump - and there's what, maybe 50,000 neo-Nazis, who were not welcome at Trump rallies, tho admittedly they also weren't demonized as much as the Dems demonize - including Dem Derangement Syndrome of Republicans being unpalatable. Trump Derangement, Bush Derangement; Kavanaugh Derangement; Palin Derangement.
Being smart and successful, as Jews so often are, is the American dream; many Asians are doing it, too; even legal Hispanics. Socialism, including that previously supported by Jewish Zionists, supports hating those who are more successful. Cambodian & Rwandan genocides were not because of Jew-hate, nor racism, but of tribalism with a strong element of destructive envy, fed by the kind of naïve socialism believed by so many young (and sung by the Stranglers: "I was always taught in school, everybody should get the same").
Get the same??? The lazy and irresponsible hate meritocracy; so do the undeserving unlucky. Today, so do most Democrats.
The long history of mankind is not a happy story. Across the millennia, racial and ethnic conflict have been the norm, not the exception. The last few centuries can be viewed as a partial exception. Class conflicts have generally been predominant versus racial/ethnic conflicts.
However, this may well be an aberration. It (the predominance of class conflicts) may have been an accidental byproduct of countries that were (by historical standards) unusually homogeneous. Examples might include the USA, the UK, France, Sweden, Russia, and even China. In a homogeneous society class conflict can even seem natural given the lack of racial/ethnic conflict.
However, that era may well be over. It seems possible that humanity is simply reverting to type (with racial/ethnic conflict occurring far more frequently than class conflict).
Of course, you can be find class conflict in the history of mankind. Ancient Rome had the Gracchi brothers. There were peasant revolts in Germany in 1524/1525. The French Revolution can be interpreted as a class conflict. However, the list of racial/ethnic conflicts is far, far longer.
Reminds me of an incident in the 'seventies, when I was in engineering school.
One professor, an Arab, just hated Israel - and Jews. He used every opportunity to denigrate both; it made class pretty unpleasant. Back in those days, though, the professor reigned supreme, and there was no practical recourse for students who were offended by such action: they were just told to "toughen up."
Finally one fine day Andy - my best friend and devout Christian - had had enough, and from the back of the room I heard his slow, deliberate Southern cadence: "You shouldn't talk like that. They ARE God's chosen people."
Old Prof lost his mind; shrieking, "'Dey are NOT GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE!"
"Oh, yes they says so right in the Bible."
The prof got so out of control that he stormed out of the class. I don't remember if he ever improved or not, but I surely remember that exchange. Good old Andy.
Western Progressives being anti-Israel has more to do with being anti-colonialist, anti-American, anti-Western, and anti-US-Having-A-Presence-In-The-Middle-East than it does anti-Semitism.
Surely Mr. Savodnik knows this?
You are no better than the labelers on the left who seek to pronounce their opponents as bigots when you do this, guys.
It's 1930s Germany and Russia. Attacks from the left and the right, and the victims are the same either way.
It is certainly true that the victims are the same either way.
However the attacks were not from the left and from the right, but from the left AND from the left.
Nazism and Communism were/are two sides of the same leftist collectivist coin. One system held that the Fatherland was superior to the individual. The other system held that the Party was superior to the individual. Both sought to destroy the individual. The millions of dead bodies that these two system piled up attests to that.
That Hitler hated Communism doesn't make Nazism default to the "Right". I think it is an error when we use the expression that such-and-such is " the right of Hitler".
Both systems are abominations.
whether Nazism or Stalinism in the 30's was left or right is a matter of semantics; in the end, both were authoritarian. And my fear today is the same regarding the outer fringes of both parties.
Dear Bari Weiss, Here is the opening graf of my new opinion piece about the Times' outrageous decision to publish a gallery of photos of dead Palestinian children. Full piece available promptly on request.
Between 2014 and 2020, U.S. drone and missile strikes and ground operations took the lives of between 910 and 2,200 civilians, including as many as 454 children. These estimates, compiled by the Bureau of Independent Journalism, are especially noteworthy given the Times’ outrageous decision (May 28) to print a gallery of photos of 64 children killed in the recent war in Gaza. Yes, the Times has occasionally covered civilian deaths from American drone strikes, and no, it has never devoted 42 square inches of its front page to photos of children who perished in these actions. Unlike the American strikes, few of which occurred during ongoing hostilities, the actions of the Israeli Defense Forces were taken in the course of a raging battle initiated by Hamas, which fired 4,000 rockets aimed at killing as many children and adults in Israel as possible.
I’m the author of two published novels, more than 30 short stories and the recently published memoir, “Juror Number 2: The Story of a Murder, the Agony of a Neighborhood.”
The Lizard Illuminati conspiracy explains it all, and it's apparently centered at the Denver airport 🙄
Bari, could you write a commentary on this phenomenon? Universities condemning anti sometimes and then backtracking due to pressure from campus Palestinian groups?
Folks, this has been a terrific discussion, thank you all. I’m not Jewish, but I’m pulling for you, I’m pulling for all of us. I’m a small government, individual rights advocate, and a Trump voter. I can assure you that the “right wing nut jobs” have no place in our party. Despite what the media says, me and millions like me, just won’t let it happen - God bless you all and thanks again.
