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We can all sit around and contemplate how Trump is to blame for all the R losses. I think another question ought to be, Why did Ds elect someone like Fetterman? This takes a kind of willful blindness that is beyond comprehension. Especially when we all see Biden’s mental failings. The only explanation I can imagine is that Ds know that Biden and Fetterman and just mannequins and people behind the curtain are really running the show. I am not proud of my party this morning, but at least the Rs didn’t run a vegetable. That Ds elected him deserves explanation. Here’s an idea--Biden--Fetterman 2024. Hey, why not?

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Both choices sucked.

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Well, NC, your party did nominate a certain Mr. Walker in Georgia, who may not be a vegetable, but is pretty close considering he didn't suffer from a stroke. And he's going to be in the runoff!

If you can't handle Fetterman, of which I understand, then you shouldn't accept Herschel either.

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I understand your point however there is a tendency today to exaggerate everything, in media coverage ("red tsunami"), or in everyday conversations.

Here is a devil's advocate take on your comment: not that long ago GOP voters elected first to the Senate, then from r VP a person, certain Richard Dick, who had multiple heart attacks. If I remember correctly, the narrative was that he was the one pulling strings for the dimwit W.

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Most voters in PA know that Fetterman was just the proxy for his wife. The question should be, Why didn't Dems just run her as the candidate? And the answer, of course, is because they only know how to be dishonest.

McConnell wasn't wrong, btw. Oz is a great man but a terrible candidate. Republicans are at a disadvantage because we don't have party bosses like Steny Hoyer racing around the country telling primary candidates, "It's not your time." If we're not willing to play by the same rules we will continue to lose like this.

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No, Oz is a modern day patent medicine huckster. Not sure where you get the idea Fetterman is a “proxy” for his wife. Seriously, you’ve been watching too many conspiracy shows on Rumble. And the people of PA just elected the guy. Deal with it.

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The man is an actual heart surgeon. What the fuck have you done with your life? Or Fetterman, for that matter. I don't have to deal with it. He's not my senator. Time will tell how he works out.

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Ron Klain for President.

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You mean, just to make it official.

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And let's not forget Jill Biden. Pillow talk? Just imagine those conversations. And remember, She is a Doctor!

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*not a doctor

Doctor of Education shouldn't even qualify, there's a bunch of high school English teachers around the country with the same degree.

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I’m wondering if, barring a recovery, Fetterman might resign in a few months, allowing the Dem governor to appoint his replacement who can then run as an incumbent. Fetterman will, of course, be taken care of in some way that we will likely never be aware of.

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That's exactly what will happen. Fetterman is highly likely to suffer another stroke, even without all the flying and the stress of the job. I think he'll be replaced within a year or so.

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The question to contemplate is why there are not competent candidates on the Republican ticket. Maybe it is time for Republicans to look at how Democrats moved from being the white supremacy party to the civil rights party and do a similar change and move from being the bombastic Trump election deniers to a party of intelligent and experienced candidates who understand where to stand and where to compromise to achieve goals that benefit more citizens than the loser residing in Mar-A-Lago.

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JoAnne, exactly.

This election was theirs for the taking but the candidates were awful in the states that mattered. It allowed the Dems to demonize the entire GOP as the radical right, replete with conspiracy theories and election deniers, with Trump first and center. Plus it didn't help that the GOP completely misread the majority of American womens' views on Roe v Wade being revoked.

All I would add is that before the Republicans can come up with these intelligent candidates you rightly observe they need, they first have to get rid of the man whose long shadow prevents that from happening.

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Are you referring to the Dem strategy of pouring money into Republican primary candidates they thought were too extreme for the populace? It’s a nasty plan that worked really well. Also, I would like to know why certain states stopped counting votes, then started counting in the middle of the night (there was no water main break in Georgia as reported). I would also like to know why the 2000 mules are not being investigated. Maybe there is a legitimate answer, but we’ll never know because our government won’t look into it - I wonder why? suppose in your eyes that makes me an election denier, but knowing that people will take advantage any way they can when this kind of money and power are at stake, they should be looked at if you value election integrity.

