
For more than 2000 years Jews have been the target no matter the circumstance. I am surprised at the their shock and surprise at the treatment they are receiving in the circumstances. Have they forgotten they are Jews. For those Jews holding up signs "I'm a Jew and I support Palestine" at best you're a schmuck at worst you're a Sonderkommando.

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I'm a social conservative and classical liberal in my thoughts on free speech. I don't understand why the progressive left are shocked at the amount of anti-Semitism that their " so called" allies are displaying. I don't understand why you guys had to march for transgender rights or BLM I was a police officer for years in my home city that is 83 percent black and I never saw anything that showed that black lives did not matter. George Floyd death while tragic had ZERO to do with race. Floyd was a career criminal who had recently gotten out of prison for a felony home invasion where he and 3 co-defendents committed a violent home invasion and Floyd held a pistol to a pregnant woman's stomach threatening to kill both her and her unborn child if she did not tell him where the money and drugs were hidden. He was committing a felony when he was arrested by the police at the time of his death. Lethal amounts of Fentanyl were detected in his autopsy and the autopsy found no damage to his esophagus or windpipe. You guys are excellent journalist and you know that Derek Chavios was convicted of murder because those in power did not want more cities to burn and more mayhem from Antifa and BLM thugs.

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I have no idea where she is getting this thing about people on the right liking Jews in Israel.

I know a lot of conservative people, I am one, and I can honestly say that I have never heard a single one of them say anything about Jews one way or another. Just never comes up.

Apart from my fiance being Jewish, many of my good friends are Jewish, got nothing but respect for them.

Where in the name of God is she getting this? Are there some old crackers floating around, a few young red neck bigots? Sure. But they are a tiny tiny minority with almost no influence anywhere.

Now, the progressive left is everywhere, it controls most of our major institutions from universities to media to corporations.

Seems to me that the problem you have is two fold. First, you just found out that those you disagree with are actually your allies and those you thought were your allies are prepared to be your oppressor. Second, you have to wonder if they are wrong about that, what else are they wrong about and therefore what have you been wrong about.

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“When you look at the political right you see a group that seems very comfortable with Jews in Israel and very uncomfortable with Jews at home." I respectfully disagree - those of us on the political right are very comfortable with Jews everywhere. Period.

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As a Jew who goes all the way back to SDS, but who long ago got that proverbial "mugging by reality," I find a lot of this story irritating in the extreme.

Start with this: "“When you look at the political right you see a group that seems very comfortable with Jews in Israel and very uncomfortable with Jews at home. And when you look at the political left, you see a group that seems very comfortable with Jews at home and very uncomfortable with Jews in Israel.”

I am sorry, but the most "comfortable with the Jews at home" that I know are conservative people, and the most uncomfortable are the lefties.

Then there are all these Jews suddenly coming awake to all this? Give me a break. The rising tide of antisemitism on the left has been patently obvious for a long time now. Where have these people been? Perhaps where they have been is down that pathetic road on social media, Instagram, who knows what else, actually admitting to this sort of thing: “Every time I open Instagram I’m just like, blocking or deleting people that I thought I knew.” Really? You are blocking people?!!? Why? You can't say something to them? You can't bear to look their betrayal in the face and call them on it? What good does that do them or you or anyone. You are called on now to be tough, hard, honest. The Jews do not need your hurt feelings. They need you to stand up. So, for God's sake, STAND UP.

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When will these people learn that many progressives are the most blatant antisemites, and will use any excuse to demonstrate their hatred for Jews? You won't find that in the conservative movement. Actually, the most fervent supporters of Israel are religious Christians.At least conservative do not act before finding out the true facts.

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Seems like a whole lot of people in this article marched for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party and have yet to workout all the connections

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So the “progressive left” has finally revealed itself for what it truly is, the ol’ wolf in sheep’s clothing. The goal is no less than the destruction of western civilization.

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The phrase “mugged by reality” comes to mind.

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Remember kids, Hamas was funded by and is a proxy/puppet of Israel.

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I deeply relate to this article. I’m one of these progressive Jews that feels betrayed and gaslit and isolated. I have many family members who stayed in Germany and were killed in the Holocaust—only two survived. The one that snuck out on a boat in the 30’s and a child that survived the camps. I often wondered how the others could convince themselves to stay. Sure, they had businesses and had fought for the German military for years, but how did they not see?

When I saw my friends celebrating the attack, I was stunned. Did they not witness what I had? Are they so uniformed on the history of the region to understand who Hamas is? Then I stayed quiet and observed their bigotry. Finally I mustered the energy and a plan—if I could educate them about antisemitism and it’s common tropes, the history of the region, share content that flagged misinformation—surely then they would understand. Ha! What a naive thought. I realized tonight how so much of my family convinced themselves to stay in Germany and recognized a similar naïveté in myself. I’m realizing that they don’t truly see me. They don’t think of me as a Jewish person, a “Zionist,” and for that reason they are comfortable with being my friend or having me as an ally. As soon as I am a bad Jew, a Zionist, I’m somehow complicit or signing off on all of Israel’s policies. It’s a strange experience.