There's a good article in this mornings National Review Online pertaining to the Democrats "Anti-Semitism problem.
Hi Bari, I thought you might be interested in a developing story in Canada that has more than a whiff of systemic anti-semitism. The CBC(aka CBC/Radio Canada) the country's publicly funded government-owned broadcaster, started a whisper campaign insinuating the "dual loyalties" canard against Vivian Bercovici, who was Canada's ambassador to the State of Israel under the previous, Conservative, Harper administration, and who is Jewish. Not content to leave this be, the CBC followed up with another story, which gratuitously added a photo of Canada's Senator Linda Frum standing next to an Israeli flag. She is also Jewish, and sister of David Frum.
Senator Frum is an extraordinary personality, and a key influence if the previous Conservative government led by Stephen Harper, and as such not one to take this without response, and today respond she did, with a statement to her Senate colleagues which you can see here:
Bari, please as a member of FAIR and from this important platform you have built here, consider exposing this to the American and Canadian public. This is a shameful episode of truly systemic prejudice and discrimination against people who have incontrovertibly been victimized in this way.
Thank you,
George Burger
I've never understood the Jewish people in this countries continued support of Democrats it's astonishing! Same with this the Black community. It's insane to me. However the media, Universities, Hollywood etc do a great job of making Republicans the evil bad party. Heck I once believed it as well. No longer. In fact both parties are shit! The extreme left and right are powerful. Sadly the far left is winning. Fuck em both
What strikes me about this column is the contrast between Weiss's willingness to explore how the Democratic left's attitudes about Jews have changed while clinging to boiler-plate condemnations of those on the right. The notion that the right is somehow dominated by "white supremacists' is a lazy and unsupportable claim. American Christians, who represent a significant cohort within the Republican party, are among the most passionate supporters of the Jewish state. As was Trump. It's a perversion to conflate the Charlottesville protestors with Republicans in general or, specifically, Republicans' attitudes toward Jews. Show me the data that supports the argument that Republicans today are anti-semitic in any meaningful percentage. In fact, my guess is the data will show that there has been a sea change in the attitudes of conservatives over the past 50 years toward the Jewish state and Jews, which, as Weiss points are, are intertwined.
There are plenty of right wing racists and antisemites out there - they just don't control the party like the left wing racists do of the Dems. I agree, it's time for American Jews to make the Ds pay.
It is a painful moment for anyone brought up Jewish/Liberal in New York, or Pittsburgh, or elsewhere, when the realization finally strikes that the Democratic Party of today is not remotely related to the party of the same name in the '50s, '60s, or even '70s. Our parents revered FDR (ignoring his own anti-Semitism), we were inspired by JFK, RFK, even LBJ's Great Society ideas before Vietnam ruined everything. We thought Joe McCarthy was the Devil incarnate, and Barry Goldwater would incinerate humanity. However flawed and blinkered our upbringing, it shaped our beliefs.
But our beliefs were disastrously wrong even then, and are a grotesque perversion of reality today. Today's "Progressives," are the intolerant, anti-democratic, repressive, violent, and virulently anti-Semitic ones, and every Democrat who acquiesces to their takeover of the party is as guilty as they are. Republicans today are the ones standing up not just for Israel but for the glorious ideals enshrined in the Bill of Rights, and the beautiful dream given voice by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Democrats' lies about Charlottesville, and Donald Trump's response to it, are as despicable a calumny as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Southerners with no hint of racism in their souls still respect the memory of their Civil War dead and resent the wanton obliteration of their past by today's woke vandals. The Charlottesville demonstration was about that, and the few white supremacist idiots who crashed the party, even the criminal who ran down the counter-demostrators, would have been less than a footnote without Democratic and media hysteria. Donald Trump's entire statement began with condemnation of white supremacists, and he specifically excluded them from his observation that there were "good people on both sides."
Wake up, American Jews! The Democratic Party is the enemy. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar represent the Democratic Party as surely as Julius Streicher and Josef Goebbels spoke for the NSDAP in 1930. If you want advice about whom to support, look to Jared Kushner, or Stephen Miller, or David Horowitz. American democracy, and Jews' safe place within it, can still be saved, but people had better wake up soon!
It's always fascinating to me that the left will always shriek that whatever republican is in the oval office will start WW3.
Barry Goldwater is going to incinerate the world three and a half minutes after he takes the oath of office. What did we get instead? "Hey Hey Hey LBJ. How many kids did you kill today"?
Ronald Reagan is a crazy cowboy movie actor that is going to incinerate the world three and a half minutes after he take the oath of office. What did we get instead? "Mr. Gorbachov tear down this wall", followed by the tearing down of that wall and the fall of the Soviet Union.
Donald Trump kills Soleimini (no points off for spelling please) and the left screams that we are now on the brink of WW3. What did we get instead? The historic Abraham Accords and the American Embassy in Jerusalem.
