Progressives from blue states, and mentally ill wealthy southern liberals have already wrecked UNC-Chapel Hill & Duke here in North Carolina and a host of other southern universities. But nothing like clown show they've got going at Columbia, Yale, MIT and Pomona College. Most of these kids couldn't find Gaza on a map if you stuck a pistol in their ear, but hatred of the Jews is the latest thing, so lets call daddy to put more money on the ole debit card so we can get a tent for the Nazi Liberated Zone in the college square.

Anywho.......we southerners feel confident that as progressives flee the hellscapes of the liberal cities they've helped create, for the safety and cost effectiveness of gods country, they'll eventually ruin our our states too.

All the more reason to buy more ammo. Y'all have a great Tuesday.

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"Bari argued that the Jews depend on the state of the free world."

And yet she supports anything and everything to Get Trump. Zero appreciation for the Abraham Accords. Zero criticisms of the abuse of law. Zero journalistic investigation into the myriad crimes of our sitting president. Israel's very existence is in peril and she'll still choose death for Jews over a Trump president. Utter, indefensible madness.

Zero integrity when it comes to protecting the rights of your enemies, which are the only rights you actually believe in.

Once Democrats get away with corrupt elections, censorship, jailing opponents, and inequality under the law, Jews and Israel will be next. You know that now. You cannot refuse to defend Trump, and think you will save the free world later.

Those Yale students are tomorrow's leaders, they're trained to hate you, and you continue supporting their trainers.

Remember, Jews are oppressors because they're successful. The entire moral structure of the Democrats is built upon justifications for categorical condemnations. You cannot support Democrats without supporting antisemitism.

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People skipping Ivy Colleges and looking elsewhere for education is normal response to ballooning cost of education. Sure having degree from Ivy opens many doors, but at same time in many cases settles people with major debt that would take them even with well paid jobs many years (in some cases even several decades) to pay off. Who in the right mind wants to be in debt for something you can get cheaper elsewhere ?

The more people start shopping around, going to state schools and doing trades and avoiding overpriced degrees the better. Our Higer industrial complex is cancer on our education system, colleges charge top $ for brainwashing and selling worthless degrees.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 24

When is someone going to admit we have a mob problem in the United States? The number of Palestinian affinity groups appears to outnumber Dunkin' Donuts. Thirdly, wear a mask or otherwise cover your face and don all black and you're up to no good, you're removed from the streets, no questions asked. Ditto when you establish "autonomous" zones on private and public property, asserting not your equality but your primacy over everyone else. If you don't think people are sorely sick of being pushed around by brats in kiffeyehs you'd be dead wrong. A nation has to do certain things to survive. And sometimes that means keeping certain elements out. One of the recurring features in Montaigne's travel guide was the walls and gates surrounding European cities, at which he had to present his papers to get inside. The walls kept bandits and attackers out. In not keeping out either, we're going the way of Rome. Fifty years ago, the mobs would have found themselves back in the Middle East. The malign combination of fifth column bullying everywhere and deliberately neutered policing can ultimately tip civil life to the point where you don't get it back.

James Madison feared that "mobs," factions, would ruin the federation: In No. 10: "Very numerous assemblies, of whatever characters composed, passion never fails to wrest the sceptre from reason."

Then you have the spate of books and ubiquity of discussion (NPR Terry Gross, for example) to the effect of golly, the U.S. Constitution meant well ( not that they're condescending), but it's really pretty lousy. They're going after the electoral college, with shovels, forgetting the power of the states and the fact that each state has a vote. They're selectively quoting Madison. These things must be answered. Ditto the First Amendment, which NPR's head describes as "tricky." It's a full court press.

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In regard the RFK Jr. taking more votes from Trump than from Biden; The Marist poll is irrelevant as it provides no insight as to which states the votes are cast. It’s not a ‘national’ election, it’s fifty different state elections. Very lazy reporting on TFP’s part. Be better.

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Grandson with his Racist STEM Studies and GPA got into a Southern State College and the cost after assistance is $5300 Tuition. He will actually learn something in the Engineering Program and be so much lower in debt. So sorry taxpayer, you probably won't get to foot his school loans. I know, sad, but sometimes it just works where you pay your own bills.

Bari, almost anyone in mainstream America could have told you the left is the biggest threat to the Jewish population. They are the ones filled with hatred and anger at everything. Anyone is just a sound bite away from being a target. Reported that the bastion of free speech, CNN, one of their broadcasters took her family to Israel to be safer than in NYC.

Isn't it amazing the so called socially responsible people and the rich in the so called elite schools are the ones filled with hatred. They hate everything, the government, no joy, happiness, just wanting to associate with destruction and those who would kill them. Really pretty weird when you think of it. Saw two of these elite students being interviewed and they said men are not needed since women can turn their own eggs into babies. Where the hell do we get such stupid people? By the way, this is the gentle lefties who warn us about the 2000 white supremacists who are destroying democracy. Between these idiots and Zuckenberg now accused of interfering in about 300 elections, is there any wonder the ordinary citizen is questioning the entire electoral process?