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I think there are "competent" candidates (allowing that it's long been said that "nobody who wants the job deserves it, anybody who deserves it, wouldn't want it), look at Oz. The dings against him is he's rich; but it takes $$$ to run a campaign. Do we want people who have previous "real job" experience, or more career politicians? Fetterman's been able to suck on his family's teats and "fake it until he make's it"; this certainly isn't a competent candidate, but the mainstream media promoted his as another blue-collar "Scranton Joe".

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The media made little attempt to see through that Halloween costume. The press is really just cheerleading for Democrats at this point. The bias is extreme in my view.

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Over 4 to 1 advantage in absentee ballots...that's the reason. Oz won handily in the votes cast on election day.

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Then perhaps Republicans should vote more often by mail or drop boxes, Hugh - and even the score. Nothing illegal about mailing in your vote. They do it very well in Florida and look how well DeSantis did there..

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I will vote absentee when necessary; I prefer to vote in person. I will never advocate cheating. Rather, I advocate cleaning up the system and enforcing the laws equally. I am an idealistic old fool and I will probably go to my grave (probably in the not too distant future) a bitter, lonely old man. Integrity does not matter any more…except to my clients who appreciate having an honest, caring person working to make their problems with the system go away.

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Absentee ballots are a killer

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Not absentee ballots for what you need an excuse to vote absentee. Mass mail in voting is a killer. Must be repealed nationwide. Should not be “left up to states”

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Especially in those areas where they mail out live ballots. Or in areas where they don’t purge the voter rolls (or cross reference them with death records).

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Similarly, Kari Lake won big on election day in Arizona.

It makes me wonder -- are mailed ballots really reflective of the electorate? Is there not an increased chance of fraud?

My household received applications for mailed ballots from the election commission. We hadn't asked for them. Why would they do that? If you need to vote by mail, you should actively request a mailed ballot. Period.

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In Colorado, we have 100% mail-in ballots and have for at least a decade. I always drop mine off at the polling place since USPS sucks (shout out to my car registration that I mailed 6 weeks ago and still hasn’t been delivered 10 miles to the DMV).

Anyway, it seems to work well, but what I always think is that it would be pretty easy for me to, say, fill out my wife’s ballot. We don’t vote the same all the time. That’s my issue with it.

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An old friend in Colorado, strong conservative, used to be an election monitor, and assures me the mailed ballot system works well. I trust him, yet I remain skeptical.

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Skepticism is never a bad thing, it keeps us vigilant.

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Absolutely, fraud at the level you describe can happen. But fraud is mostly nonexistent in a well-run mail-in ballot system, in my opinion. Besides, it was just as easy to commit fraud when everybody voted on Election Day---in Chicago, my hometown, the graveyards turned out in droves for the old Democratic Machine.

I believe a mail ballot system is fine as long as ballots are not blanket-mailed to every address, and ballots are digitally tracked from dropff to tabulation.

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I live in Chicago too, and I could easily vote six times as six different people. In person or by mail. Heck if I worked for a democrat campaign and this was my job, what would stop me from voting 20 times as 20 different people. No one checks.

The biggest problem is no national voter ID law. Most countries have a national voter ID law. In 2016 GOP missed their #1 priority which they should have done is pass national voter ID law. Not leave it up to the states. National. So you have fair elections.

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My kids are in college and we live in the same state they attend college but couldn't get home on election day. The mail in ballots were requested, they completed them, I was their witness and THEY had to drop them off or mail them. They were cross referenced with the rolls when I checked in on election day. It should be straight forward and mail in ballots are necessary for a good number of people (like my elderly mom) but it definitely needs to be reigned in.

The reason Fetterman was elected is because many voted prior to the debate--that should never be a thing and a debate (Katie Hobbs!) should be required before any mail in ballots are sent out. If people still vote the same or never watch the debate, so be it.

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"It should be straight forward and mail in ballots are necessary for a good number of people (like my elderly mom) ... '

Agreed, md. Mail-in voting can be straightforward, convenient for voters who need the ballots, and foolproof--or as foolproof as any giant election system can get. Some states do it well; all should do it well.

I disagree about a debate requirement. While I encourage debates, I have yet to watch one in 40 years that changed my mind about any candidate. Candidates should do what works for their campaigns ... although voters should factor their refusals into consideration.

