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Re: "Anti-Israel activists at NYU embrace ‘armed struggle’"

Why would one attend NYU, having such animosity for the institution?

Are these kids committed to working from the inside (of government, industry, cultural institutions) to destroy the established repositories of power? Or, is this performative activism meant to pad resumes?

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Olympics opening ceremony: vulgarité, hostilité, vacuité. Quelle merde.

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I don't agree, but this is hilarious. Well done!

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Where you been Shane? Hope you are well. I was looking forward to your defense of lower standards for women, as in the Secret Service. Did you see those three Keystone Cops, one who couldn't seem to find the holster for her weapon?

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Good morning, Marcia! Unfortunately, a major surgery I had late last year has failed completely, and so I've been dealing with that the past few weeks. Real life is less fun than social media life, for sure :-)

I don't want lower proficiency standards for women in the Secret Service. Those should be the same as for men: ability to shoot, holster, move protectees under fire, those are all training issues, not matters of upper body strength. Anyone, man or woman, who wants to be a Secret Service agent should master the same set of skills before deployment.

The re-holster attempts were indeed embarrassing. But I'm not sure how many of these agents were Secret Service. Apparently the Service has been so short-staffed they've been pulling feds from other agencies to fill in. If these were Postal Service or Homeland Security agents rather than Secret Service, I can see why Trump's evacuation became such a cluster%%%%--they aren't trained to the level of Secret Service.

The details for the two presidential candidates should never be anything but senior, highly trained Secret Service agents. If there are personnel shortages, the Service can plug those holes by moving good agents to the presidential details and filling in at lower-level protectees like vice president and speaker of the House. Or retired presidents. Nobody's going to plug Jimmy Carter or George Bush.

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I remembered you had health issues a while back, then when you stopped posting I feared things weren't going well. I hope you feel better each day. Whoever said when you have your health you have everything was 100% correct. Glad to see that you're feeling up to commenting, and thanks for checking in.

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Same issues came back to haunt me anew. Last November I fell on my shoulder and tore out two tendons. Surgery repaired them and the rotator cuff, or so we assumed. Just found out after my progress toward 100 percent stopped at 40 percent that the surgery has failed and both tendons are detached again. Better news is the Mayo Clinic here in Phoenix has agreed to review the case to see what my options are. I like my surgeon and at 68, I knew failure was an option--I had a lot of damage in there. But Mayo is the gold standard so I figure I might as well check it out.

Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness, Marcia, I genuinely appreciate it and you. Be well.

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Whoever Noah Millman is, he obviously knows no history because Washington couldn’t have kids. Why would you quote this guy with such an idiotic statement?

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Why don’t young people want to have kids?

I don’t know, maybe being lied to 24/7 that there is a climate emergency, screaming in their faces they are going to die and if they do have children they will have short awful lives until they burn up, boil or be killed by extreme weather.

All the stuff The Free Press tacitly supports with innocuous bullshit comments.

Maybe that has something to do with it.

But what do I know.

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The assassination search has now been semi-fixed, but, obviously, only because you daylighted it. However, the top option is still “Truman”, not “Trump”. Clearly reflecting the fact that more people in the current moment are searching for information about the former.

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Anyone else feel like they are being played? A few weeks ago, Biden's approval rating was essentially the lowest ever recorded for a POTUS. But Kamala's rating was even lower for good reasons. Kamala accomplished nothing while VP, never had a press conference where she didn't act silly, and never uttered an original thought while supporting every racist / progressive harebrained demand.

Remember the old show password? Well, if the Password was Kamala Harris, then the perfect clue would be word-salad. Who wouldn't get that?

And then, a miracle! Joe Biden gets told not to run by the DNC, and endorse Kamala. Two days later Harris is ahead of Trump in polls, and her approval rating jumps massively. How can that possibly be true? Either the media has no idea what the truth is, or many people in the US have the intelligence of a dog doing a trick for a biscuit.

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I think both of your last statements are true.

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I have started to think of journalists and politicians as being two peas in a pod. For the most part, neither profession has a skill set in anything other than manipulation of other people. And neither profession seems to care about the truth.

If I was a journalist, and the new Kamala polling numbers came out that were vastly different from what had just been released a couple of weeks ago, my first phone call would be to the poll conductors to ask them WTH is going on. How can they explain this? Instead, the journalists of today just go along with it.

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Two problems. One, why are journos not hitting on the scandal of a dementia patient continuing as president and who is and has been running the country for the last 4 years? Two, why has Kamala helped cover this up and why are people so happy that she is now the anointed one, despite being the first Dem candidate to drop out of the 2019 primaries and having a more dismal approval rating than Biden?

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I would really like to know exactly who has been making all the decisions these past 3 1/2 years. And it’s the ultimate betrayal of our citizens and country to have a shadow government calling the shots and making such terrible, life-altering decisions. Like the cluster that was Afghanistan and the continuing mess at the border, just to name two.

We are entitled to an explanation. And Kamala Harris knew he wasn’t mentally competent, yet she and Schumer and Pelosi covered it all up.

How can anyone vote for a party so compromised by power that lying is a daily thing? Shame on all of them.

The breadth and depth of this deception is staggering.

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But-- "Trump is a threat to democracy!!!!!"

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Yeah, why the sudden surge in popularity and approval? IMHO, it is the DEI angle in spades, and they have already started playing the woman card and of course the colored person card will soon follow. As reported, they've already had a white woman virtual meeting to exhort the white women to get on board since Kamala is female too. So, POC must vote for Kamala. Women must vote for Kamala. And you can be sure that the phony women's rights issue will be front and center. Imagine if a white man did this. Vote for me because I'm male. Vote for me because I'm white. The race and feminist hustlers would attack with everything they have stating how that man was a racist and a misogynist.

