
This speech is simply extraordinary! When I was teaching at USC film school (specifically a course about how to break into the business of Hollywood), I'd read the Steve Jobs Stanford commencement address at the end of the semester. The speech is about how one's life is understood after you've lived it and "connected the dots." It's powerful and moving. If I were still teaching, I'd read Bari's speech on DAY ONE of class and let all of my students know that if they want to be in the entertainment industry, they MUST understand that they have the cultural power to be the Founding Fathers 2.0 that we need. I'm no longer teaching at USC, but just started a Substack and will absolutely link it in one of my future articles. I'm profoundly grateful to Bari Weiss for giving logical voice to what's been in my soul about cultural cancer of American life and how we don't address now, it will only metastasize.

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That was fantastic! I subscribe to your newsletter because you are a voice of reason. This needs to be said loud and clear and main stream media but nobody has the courage to do so.


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I am a Professor of Marketing & Entrepreneurship who is caught in the disturbing whirlpool of mediocrity and homogeneity described by Bari in her most eloquent podcast. I too believe we are experiencing the diminishing worth of excellence which will adversely impact the solving of the world's most wicked problems, the opportunity exploitation that frees individuals to reach new heights, and which provide new levels of leadership that can be remarkable. I wish you and the other founders of UATX great success and growing wisdom that will be tested and retested each and every day; stay focused.

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Well said...this should get shared a bunch. Thank you.

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Fantastic description of our country's moment. This is an accurate diagnosis, which is the first step towards starting a cure. Thankyou! All the readers of Common Sense have capital, and can be part of changing the course of our country.

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Dear Bari, I am not a "comments" person, but decided to join Justine Baker and those who replied to her. Thank you for what you are doing. Your writings, interviews and speeches are remarkable. People and publications you bring to our attention are exceptional. I was born in USSR, Ukraine (live in NJ now), am half-Jewish, half-Russian, teach in college -- this all definitely makes me more pessimistic than many of your readers :) But you and what you are doing give hope and inspiration... Thank you! And I also want to add that every week I am looking forward to TGIF by Nellie Bowles. Thank you, Nellie!

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I just listened to this on the podcast. I love that Bari closed with a reminder of how young our founding fathers were. I find myself with renewed hope! 

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What is UATX’s policy of COVID vaccination, testing and masking for students, faculty and administration?

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Ms. Weiss forgot one more piece of advice - be ferocious. When they come for you as they have for me and my family because I had the audacity to advocate excellence over equity at a PTO meeting 18 months ago, do not give in. You must be strong, stand your ground and refuse to yield. They are vicious yet cowardly and like hyenas nipping at the tail of a lion, most will avoid direct confrontation. But make no mistake, they will pursue their ideology with religious fervor and do their best legally and illegally, to destroy you. The law and the constitution are on your side. Be decent, humble and steadfast. The more you stand up, the more those who agree will be heartened and come to your side. You will lose many friends but you will also gain new ones. Eventually we will prevail but like everything else in life worth doing, it is going to take enormous effort. Thank you all who have joined this fight and especially to Ms. Weiss for being our scribe.

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I think some "Founder" t-shirts are in order...

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Who knew that this 50+ year old cis-gender, heterosexual woman living in the suburbs of Ohio teaching at the local high school would be such a rabid fan of a jewish homosexual 30-something urbanite? I will fight on this hill with you, Bari. I am ever so grateful to you and those who have taken this fight to the masses.

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Spot on article that should receive wide distribution.

I am a retired techie and in conversations with high school students (my grandchildren and their friends), it is clear to me that "civics" has been highly attenuated or removed from their education. As a shocking example, none of the students (many headed to top-tier universities) that I asked could recall learning about “E pluribus unum” [Out of many, one] our de facto national motto (it is on our $ bill), which is directed towards a blending of our cultures and is antipodal to “identity politics” that divides us by moving away from traditional broad-based party politics. Perhaps, Bari's 11th "right" is to be fully educated as to the rights and obligations of citizens in society (i.e., learn civics).

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Thank you for this Bari - brilliant, and so beautifully said.

I still have to ask a question though ... I keep hearing about 'the rise of QAnon' and the dangers it presents, and I still don't know what the heck people are talking about. I don't know one person who can identify what it is, who's in it, what it stands for, how it came to be, why it's dangerous, who supports it, how it's endangering public discourse, and specifically where it's had impact. To me 'QAnon' increasingly feels like something invented by our media class to show the evils of nationalism or conservatism. It feels like a 'throwaway line' ... ok, I've criticized aspects of BLM and Antifa, so let me mention an analog of the right wing.

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Bari -

This speech encapsulates why I love Common Sense and appreciate the honest perspectives of the various writers. Until Trump, I had been a long time moderate Republican, but have drifted to become an Independent the past few years. I applaud your approach and willingness to call out the nonsense of the academic and media elite group-think, that will tolerate nothing less than complete conformity to their world view.

I continue to share various articles from Common Sense and Substack with both liberal and conservative friends to bring more understanding to the issues that we all face.

Keep it up!

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Amazing speech/essay. This quote really resonated with me.

“ So find more hills to die on and more witches to defend. Even, and maybe especially, if those witches are flawed.”

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