I would have like to see Hobbs debate Lake. Granted, ake is a hyperaggressive media spinner and would have hijacked the event with her bumper-sticker solutions. But that, oddly enough, might have worked in Hobbs' favor, by showing voters how much of a bully Lake is. Hobbs' numbers would have been much better than they are now. But, not my call.

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Funny. Dropboxes were instituted because some people were having hissyfits about mail in....now, they're complaining abour those!

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Interesting take. I would think Kari Lake is smarter than that; she would have commanded the stage, laying out her ideas in depth, and not coming across as a bully. But, I guess we'll never know... unless there's a rematch.

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Kari Lake is no dummy, she just made the wrong bet. She gambled the Trumpian approach would triumph in AZ, and fell short. Well, so far, anyway. Since the margin is less than 1 percent with the vote count ongoing, either Hobbs or she could still win.

I do believe if Hobbs had debated her, no matter how good Lake was on the stage, Hobbs would have won by a comfortable margin. More than a few voters were turned off by the unwillingness to debate her opponent. I understand why Hobbs declined, but still believe she should have sucked it up and done it.

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That sounds like the correct way to use mailed ballots. Just mass-spamming them unsolicited to everyone on the voter roles is bound to cause problems. Unless those roles are exactly up to date -- no one died, no one moved, no one developed Alzheimer's, no one wants to vote in person -- there are strong possibilities for abuse. It seems to me that voting is a sacred responsibility and vital to our very country's existence, so why should we mess around with the security and authentication aspects of it? After 2020, there are millions of people who are extremely suspicious; the way to fix that is to have absolutely ironclad elections with zero opportunity for fraud.

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I agree, Terry. Every voter should be free to request a mail-in ballot, because we all have different needs for elections. But "free to request" is the key. There is no legitimate reason to send ballots to every address in the state.

I don't remotely agree that 2020 was hijacked or stolen or whatever. I believe election security was fine, though not foolproof; nothing is foolproof. But mass mailing of ballots detracts from the feeling that the vote is safe, so why do it? It's simple to request a mail-in ballot.

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Nov 11, 2022
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We're not rid of her yet. Hobbs and Lake are separated by less than 1 percent vote margin, and counting is still going on here. Fingers crossed Hobbs pulls it out.

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Nov 11, 2022
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There is a greater risk of fraud with mail in ballots. The existence of risk is not proof of fraud, but...

My fear is that the Dems may have figured out weaknesses in the system that allows a few people to manufacture thousands (or tens of thousands) of fraudulent ballots that are impossible to identify as fraudulent. Such as, some one in the county board of elections prints out thousands of ballots for inactive accounts (possibly duplicate registrations for people with multiple addresses where the old registrations have not been purged) and takes them out personally instead of mailing them to the indicated address.

You could design a security system to track activity and expose this kind of misconduct, but I don't know if boards of election do this.

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For POTUS, the GOP has historically, and consistently, lost the popular vote by millions. And GOP wins only because of the electoral college a system that exists nowhere else...

Is it possible....that maybe some people don't like/legitimately don't vote for GOP candidates?

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There certainly are diabolical possibilities, but there's also simple ballot harvesting -- go door to door in Spanish and Black neighborhoods and just get people to sign on the dotted line, then mail/drop-off and presto! you have harvested hundreds of extra votes in a district. The Democrats in 2018 used this approach to flip some traditional Republican districts in southern California, and apparently they used it on a much larger scale in 2020, in key targeted swing districts in Georgia, Penn, Arizona, Wisconsin, etc. Project Veritas and True the Vote (the directors of whom were arrested last week, then freed) have uncovered some chilling evidence which of course the Democrats are totally ignoring and suppressing. In Minneapolis, Veritas exposed someone who was going door to door and literally buying votes, just paying people for their votes. He boasted on camera of having hundreds of such ballots in his car trunk. Does Ilhan Omar care? Obviously not; she's laughing all the way to the bank. And she just won reelection handily (though she barely squeaked by in the primary, against a reformer, by 3K out of 114K votes).

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Arizona voters must request mail-in ballots, they don't arrive unasked. We can either request them for each election, or sign up for permanent mail-in-ballot status when we register to vote. I did the latter when I moved here in July, got the ballot and state explainer book, took my time reading the material and filling out the ballot, and dropped it in the U.S. Mail. I could have used an election drop box, but didn't want to run a gantlet of self-proclaimed "poll watchers."