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If Kamala was a White guy and had the same ineptitude, Trump would be winning bigly.

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All you Liberals keep repeating your mantra “Trump will start WW3”.

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I am thrilled to see Madeleine Kearns has joined the FP. She is a brilliant and brave writer. Excellent hire Bari!

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Steven Brizel.: You have to be really narrow minded to judge climate change by what is happening in one NE city. Talk to a Californian, a Texan, a Midwesterner, a European, an African or an Indian. Denying climate change and refusing to mitigate it is not only suicidal but long term is a feat knell for our children, grandchildren, etc.

Every major city and countin the world is preparing for climate change consequences.

Every corporation is preparing. Our military is preparing.

You need to take off the rose colored glasses.

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Californian here... our climate is doing what its has always done. Hot days, dry days, droughts followed by heavy rain years followed by droughts....

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Assuming you can read, start here.


Many posts on the subject.

The UN IPCC has two working groups.

The first, WG1, looks at data to look for signs of human caused climate change.

WG2 looks at impacts.

WG1 is still science and they say there is nothing much happening detectable outside of natural variation.

Which means there is no firm detectable signal of human influence.

Got it?

In fact WG1 says they likely won’t be able to detect human influence for another 50-100 years.

WG2 is political and has drunk the same koolaid as you and is the source of all the ridiculous hair on fire assertions of impending doom.

But if the ipcc cannot detect human influence then everything out of wg2 is bullshit, a lie.

Go read and tell Roger he’s wrong.

Have fun and try not to hurt yourself.

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I’m basically the male version of the crazy cat lady (4 indoor, 2 outdoor, one both) so Hillbilly JD best clamp it! I see the Kamala wave cresting in a cringe soon (if I want a President who’s a spoiled BRAT, I can just vote for Trump). And I remember my Father and I watching the Begin-Sadat Peace Treaty ceremony and him saying how historic it was and that they’d been fighting over there forever. Now I’m 7 years older than he was when we shared that moment and nothing’s been solved. Sad, really.

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I see what you did there. LOL.

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A recent virtual fundraiser was billed as a chance for “white women” to “answer the call” and “show up” for Kamala Harris. And show up they did, with more than 100,000 participants raising more than $1.8 million. The intrepid Elizabeth Nolan Brown dialed into this “Karens for Kamala” event in which participants were told: “White women, we have 100 days to save the world!”

In other words, JD Vance is right.

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As a childless woman who happened to have cats for most of her adult life, I find Vance's remarks a little silly but hardly something to resign from the ticket over. There are, however, things that do offend. They include that idiot woman "comedian," whose name shall go unmentioned, posing with a bloody severed head belonging to President Trump. Another thing that seriously offends me is shutting down oil drilling upon taking office, thereby causing a steadily rising inflation rate. Prices are ridiculously high still. Still another serious annoyance is Ms. Harris' inability to acknowledge the declining physical and cognitive health of a sitting president and owning up only when it was put on display for all the world to see. Oh, and add to my list tampering with the Supreme Court now that a liberal majority has been replaced by conservatives. Those are among the things that offend me. Finally, I think it is WEIRD, REALLY WEIRD that the Harris campaign doesn't seem know these things. (The DEM word for the week is "weird" in case you haven't noticed.)

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Bring cops with billy clubs, shields, and water cannons when fall semester starts at NYU. And tell the cops to use them. It’s time loser students be put in their place across the board, if they choose to do anything other than truly peaceful protest.

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Revelation 13:3

"I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole Earth was amazed and followed after the beast."

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This is quickly becoming my favorite tune.

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The only people I know who are upset by the remark about leftist selfish cat ladies are leftist selfish cat ladies. Everyone else knows that Vance is right: childrearing makes a person humble and mature. So does the tragic situation of wanting children but not being able to have them. Talk about getting rocked. I would never vote for a person for President who has never had children, and becoming a stepparent to teenagers when you are spending 3/4 of your time five hours by car away in Sacramento, or 5 hours by plane away in DC, does not count. For now, since we did not get to vet her through a primary process, she needs to do about 15 no holds barred press conferences,including one-on-one interviews with very difficult interviewers such as Ben Shapiro or Megyn Kelly. Let's see what the Intersectional Vessel of Hope is made of.

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My wife and I have two kids and I can tell you that she really, really, did not like it.

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Woman here with two kids and two cats...I found the comment quite funny. JD is correct in his summation of a certain population that has replaced having children with having pets. I know several of them - even more ridiculous are the dog owners who will dress them in mini outfits and wheel them around in strollers. Most, but not all...however most vote democrat. and buy into all the doomsday propaganda and nihilism.

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Exactly. You don’t need to be a woman or a mother to realize that Vance’s POV on this issue is just barely on this side of “barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen”.

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Which, considering how intelligent and accomplished is his wife is, is really surprising.

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I read, well, only partially read, Matt Labash' article about choosing Harris over Trump because Labash believes he can have a discussion with Harris on issues they may disagree on, but with Trump, he is just a tyrant who complains if he doesn't get the number of votes he wants. If that is Labash's basis for voting, then he may want to at least take a look at Harris wanting to change the rules when it comes to the Supreme Court because she is not getting the results from the Supreme Cour she believes are correct. Both sides complain when they don't get what they want. So, maybe people should actually take a look at what Trump vs. the Biden/Harris sides produced during their years in office and then decide which complaining candidate they should support.

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Biden & Harris participated w/ many others— WHAT PART OF THIS CONFUSES YOU? This is STILL going on. I thought our country had more respect for themselves than to play along .

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