There is simply no question that it’s finally time for both sides of the aisle to work together. These elected officials are custodians of the republic which has been torn apart with partisan divide too too long now. The end game is this current chaos or worse. The idea of Israel is simple. A multi-cultural democracy where citizens have the right to criticize it’s policies and strive for better. The opposite of the total darkness which millions of fedayeen have dwelled for the last thousand years. It’s inconceivable that democratic loving guardians of things like the Bill of Rights could ever even think there was a choice of where our support would lie. Get over yourselves progressives and look in the “not in my back yard” Mirrors.
Howard Jaeckel
I'm a non-religious but identified Jew who has been trying for years to get my friends to stop voting for the Democrats. I'm afraid things will have to get a lot worse here at home before the might do that.
What's Jewish about a Jew if they are not religious or attached to the Jewish state or are proud of being Jewish in simply any meaningful way? It's just their blood. I believe the disappearing of Jewishness altogether is one of the most antisemitic things about the left: they deny our existence as a people. They call us white and privileged. To them, we are - especially now that being white is akin to being a white supremacist colonialist Nazi, and of course the Israelis are just white settlers, not children of refugees fleeing from the countries who wished them harm (and some American Jews of course). The left consistently demonizes Orthodox Jews - I should know, I am one. They ignore the reality that NOT ALL JEWS ARE ASHKENAZ. And Israel, of course - the Nazi nation. So it's clear that what they want is to disappear the Jewish identity altogether (when their minions aren't going around and killing us, beating us up, etc).
What makes me Jewish if you just look at me? I look white. Take away my modest orthodox garb, I look like a regular white girl. Except my grandmother's parents died from starvation in a Russian gulag, while her sister was killed by the Nazis in poland (the russian gulag was actually the escape route - that was the good part about WW2 for my grandmothers family). I come from a long line of people who sacrificed for their Judaism, for 2000 years while we prayed for Tzion, we sacrificed to remain distinct, we died for the sake of G-d to practice Judaism, and still do. But if I decided to throw it all away, could I not easily pass as non-Jewish? What makes me Jewish, apart for my blood, and everything I am and do?
Now, for an American Jew, who knows they are Jewish, but, as a good progressive, puts their politics before their Jewish identity, is probably successful, disdains of religion as most progressives do, is pro BDS - they are every progressives Jewish poster child. They'll come to all the events, have their voice amplified everywhere as they describe the horrors of their orthodox upbringing, or the horrors of having to undergo the trauma of being brought up zionist, say how they must put see themselves as White, and be aware of their privilege. This is what the left wants of Jews: to lose their identity completely. Can you imagine, the nerve, implying Jews are White in the way progressives see it, someone with privilege - the absolute gall of it. I've seen it so many times. It's so sick - and yet this caricature is so real. Jews have survived against all odds for 2000 years, but will disappear themselves for the lies of the left wing and the comforts of America. The Nazis didn't destroy us, but we'll destroy ourselves. Of course, no matter how much any one of us denies it - a Jew can never stop being a Jew, not even if he converts to any other religion, and fake progressive values will NEVER replace Judaism.
Anyways, I'll never believe their lies. I know who I am, and if I forget, the world reminds me.
Powerful sentiments.
Jews, the group with the highest IQs in the world, should be smart enough to support policies in practice, over word promises. Where are the anecdotes about going to a Republican's house and feeling unwelcome, or hearing a Rep bad-talk Jews. 74 million voted Trump - and there's what, maybe 50,000 neo-Nazis, who were not welcome at Trump rallies, tho admittedly they also weren't demonized as much as the Dems demonize - including Dem Derangement Syndrome of Republicans being unpalatable. Trump Derangement, Bush Derangement; Kavanaugh Derangement; Palin Derangement.
Being smart and successful, as Jews so often are, is the American dream; many Asians are doing it, too; even legal Hispanics. Socialism, including that previously supported by Jewish Zionists, supports hating those who are more successful. Cambodian & Rwandan genocides were not because of Jew-hate, nor racism, but of tribalism with a strong element of destructive envy, fed by the kind of naïve socialism believed by so many young (and sung by the Stranglers: "I was always taught in school, everybody should get the same").
Get the same??? The lazy and irresponsible hate meritocracy; so do the undeserving unlucky. Today, so do most Democrats.
The long history of mankind is not a happy story. Across the millennia, racial and ethnic conflict have been the norm, not the exception. The last few centuries can be viewed as a partial exception. Class conflicts have generally been predominant versus racial/ethnic conflicts.
However, this may well be an aberration. It (the predominance of class conflicts) may have been an accidental byproduct of countries that were (by historical standards) unusually homogeneous. Examples might include the USA, the UK, France, Sweden, Russia, and even China. In a homogeneous society class conflict can even seem natural given the lack of racial/ethnic conflict.
However, that era may well be over. It seems possible that humanity is simply reverting to type (with racial/ethnic conflict occurring far more frequently than class conflict).
Of course, you can be find class conflict in the history of mankind. Ancient Rome had the Gracchi brothers. There were peasant revolts in Germany in 1524/1525. The French Revolution can be interpreted as a class conflict. However, the list of racial/ethnic conflicts is far, far longer.