That Kari Lake got more votes on Election Day than through mail-in is utterly irrelevant and no indication of fraud.

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Thank you for the first hand report. It matters.

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You're quite welcome, Hugh. I'm a non-woke liberal who moved here this year from blue Illinois. I am impressed with AZ's approach to elections--it's modern and flexible, yet very secure.

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…yet takes days to finalize? It isn’t rocket science. Embarrassing actually.

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That's all well and good, but there are many dishonest people who take mailed in ballots & fill them out themselves. For example, Ilhan Omar was caught ballot harvesting at nursing homes in MI. She's not the only one.

If I wanted to (and I wouldn't b/c I'm an honest person) I could register people who don't vote (for example elderly family members, patients in hospitals who are just laying there, disabled dependents, anyone really, etc) & fill out ballots for them.

There is another issue with mail in voting. Many, many wealthy elites in NYC, LA and San Fran vote in swing states where they have 2nd homes. This is a well known fact & many of them have admitted it.

If you have in-person voting (with absentee votes for military or anyone with a good reason), you eliminate these Fraud problems.

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Dislike Ilhan Omar immensely, but the harvesting rumor—and it was never more than that—is pretty ridiculous. You really think a congressperson would have time to troll nursing homes?

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Project Veritas has a guy on video admitting to a votes-for-pay scheme in the Somali neighborhoods.

I guess their "democratic traditions" are different from ours....

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That was my impression, too, Randy--just another rumor in the vast sea of disinformation.

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Every voter should have the option of in-person or mail-in, with the only good reason being, "I want to vote by mail." But, the voter should have to request the ballot; they should not be mailed willy-nilly like grocery store circulars. AZ, where I live, does an admirable job with mail-in, so it can be done well and securely. All states should take the cue.

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FL got rid of mass mail voting: they had a Fair election &results done by 9pm Election Day. States with mass mail in voting: results take weeks and full of fraud. Many rich ppl in NYC, LA and San Fran mail vote in swing states where they have second homes. This is a well known fact. Ballots are sent to everyone & people collect ballots at nursing homes & fill them out.

I live in a deep blue state. I always vote in person. No one checks ID. No one asks my address. they say what’s your name? When I state my name they say is this your address while showing it to me. If I wanted to, I could easily vote as 6 different people on different days in early voting.  no one checks who you are. 

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I'm in WI, and we pull out our IDs and present them. They asked our name and address as they looked at our ID. I did the same in IL. That's the way it should be in every single state.

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Nationwide, we must repeal mass mail in voting. We also need to finally pass national voter ID law: which GOP should have done in 2016 had they not squandered their chance.

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Why are you wondering? Everyone else knows mail-in voting facilitates fraud. it is even more effective than machine fraud as it is harder to prove. Joe Biden got 81 million votes? Sure.

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I'm willing to believe that many ballots were counted, but I don't believe, without proof, that the 81m for Biden represent 81 million dedicated voters. In other words, had there been no concerted effort to "gather" ballots around various cities and dump them into dropboxes, and to mass-mail ballots to apathetic people, and a ground operation of knocking on doors and saying "please sign at the bottom" in Spanish to people who can't even say the word "vote" in English let alone understand what they're voting for... had all of that NOT taken place, likely Trump and a majority GOP Congress would still be in power, inflation would be 2%, gasoline would be $2/gallon, Russia likely would not have dared enter Ukraine, China wouldn't be threatening the democracy of Taiwan, etc. etc.

Thanks Democrats.

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Nov 10, 2022
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No you can't sue "thrives".

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Nov 10, 2022
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Yeah, the party who consistently loses POTUS by millions in the popular vote and only wins because of the electoral college - only country in the world - yeah....no way they're not SUPER popular. Gotta be massive fraud!

These people are delusional. They need to get out of their echo chambers and meet "Real America."

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So Lake should be floating face down eh? You don't like her/Republicans, but what does the Democrats say about Fetterman, who held a black man at the end of a shotgun because he THOUGHT that man was a criminal?

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What do Dems say about Fetterman?

“Welcome aboard!”

