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True, not true? Maybe someone should investigate:

"BREAKING: Haitian Voter Fraud Uncovered in Springfield, Ohio"

Plus, the OH AG is trying to stop unlimited transplantation of illegals to OH towns - other OH towns beyond Springfield are targets of the feds for that. Gee, I wonder what the motivation for that is?

Maybe that's why Swalwell, etc are so upset about the cat memes shining a light on the area?

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"[A] Reuters focus group of 10 undecided voters who watched the debate yielded intriguing results. Six came out in support of or leaning toward Trump, while only three were team Harris. Half felt that, after 90 minutes, they still didn’t have a clear idea of the vice president’s policies."

Wait. What portion felt that they still didn't have a clear idea of Trump's unfitness for any position of responsibility, regardless of policies? Six out of ten? Really?

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Longestaffe — This is not 2016. Voters already know Trump did a better job than Biden/Harris: Afghanistan, Ukraine, the Mideast, inflation, etc.

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Sorry to disturb in the midst of important drag queen news, but does TFP have any plans to investigate, cover or report on the deception of Harris and ABC in re questions provided beforehand and assurances of no fact check challenging by moderators? Curious whether TFP sees this as news or whether we’ll see another piece on meaningless drivel in the Friday send

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I'm curious why the tiny sample size Reuters focus group reporting post-debate sentiments of independent voters was something you're following but not the Washington Post's much larger focus group. The answer is obvious to me: You're biased, reporting only news unfavorable to Harris.

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What a ridiculous comment. Also, in case you weren't aware, the Washington Post is totally biased in favor of Harris. I do agree with the two people in their poll that said they are in favor of neither candidate at the end of the debate, which was my takeaway. Two compulsive lairs battling it out to see who can lie the most. I'd say it was a draw, though the "moderators" never fact checked anything Harris said, only Trump. I pick neither.

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That’s funny

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Who is actually qualified to hire a ceo? Our country is the largest business in the USA. Who can know the best commander in chief to secure our country? These questions should be raised, not what we are seeing or hearing.

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On cat eating. I have no idea. However, several years ago there were incidents in the Seattle area of new immigrants taking geese and ducks from Green Lake park. I don't remember a whole lot about it but I do remember a more moderate Seattle being appalled! (I guess these days the Times would never print the news. God forbid they report an unpleasant fact.) But, at the time, the Seattle Times did report it. How did these people know the geese and ducks were there so kids could feed them bread? So, I really wouldn't be too surprised to learn other immigrants did similar things in other cities.

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Well, there are a couple of riveting and important pieces here (Yasmine Mohammed, Bill Barr), and also River Page. . . for some kind of cultural reason?

Sorry to say for the Commentary Wall -- but I see a landslide coming, and not for DJT.

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I agree in terms of number of votes. Electorally not sure but think he will get Pushed aside in the deluge there too. He simply os not helping his own cause. The only thing that can help him is the misery index which might still be negative in october tho even that is firming up, supporting her some…trendwise

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When the Democratic candidate and debate moderators cheat, lie and collude it does indeed make it difficult for another candidate to get traction. Regardless, any thinking and aware individual knows Harris in a landslide is delusional. Take a look at the math of the electoral college and the very few states in play. In other words, do your homework before spouting.

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Repubicans / media have been fused before Vietnam even. Any candidate who is shocked shocked by that does not deserve to win

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"When Harvard defended its admissions policy before the Supreme Court last year, it warned of a precipitous fall in the number of black students enrolled if it lost the case. "


When our immigration policies changed decades ago to favor "developing world" immigrants people warned of a precipitous fall in the % of white citizens. It happened and here we are.

At least for school admissions there is a meritocracy angle.

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"Well, the first post–affirmative action numbers are out, and they show only a modest fall in the number of black first-year students at Harvard: 14 percent, down from 18 percent last year."