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The late PJ O’Rourke once wrote “to imagine public health care, think of a public toilet,” a quote the story about the $200k-$1.7MM toilet brought to mind.

Even better: “If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it’s free.”

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“ …The surprising thing is that this pathological mistrust within the ranks leads not to dissension but to strict conformity. Knowing themselves continually watched, the faithful strive to escape suspicion by adhering zealously to prescribed behavior and opinion.” Hoffer

It also appears to lead to members of extremist groups wanting to outdo one another in their zealotry. The invading terrorists on October 7 were calling their parents to tell them how great they were, i.e., how many Jews they were killing or raping. The more barbaric the behavior, the more esteem from other uncivilized assholes. This applies as much to college demonstrators as it does to hamas.

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Biden condemns both sides? I must have missed rampaging Jewish students burning flags, screaming death to Palestinians. https://nypost.com/2024/04/22/us-news/biden-condemns-antisemitic-protests-those-who-dont-understand-palestinians-in-echo-of-trump-both-sides-remark/

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It galls me to read about Jewish kids staying away from schools that their parents - and them- support policy wise. No different than progressives from blue states fleeing the states they turned into dumpsters tax wise and crime wise through their voting. So now the progressive kids are going to come in and ruin the southern institutions?

The Jewish community has always been fine with conservative writers run off college campuses - and they thought it was fine watching businesses get torched and looted during the great Racial Reckoning of 2020. They are also fine with watching a former president get brought up on flimsy charges and having outrageous fines thrown at him. Sorry, my sympathy well has run dry.

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Ugh money quote “These kids aren’t drawn to old gothic Ivy League edifices, musty libraries, hallowed dark oak halls, and ghosts of dead white men,” she added.”

Great they ruined the north, learned absolutely nothing now bringing it down south. When will these idiots learn?

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

The University of Alabama is nearly seventy percent out of state with a very large contingent from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland. About ten years ago, I was eating at a barbecue joint in suburban Birmingham and saw a table of yankees wearing University of Alabama gear. I could hear them talking, laughing and having a great time. They reminded me of characters from my favorite show Seinfeld. I went up to talk to them and learned that they were all from Brooklyn New York, they were all Jewish and all their kids went to the University of Alabama. They flew into Birmingham every weekend for home football games and tailgated and went to the games. I asked them if they ever thought they would be sitting in a barbecue joint in Alabama, wearing University of Alabama swag and going to a football game? They all laughed and said there was no way but they loved it.

Recently, I was in New York City eating in a very nice restaurant with my family. The maitra d could tell we had southern accents and came to our table to ask where we were from and we told him Alabama. He informed us that his daughter had been accepted to the University of Alabama and he had a million questions about the school, sororities etc. They are Russian Jews. He showed me a picture of her and she was beautiful. I told him that she would be just fine.

Again, I was eating at a very nice restaurant in Miami and the waiter said his nephew was from Connecticut and going to the University of Alabama. He has even joined the Alabama National Guard. The waiter has become a pretty good buddy of mine. I trade out Alabama football tickets for Key Lime pies.

The South is not for everyone but I have yet to see a Yankee move back North after experiencing it.

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Many proIsrael/Jewish bloggers wrote years ago about what was happening on elite colleges when it came to antisemitism. Personally I wrote about it over 10 years ago.


The legacy Jewish organizations like the ADL called us all kinds of names and distanced themselves from anyone and anything not considered progressive. They are way too late to the party.

In the words of my oldest son, now that there is a body count they are concerned about antisemitism in the US...F**K Them

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Our elementary and high schools have spent the last 20 years spending gobs of money on programs telling students to not bully other students. Geez, think how bad our college campuses would really be today if they hadn't spent all that money. Actually, what I meant to write is the greatest transfer of wealth in this country has been from our federal government, i.e. taxpayers, to colleges.

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I’ll go further and say the ADL abetted it by accommodating the DEI crowd and sucking up to the loathsome Al Sharpton. Greenblatt is a disgrace. Only the AJC is speaking up these days. Other establishment Jewish organizations are acting like their forbears in the ‘40s.

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On Taylor Swift. I know practically nothing about her, so I’m not at all qualified to judge. But I feel strongly that what is written here about her being intentionally mean to ex boyfriends says a lot about the harmful effects of the current version of liberalism. The new liberalism teaches that it’s perfectly acceptable to be mean and hateful towards certain groups, under conditions which they all agree on. There are no limits on the degree of hostility so long as the victim/oppressor narrative can be maintained.

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