Just like you’d say if Oz won, if Walker wins, Lake, etc. the power brokers will put leashes on them and then enjoy the ride.

And all this whataboutism from whiners on the Right is really kinda pathetic. Grow up. Stop blaming others for your folly. You live in your own echo chamber, just like the Squad and Progs do theirs. Deal with the reality that your side Screwed the pooch.

All the Trumpers and anti-abortion zealots in your midst are going to drag you beneath the waves for many years to come. Your best hope is for the feds or that NY AG to indict Trump’s sorry ass, convict him, then send him to Rikers Island. I think the Dems are too smart for that - they’ll keep him dangling at the end of a string for another two years to motivate their partisans and get the zaniest Republicans nominated to elective office.

I’ll buy the popcorn!

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So you approve of corruption and antagonizing political adversaries? I do not. I try to make peace and make the system better. If it makes you happy making other people unhappy, well, you had better hope that what goes around does not come around.

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Welcome aboard? Lay with dogs, get fleas. Fetterman is a bastard, but he's YOUR bastard so it makes holding an innocent man at the end of a gun ok - so much for "social justice"! (And "common sense" gun legislation).

Instead of rioting, burning and looting, Republicans are voting with their feet - NY and Cali are losing population (and political influence) to TX and FL.

Enjoy your popcorn - share it with a bum or druggie, that's all you'll have left.

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I heard something disturbing on Election Day: Democrats think that we're "going in the wrong direction" because Republicans still exist and are allowed to speak. Sounds like R T is on that bandwagon.

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Nah, I think R T is pointing out the callow views of Republicans. I don't much agree with his ideology, but he is right on calling out Repub hypocrisy in this cycle -- OZ, Lake, Mastrianno, etc.

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Only a Dem candidate would be given a pass on THAT one.

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Because Newsom will be available and Biden likely won’t be. As for The Incredible Hulk, he has no following.

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Agree, about Biden. Newsom was almost recalled in liberal California and greatly doubt that the rest of the country looks to San Francisco or LA with great envy and wants that on their main streets.

In the Newsom recall election, the national Republican party threw their support to Larry Elder who has no connection to CA, is bombastic, and no political experience rather than support a Republican state senator or a former mayor that could have succeeded. If Ducey would have ran in AZ or McCormick in PA both candidates with experience could they have won? Most importantly, could they have better represented their constituents?

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The Philadelphia vote carried Fetterman over the line.

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I heard this explanation over dinner with friends last night. The reason big cities vote D is that the citizens there are used to the disproportionate handouts the Ds are able to pour into them. IOW—welfare buys votes. How do you compete with that?

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If you look at the results by county, all of PA besides Philly, Harrisburg, and Pittsburg voted red. Same for neighboring NY. Only NYC, Albany, Rochester, and Buffalo voted blue while the entire rest of the state (including all of Long Island) voted red.

Tax money flows from red to blue.

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But boy oh boy, those Interstates are all getting paved and bridges rebuilt! And I would hazard a guess, cannot be proven of course, that a good portion of the contracting firms working on these sites are owned by true red Republicans..

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Received $500 just two days before the election for ??? from the always Democrat state government. The difference should be that voters recognize that it took a lot more of our tax dollars to get this particular government check.

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And each payout/ handout raises inflation even more. B/c many of these morons immediately spend every dollar they are given.

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And they spend it on garbage like overpriced sneakers

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We used it to help pay for our semi-annual property tax bill. Oh ironies of ironies!

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It’s very difficult to compete with welfare. it is both humane and destructive. But the strategy of a Republican circular firing squad certainty won’t work.

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You cannot compete with that.

The only way to change it is for local community leaders (political and church) to speak against the largess. But there’s just to much money flowing to stop those community leaders from singing a different song.

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The best way to compete is to run for office.

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This is the reason that Obama never moved out of Washington. Psaki even let it slip about how proud she was to be working for President Obama when she was Biden's Press Secretary.

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I think the reality is for there to be a “red wave” or “blue wave,” folks need to vote across party lines. That was expected and clearly didn’t happen to the level expected by the GOP. I think the takeaway from this week is we’re still very loyal to our respective teams. This attitude is promoted by MSM and the two parties themselves. We’re constantly told that the other side is to blame for everything. We’re conditioned to believe that our team winning is more important than any single race. Even when a party puts up a disaster of a candidate, that team shows up in force. The tribal mindset is so difficult to overcome.

