My kids are in college and we live in the same state they attend college but couldn't get home on election day. The mail in ballots were requested, they completed them, I was their witness and THEY had to drop them off or mail them. They were cross referenced with the rolls when I checked in on election day. It should be straight forward…
My kids are in college and we live in the same state they attend college but couldn't get home on election day. The mail in ballots were requested, they completed them, I was their witness and THEY had to drop them off or mail them. They were cross referenced with the rolls when I checked in on election day. It should be straight forward and mail in ballots are necessary for a good number of people (like my elderly mom) but it definitely needs to be reigned in.
The reason Fetterman was elected is because many voted prior to the debate--that should never be a thing and a debate (Katie Hobbs!) should be required before any mail in ballots are sent out. If people still vote the same or never watch the debate, so be it.
"It should be straight forward and mail in ballots are necessary for a good number of people (like my elderly mom) ... '
Agreed, md. Mail-in voting can be straightforward, convenient for voters who need the ballots, and foolproof--or as foolproof as any giant election system can get. Some states do it well; all should do it well.
I disagree about a debate requirement. While I encourage debates, I have yet to watch one in 40 years that changed my mind about any candidate. Candidates should do what works for their campaigns ... although voters should factor their refusals into consideration.
I would have like to see Hobbs debate Lake. Granted, ake is a hyperaggressive media spinner and would have hijacked the event with her bumper-sticker solutions. But that, oddly enough, might have worked in Hobbs' favor, by showing voters how much of a bully Lake is. Hobbs' numbers would have been much better than they are now. But, not my call.
Interesting take. I would think Kari Lake is smarter than that; she would have commanded the stage, laying out her ideas in depth, and not coming across as a bully. But, I guess we'll never know... unless there's a rematch.
Kari Lake is no dummy, she just made the wrong bet. She gambled the Trumpian approach would triumph in AZ, and fell short. Well, so far, anyway. Since the margin is less than 1 percent with the vote count ongoing, either Hobbs or she could still win.
I do believe if Hobbs had debated her, no matter how good Lake was on the stage, Hobbs would have won by a comfortable margin. More than a few voters were turned off by the unwillingness to debate her opponent. I understand why Hobbs declined, but still believe she should have sucked it up and done it.
That sounds like the correct way to use mailed ballots. Just mass-spamming them unsolicited to everyone on the voter roles is bound to cause problems. Unless those roles are exactly up to date -- no one died, no one moved, no one developed Alzheimer's, no one wants to vote in person -- there are strong possibilities for abuse. It seems to me that voting is a sacred responsibility and vital to our very country's existence, so why should we mess around with the security and authentication aspects of it? After 2020, there are millions of people who are extremely suspicious; the way to fix that is to have absolutely ironclad elections with zero opportunity for fraud.
I agree, Terry. Every voter should be free to request a mail-in ballot, because we all have different needs for elections. But "free to request" is the key. There is no legitimate reason to send ballots to every address in the state.
I don't remotely agree that 2020 was hijacked or stolen or whatever. I believe election security was fine, though not foolproof; nothing is foolproof. But mass mailing of ballots detracts from the feeling that the vote is safe, so why do it? It's simple to request a mail-in ballot.
We're not rid of her yet. Hobbs and Lake are separated by less than 1 percent vote margin, and counting is still going on here. Fingers crossed Hobbs pulls it out.
Arizona typically takes 10 to 14 days to count ballots in close races. As of this morning, there are still over 300,000 mail ballots to open and count just in Maricopa County (Phoenix) alone. I don't know why it takes so long here, but it does.
My kids are in college and we live in the same state they attend college but couldn't get home on election day. The mail in ballots were requested, they completed them, I was their witness and THEY had to drop them off or mail them. They were cross referenced with the rolls when I checked in on election day. It should be straight forward and mail in ballots are necessary for a good number of people (like my elderly mom) but it definitely needs to be reigned in.
The reason Fetterman was elected is because many voted prior to the debate--that should never be a thing and a debate (Katie Hobbs!) should be required before any mail in ballots are sent out. If people still vote the same or never watch the debate, so be it.
"It should be straight forward and mail in ballots are necessary for a good number of people (like my elderly mom) ... '
Agreed, md. Mail-in voting can be straightforward, convenient for voters who need the ballots, and foolproof--or as foolproof as any giant election system can get. Some states do it well; all should do it well.
I disagree about a debate requirement. While I encourage debates, I have yet to watch one in 40 years that changed my mind about any candidate. Candidates should do what works for their campaigns ... although voters should factor their refusals into consideration.
I would have like to see Hobbs debate Lake. Granted, ake is a hyperaggressive media spinner and would have hijacked the event with her bumper-sticker solutions. But that, oddly enough, might have worked in Hobbs' favor, by showing voters how much of a bully Lake is. Hobbs' numbers would have been much better than they are now. But, not my call.
Funny. Dropboxes were instituted because some people were having hissyfits about mail, they're complaining abour those!
Interesting take. I would think Kari Lake is smarter than that; she would have commanded the stage, laying out her ideas in depth, and not coming across as a bully. But, I guess we'll never know... unless there's a rematch.
Kari Lake is no dummy, she just made the wrong bet. She gambled the Trumpian approach would triumph in AZ, and fell short. Well, so far, anyway. Since the margin is less than 1 percent with the vote count ongoing, either Hobbs or she could still win.
I do believe if Hobbs had debated her, no matter how good Lake was on the stage, Hobbs would have won by a comfortable margin. More than a few voters were turned off by the unwillingness to debate her opponent. I understand why Hobbs declined, but still believe she should have sucked it up and done it.
I agree. I support Kari Lake, but they should have debated, and let the chips fall where they may.
That sounds like the correct way to use mailed ballots. Just mass-spamming them unsolicited to everyone on the voter roles is bound to cause problems. Unless those roles are exactly up to date -- no one died, no one moved, no one developed Alzheimer's, no one wants to vote in person -- there are strong possibilities for abuse. It seems to me that voting is a sacred responsibility and vital to our very country's existence, so why should we mess around with the security and authentication aspects of it? After 2020, there are millions of people who are extremely suspicious; the way to fix that is to have absolutely ironclad elections with zero opportunity for fraud.
I agree, Terry. Every voter should be free to request a mail-in ballot, because we all have different needs for elections. But "free to request" is the key. There is no legitimate reason to send ballots to every address in the state.
I don't remotely agree that 2020 was hijacked or stolen or whatever. I believe election security was fine, though not foolproof; nothing is foolproof. But mass mailing of ballots detracts from the feeling that the vote is safe, so why do it? It's simple to request a mail-in ballot.
We're not rid of her yet. Hobbs and Lake are separated by less than 1 percent vote margin, and counting is still going on here. Fingers crossed Hobbs pulls it out.
Arizona typically takes 10 to 14 days to count ballots in close races. As of this morning, there are still over 300,000 mail ballots to open and count just in Maricopa County (Phoenix) alone. I don't know why it takes so long here, but it does.