
Why do all the comments have the date 10/8/22???

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This came out of 10/7/22

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What is “deno”?

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I would guess “denounce” and it got cut off.

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My family left in 1979, mostly because of my sister and I. Iranians have been trying to get rid of this brutal theocracy. Obama set them back by making a deal and paying those butchers. Senile joe and the left are wanting to do the same. Ironic that young woman are leading this fight.

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Most interesting.

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One of the truly galling things about this is the idea that women need to cover because men can't be expected to control themselves. BS!! Start expecting more from men for goodness sakes!

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Outstanding discussion.

Where are the Obama’s? Well, they’re either in Martha’s Vineyard, Oahu, maybe on a golf course.

Shilling some bullshit book, perhaps?

We know where all these elitists are not. They are silent when it comes to actually doing anything good. Talk is literally free.

Thank you for providing this awesome interview.

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Despite being hyper-aware of current events, news such as this still shakes me to the core. I'm anti-war but part of me thinks that the U.S. should take military action. I'm embarrassed to even think that but there are no civil rights in Iran.

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Outstanding interview of a brave, inspirational woman! I really hope the Biden administration does what Masih Alinejad is calling for it to do.

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Calling for the Biden administration to overthrow the theocracy? Not going to happen. That will have to happen Arab Spring style from within. And that has become a hell of a lot harder now that Insane Clown reneged on the JCPOA confirming the hardliners position that The Great Satan cannot be trusted. Thereby strengthening them and weakening the moderates. And in the process Iran is closer than ever to having nooks.

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She did a great interview on Bill Maher the other night. But the he followed with Van Jones and Caitlin Flanagan, which was nauseating.

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Insane Clown didn't do a damn thing for Iranian women by reneging on the JCPOA. All that did was strengthen the hardliners, weaken the moderates, and Iran is closer than ever to having nookuler weapons.

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How many centuries more will Islamism / Sharia law, Muslim Brotherhood. ..etc remain in control? Does the Middle East continue as is? What will force change?

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Thank you Bari, so great to listen to Mary Katherine interview Masih Alinejad.

This was a great interview. Masih really understands both her country and the West very well and articulates the challenges and her desires with great clarity. I was particularly pleased to listen to her point of view about lefty Congress women Omar, AOC, etc… and their hypocrisy.

Gender Apartheid Regime is all you need to know.

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I haven’t been able to get that woman’s beating to death out of my head - it’s makes me feel sick every time I think of it or am reminded of it.

Over the years I’ve tried more and more accept the ways and traditions of the Middle East, thinking is it really our job to try to change their ways as though we’re the benchmark? How about our botched and blundered efforts in Afghanistan, at great financial and human cost; talk about luring people to trust us then slapping them on the face.

The bullshit excuses of, “she died of a heart attack” - ya think?! I’m sure did have a heart attack as she was being fucking beaten to death, and for what?

This whole thing makes me feel 90% of the social issues we have in the US come from the incredible success the country has had, now many are acting like spoiled children, whining about this or that - give me a break. Of course we have some problems, but most seem trite by comparison. We have it so good here, but human gripes seem insatiable. Rarely do you see or hear of appreciation for all we have, what all we’ve collectively accomplished - no, only for what we’ve done wrong; who’s without mistakes or sin? Damn few, if any. Ok, we aren’t perfect but in so many ways we are good people. Just think hard for a minute about what it would be like to be taken away and beaten to death, it isn’t a fast and humane process. Think hard about it, visualize it, feel it. Compare that to our “problems.” I’m not giving us a free pass, only asking to think about it all and to keep it in perspective.

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“Over the years I’ve tried more and more accept the ways and traditions of the Middle East, thinking is it really our job to try to change their ways as though we’re the benchmark?”

No, no. Do not surrender your Common Sense (pun intended). You knew what was right from jump street b

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It's just SICKENING what that disgusting antiquated regime in Iran is doing to subjugate their women (and young people in general).

All we can do (I guess) is hope those young people find a way to persist and overthrow those nasty bearded weirdos running the country.

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I subscribed to Common Sense because of several things I read written by Bari Weiss. Now her interviews are not available to be read. As for the rest of what is written on Common Sense I find a great deal of it to be sophomoric with a thinly Democratic bias. A few exceptions most notably essays by Shellenberger. (Sorry for not remembering the proper name spelling). Come on Common Sense lets stick to things that matter and make all essays legible. Also it wouldn't hurt if the contributors acknowledged their basis. Harold Hanerfeld

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Just don't feed the troll. This community of thoughtful commenters is great Also, this podcast is well worth the listening time. When she describes being a child and not permitted to do things like play outdoors, swim, sing, have fun ( yet her brother could do all of that), and hearing how she had to keep her hair covered even while sleeping at 7 years old - very eye opening as to what true oppression of women and girls looks like

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