I am not a fan of our broken two-party system. That said, it seems to me that the GOP needs to A) have better quality candidates that appeal to voters as something better than “slightly less worse than the other party’s candidate” and B) figure out a way to connect with younger voters. As difficult as it was to watch Fetterman try to string thoughts together, Oz came off as yet another old, very wealthy man that few voters can relate to.

Our system is a disappointment and the next 2 years is likely to be as divisive as ever as Trump becomes the target of both fanfare and attacks. And we get to experience that while likely watching our government accomplish very little. My bet is by the beginning of the year, the chatter will be on the next election and not on actually doing anything in Washington.

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Biden is not in control of the government.

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Salute to President Klain !

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Every Muppet needs a hand up their ass.

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🖐🏼 🤡🖐🏼🤡🖐🏼

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Nope he is not it’s more like Obama, Clinton Gore and the radicals line the squad.

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well I question that even they are. There are entities in control -- the three letter agencies, the top military, the $2 trillion tech companies -- that buy and sell these people. Biden's just a blithering drooling idiot. Obama was a smooth talking idiot. Neither of them had the close ties to the Deep State and Military-Industrial sectors to really have any power.

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Nov 10, 2022
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Wow coming from you RT is a surprise I had to check the initials a few times

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Nov 10, 2022
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Slick Willie, and Teddy Kennedy before him, set the standard for being an "abuser or women" but useful idiots like you don't care as long as the checks keep coming.

And let's be honest, you didn't have a stroke, you OD'ed. The TBI is apparent.

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Nov 10, 2022
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"Absolute power corrupts absolutely" is even more true now than it was in the 1800's. Maybe the best reason to limit the power of government ergo politicians.

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That’s more like it RT

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While I don’t agree with everything you say, I don’t think you’re entirely wrong. Whether or not Fetterman is actually “Everyman” is irrelevant. It’s how he has portrayed himself and how MSM presents him. Some don’t buy it, many obviously do.

What do we know about Oz? He’s famous, old, and incredibly wealthy. How many younger voters can relate to that. It reminds me of the videos of Mitt Romney pretending to go grocery shopping in his designer jeans—it looked manufactured.

The Dems are much more effective at selling ideas and making promises, even if the ideas are BS and the promises continue to go unfulfilled.

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Sean Parnell was supposed to be the guy until his ex-wife slammed him with legal issues relating to abuse. She litigated those claims in 2017 and they were dismissed. She litigated them again while he was running. He bowed out to demonstrate to his children that they came first. Megyn Kelly recently interviewed him on her podcast and ever since then, I think about what might have been if this hadn't happened. He says he's not finished with politics. I hope not.

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Curious was Oz one of the candidates that the Dems donated to because they wanted to run against him and not someone better? That strategy should be illegal in my opinion.

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Agree on all points, and they all reflect a serious lack of critical thinking skills in the voting populace. And you don't need to be highly educated to have critical thinking skills, and in many ways being highly educated hinders your critical thinking skills.

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Another genius who loves hyperinflation, rising crime and open borders. For starters.

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Nov 10, 2022
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There are a lot of assumptions made on this thread..

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You could use the exact same words to describe Warnock that you just used to describe Walker. Where do we go from here? Why is team D’s terrible candidate preferable to team R’S?

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The most terrible candidate on the Dem side was Mandela Barnes in Wisconsin—and he lost to a Republican who was the most beatable incumbent in the country.

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Everyman? The hoodies and tattoos are a costume to hide that he is no different from any other Chad from Nantucket living his best life with a socialist gal on Daddy's dime.

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Now that is the perfect description!

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Nov 10, 2022
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Call me old fashioned, but I hate it when rich people like Fetterman work hard to impose their pet projects on everyone else. I’m talking about decarceration which has raised the crime rate, open borders and the “necessary transition away from fossil fuels” that is fueling inflation. Plus, the wife lurking in the background and actually running the show is a straight up Marxist in her dumb Che Guevara looking hat.

