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The reason “no one saw it coming” is because the media was invested in the narrative of disaster to sell their products. None of them report real news anymore; they report “well, this might happen” and call it news. The media is losing credibility, which leads to things like denial of election results and consumer fatigue with their products.

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Trump's voter fraud tour was....the media's fault?

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"There’s a giant anti-Trump narrative deploying, apparently intended to discourage him from even announcing his 2024 run. One of the most obvious indications is corporate media’s nonstop reporting that “Trump candidates lost badly” in the elections Tuesday. This is a fake corporate media narrative, and not even a very good one. President Trump endorsed 183 candidates. Of those, 174 won. If, in order to get credit, Trump’s candidates had to perform better than THAT, I’d like to know who’s beaten that record." Jeff Childers

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Don't believe the narrative that's out there. Read other sources. Common sense often leaves me with a sense of hopelessness. People keep following mainstream. They want you to get rid of Trump for them because he's still the major threat. DeSantis can do more as a governor than as a lone president. he's the model for all the governors to follow. MAGA doesn't read Common Sense or bother with Twitter and Tiktok. Insult Trump and your viewership will decline and that is what's happening. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/jimmy-kimmel-i-have-lost-half-my-fans-targeting-trump

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To me it almost seemed like the hype before a big title fight when the bookies need better odds. That and what better way to get Dems out to vote and convince Reps they can stay home than to claim its going to be an historic Red Wave!

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Exactly. The media is the one that makes it seem Rs and Ds are at each other's throats when the reality, at least here in the suburbs, is we know plenty of Rs and plenty of Ds and we generally get along and rarely talk politics. Even this whole "red state"/"blue state" nonsense--when you look at the percentages it's quite often something like 55%/45% meaning there's a large Democratic population in red states and a large Republican population in blue states--even California.

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In my experience, the main reason that people aren't "at each other's throats" in real life is that most Leftists have ejected non-Leftists from their social circle and often from their family circle. Also, many of us non-Leftists have learned to remain silent while Leftists rave, because they're as susceptible to reason as a madman.

At this point, Rs and Ds are living side by side in much the same way that a divorcing couple who can't afford to live separately does: filled with hate and anger, but walking on eggshells for fear that the more volatile partner will explode.

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Lol...."more volatile" says the Charlottesville and Jan 6th supporter.

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"More volatile"...lol....says Charlottesville and Jan 6th. Supporter.

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If you repeat yourself one more time, Donald Trump appears and writes mean tweets about you.

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That would be fun!

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Wonderful analogy.

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I agree. Leftists just can't help themselves to interject politics, shame and their doom and gloom on everything.

I saw a meme of a dog barking that said "Just do It" as a parody of the Nike advertising and somebody really said it was racist. Because the dog was a Doberman, it was mocking black people for speaking up.

What in the world is going on inside people's brains to be this gullible????

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That did not happen.

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I get the same thing from the other ideological side from my Fox-watching dad, whom I love dearly but will go straight into shoving the latest gloomy items from The Five or Tucker or Zero Hedge down everyone's throats, and I get the CNN/MSNBC bit from my mom and stepdad the other side. It's not just leftists, it's entire groups of intellectually siloed Americans and the fact that in uncertain times, doom and gloom sell as narratives.

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That sounds terrible. I am so glad I got rid of cable years ago and rarely watch TV. When I go to the gym the TV's are in front of the treadmills and the channels are set to Fox, CNN and MSNBC. Even looking at them with no sound is unbearable. I just use the track instead now.

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Yesterday, my Mother, whom I love but believes Marjorie Taylor Greene is the second-most prominent figure in the Republican Party, asked me, "What did you think of the election results?" She's insufferable like that. It was important to her that I be disappointed, but instead I took a neutral view, which set her off. Being infected with a Democrat mindset is like having cancer, only it can spread to other people.

Moderate Mom, the answer to your question is, "nothing."

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MTG is as important as AOC

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To whom? Not Republicans.

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People do mostly get along in everyday life. They do that by avoiding discussions about politics.

For a long time, we’ve been told that politics and religion are off-limits topics for discussion at ordinary family and neighborhood gatherings. Maybe therein lies part of our problem. We let schools and various types of media do all the talking, instead of actually talking to each other about our different viewpoints. We have been conditioned to see that as impolite- thereby ceding the power to persuade to universities and media. It’s no wonder we have ended up where we are- superficially “getting along”, but deeply divided on fundamental philosophy.

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I attended a catholic high school from 1968-1972 and most of us girls drew peace signs on our notebooks. We came from working class families and lot of us considered ourselves anti-war but we all knew boys who were drafted and serving in Vietnam. One girl in class wore a rhinestone flag pin and came from a military family. There was mutual respect. All of this rancor is wearing me out.

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I'm tired of politics and no, I don't want to discuss it at family and neighborhood gatherings. I'm well aware of different viewpoints.

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I agree, because now it does no good. My point was that maybe we should have talking together all along so it didn’t get to this point.

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That's true - until it isn't.

As we see with some of the school board debates when the woke ideology is crammed down people's throats. In my town, we get along just fine, but the CRT issue is simmering just below the surface. We shall see.

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Are the kids being browbeaten daily in class about how they're oppressors?

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But they not going to stop they believe in selling the same crap over and over and when change the narrative with consistent lies abd get results why would you change anything

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