I have found the most community with people who have fled Iran. They seem to be able to hold more of the regional nuance and I deeply appreciate their allyship and voice—especially at a time when everything that a Jew says is dismissed as a lie to serve a global conspiracy or seen as being a crybaby (both classic antisemitic tropes). Women, Life, Freedom movement, but who the hell knows what I’m going to do at the polls in 2024.

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As a gentile (lapsed Catholic), Republican and strong supporter of Israel who can accurately be described as a “pro-Semite” (insofar as I view Jewish culture as something to emulate and aspire to), I’m deeply sorry that it took something like 10/7 to jolt the American Jewish left out of their stupefaction with the hodge-podge of grievance-mongering, morally confused, intellectually bankrupt “liberals” currently lionizing the barbarians of Hamas (or any other poor, downtrodden group of previously closeted rabid anti-semites). But as painfully clarifying as the acts of 10/7 are, and as subsequent acts have startlingly revealed where liberal affinity groups stand on the issue, it is still necessary to counsel many American Jews who love and support Israel to wake up - we Republicans are your closest, most reliable and most enduring allies. And this has nothing whatsoever to do with Christian fundamentalism, “the rapture” or other such bullshit. It’s about our shared love of humanity and mutual belief in God’s inalienable gifts. Given the circumstances, we take no joy in watching many Western Jews come around to this realization, and there is, admittedly, some lingering resentment at having been openly defamed as “Nazis” or fascists, or even idiots and rubes for so long by the left. But in this critical hour, you need to be clear-eyed about who your friends are. So you were wrong about us. That’s ok. We are kind hearted and forgiving (the opposite of yet another leftist slander of conservatives). What is most important is that you’re here, standing on our side of the aisle in this time of great peril and uncertainty. We will stand for you and fight with you, and when this sorry episode is over and Israel lives on and prospers, you’ll have found a new home with us. This, I guarantee because this, I believe.

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Welcome to the party, pals. This already happened to many a few years ago when the Democrats wanted to send all unpoisoned people to camps. Took you long enough.

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I am sorry that it people so long to “woke” up about the embedded antisemitism in these progressive movements. BLM supported BDS from the beginning. Jewish students have long complained about the “oppressed/oppressor” ideology on campus and you know who the oppressors is. People are simply not educated about history. They do not know that Israel was created in line with all the other modern Middle East states after the Allie’s kicked the Turks out in WWI. The first plan to divide British rule Palestine came in 1939. Arabs did not like because they did not want a Jewish State. WWII intervenes. 1947-1948 the Allie’s, now the UN offer partition plan. The Palestinian Jews are offered a state and say Yes. The Palestinian Arabs are offered a state and say No. Israel is not responsible for failed Palestinian Leadership. And Lebanon was created.

Somehow people read or listen to what other say without a critical eye or basic common sense. How does a college student at a top University in America not know the history of WWI and WWII. Disgraceful.

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I cannot begin to grasp the struggles Jews on the left are having with the unbelievable rise of antisemitism. I’m white, old, Southern, politically conservative and a Christian. That list is backwards, by the way. I’m a Christian first. None of the rest of the list even comes close to defining who I am. I stand with Israel. I know the promises made to Abraham in Genesis and the covenants that followed. The land has ALWAYS been intended for Israel. God never goes back on a promise and Israel, particularly Jerusalem will be very important until the end of time. Any Christian who makes any antisemitic remark is not being true to their calling. No one wants another holocaust or anything like it! I feel sad that Jews on the political Left do not feel comfortable with me. I don’t fit their view of political correctness. I am pro-life. I believe less government control is better for America. If Covid didn’t teach you that, I am puzzled. I am not a Trumper. I wish the ballot in November did not say Biden or Trump. I like the new Speaker who made the point in his very first speech that America should stand firmly with Israel. But I digress. It is the faith stance of Christian which informs all else we do. Of course there are Christian’s on the Left! My hope is that they are speaking up for all of their Jewish friends and against the growing tide of hatred. If their politics are informing their faith, they are walking backward through life. You cannot march for justice without understanding the injustice Jews have endured for centuries. I’m sorry Jewish Americans on the Left are feeling (being) betrayed. There is indeed a line in the sand. It is Israel. Look around and see who is standing with you. We aren’t trying to get you to vote like us. We are trying to do what is right and just and good in the eyes of God. If anyone seeks harm to the Apple of God’s eye, we will stand against them at any cost and trust me, there is a cost. I too have lost friends and the respect of family members. But I will not be moved in my support of Israel the nation, or the right of Jews everywhere to live in peace. I hope this touches the hearts of some who would have dismissed me as irrelevant just a few months ago. Find a Christian who supports Israel and talk to them! The whole bit about this country being built on Judeo-Christian principles is a real thing. Some of us hold to that truth very deliberately. There is a middle place where we can meet. Try us and see…

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The left is eating itself alive, and yet the right still shoots itself in the foot with unserious wack ass candidates like Trump

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