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Nov 10, 2022
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True to a certain extent. Like him or not, Trump shows what can happen when their (I’m talking establishment -both Dem and Republican) candidate doesn’t win. The full weight of the US government, utilizing the DOJ/FBI and aided by the media, was deployed using a known and proven fake charge to attempt a coup and overthrow the Presidency. And please don’t try to compare a bunch of knuckleheads wandering through the capitol for a couple hours on January 6 to that. If January 6 was truly an insurrection, there are more than enough troops within a 10 mile radius of DC that could have shown up within an hour with enough firepower to clear that building in about 2 minutes.

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Nov 10, 2022
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No RT. This forum just gives pathetic individuals just like you the ability to show how utterly vapid you are.

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Nov 10, 2022
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Humm...are you really comprof?

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Well, if you were to leave the predictability rate would drop by about 50%.

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“Everyman”? That’s laughable! Fetterman is a phony. He dresses like he can’t afford anything so he’ll have the look of the common man, yet comes from more $$ than all of us combined. Even his children and wife looked like slobs at his victory speech.

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I might argue that you never recovered...

And Fetterman is quite far from "Everyman". He has never had a real job, has lived off his parents and other family members his whole life. But I guess the hoodie and the tattoos may be all that is needed. The people of PA deserve what they get.

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You know Neil, you had a good argument going there except for that utterly repulsive first line..

Congratulations for emulating the 45th President. It might be something he would have said while onstage disparaging someone..

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I do like "what you did there". I'm going to try to remember that.

Repulsive - maybe, and with no apologies. Utterly - nah. I've seen much, much worse here.

And congrats to you for emulating the 46th President. (See what I did there? Call it subtly repulsive if you wish. Let me know if I need to explain it to you.)

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That's okay. No need to explain. You're quite direct; subtlety does not appear to be your strong suit. Though anger does..

But I thank you for the left handed compliment.

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You have a bad habit of doing this to most who disagree with you. Funny that a stated response is received as angry when there is no ability to determine.

Give it up Lee. Argue your point and if others don't agree, walk away. This idea of knowing how someone "feels" over a comment section is, well, absurd.

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I guess if you've had a stroke you're "everyman."

We'll see very soon just how well Uncle Fester does in the Senate.

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I used to say “(any state) deserves what they get”, until I became part of that group. I voted out all the corrupt female leaders in MI, yet they were still victorious. I voted down three proposals that were horribly written, yet all three passed. Do I deserve this? No, I live among uninformed idiots. I don’t deserve this and I’m very upset about the future of the state where all my family live.

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Oh can I relate out here in California. 😟

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I certainly understand. That's why I moved out of a blue state(s) to a red state. I had a choice; I don't know if you do. If not, I feel bad for you.

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I moved to a red state that turned purple after the Covid lockdowns in the state south. Those who move to be away from an oppressive state government only to bring it to the new one are the worst kind of people.

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I sympathize. I lived in four very blue states before moving to NC. There are blue areas around Charlotte and research triangle, but the rest of the state is pretty red. C’mon down and help outnumber the D loons!

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It’s very tempting! I see no hope for this state. All that Gretchen Whitmer did during the lockdown and I still see many comments about how thankful they are for her leadership. And of course she’s the champion of women's rights and abortion healthcare. My nephew’s wife is from Raleigh and they’ll likely return there someday. Maybe I’ll follow along! Thanks for the invite!

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Once again we see it is impossible for democrats to ever be embarrassed for what they do.

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Biden--Fetterman 2024. Go for it

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Be careful of what you wish for! Dystopian

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Well now we finally have an explanation for your truly ridiculous and deranged offerings. I'm sure we can expect the same from the demonic Shrek you champion.

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Demonic Shrek! Bruce, you do come up with hilarious descriptors.

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Are NC I loved Shrek, Fetterman is anything but Shrek

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An evil Shrek. You can't deny the resemblance.....

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Nope I don’t see the resemblance at all Bruce. Shrek was an absolutely lovely character. If you creative you could build a gaming app, you have the perfect character model to do this with, “Fattaman the Villian”you would make a killing. The hoodie, the goatee,the shorts the Doc Martin boots it’s all on Fetterman. Watch this space I’m sure it’s being developed as I post!

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For sure! You all, whether we agree or not, are a blessing to me every day.

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Thank you.

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