While I'm dead set against racial preferences in college admissions, this description is misleading. Going from 18% to 14% is a drop of 22%. When something moves by 5% that is considered "statistically significant". In financial terms, between 5-10% is considered "material". Describing a 22% decline in a statistic as "modest fall" as if to say "all the people who said this would be awful were being dramatic, it's no biggie", misses the boat completely.

There was a thoughtful essay today in (of all places) The NY Times by John McWhorter saying these declines may not matter. There is also the argument that we should not focus on it because, after these changes, anyone who did get in will never be looked at by others who wonder "did they get in b/c they were ______?".

But pretending the declines were not big does nothing for the discussion.

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Blacks are 13.9% of the U.S.population, but they are a vanishingly small percentage of science and engineering students. MIT says black enrollees are down to 5% this year from 13% in previous years, because of the Supreme Court ruling that banned racial preferences.

In other words, black enrollment goes down when admissions are tied more strongly to academic excellence.

Elsewhere in the news, Asian enrollment at Harvard is up, because top scoring, hard working Asian students are no longer being openly discriminated against (it would be naive to say the discrimination has ended).

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Sep 12Edited

I don't have a problem with any of it, except I dislike calling something it isn't - a 22% drop isn't modest.

Meanwhile, Asians dropped from 30% to 22% at Yale.....

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Sep 12Edited

"The problem of anti-Semitism in Colombia "is a danger to all members of the Colombian community because it will not - and has not - stop with the Jews."

In other words. If the problem stopped with the JEWS, there would be nothing to worry about. That's what anti-Semitism is for. But when it affects ALL OF US, that's a different matter, and we must fight it.

Conclusion: Barr himself is an anti-Semite?

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Silly statement

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I completely agree with you. The progressive part of humanity, headed by the UN, thinks the same as you. The 6 hostages killed by Hamas under the threat of their release did not cause any reaction from these "peacekeepers". TFP are among them. Progressive humanity did not condemn the murderers. And these were not even prisoners, but hostages.

However, I am against the progressive part of humanity.

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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller

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The order was different. The Jews were the first to be outlawed. And they came for them when everything was set up properly. Death chambers, crematoria, etc. The German people have always been a model in organization and technology.

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I thought the bit about Haitians eating cats was the wildest claim in the debate, but still pleased to see confirmation of the prisoner sex-change thing.

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When I first heard citizens complaining that the Haitian migrants were eating pets, cats in particular, I had to laugh. Back in the late 80's and early 90s I worked a job in Ft Lauderdale that brought me into neighborhoods and homes throughout the area. Of course, one of the sections was Haitian because migration has been happening on and off for decades. My co-workers and I noticed rather quickly, you never saw any pets and after a while it was obvious they were eating them. So actually, it's not so wild.

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You'd think that the childless cat ladies would be all up in arms about this. But no. They prefer to simply deny that it happens. But numerous eyewitness reports are emerging that it does happen. And eventually (likely post-election) the mainstream media will pick up the story.

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Don't count on it. Gov. DeWine is sending extra troopers and $2.5M to Springfield to help put a damper on any bad press during the election cycle.

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I’m just amazed at how feline-themed this election is.

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Kamala's team is all in for all things related to "transgender" madness.

And, Vance has a point here:

"‘Speaks To The Media’s Failure’: JD Vance Says Media Only Began Caring About Migrant Crisis Once GOP Posted Cat Memes"

I think some people are busy interviewing folks in Springfield, OH - so we will probably hear more about what is up or not up with that. But, the cat meme has brought attention to the illegal immigrant/open border crisis.

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I saw some “guerilla” journalist interviewing people there which was illuminating. Sadly, most MSM will just take the city manager’s word at face value and say it’s all MAGA fearmongering.

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I wonder whether the shoe leather journalists will discover voter fraud in Springfield. I saw this:

"BREAKING: Haitian Voter Fraud Uncovered in Springfield, Ohio"

Plus, the OH AG is trying to stop unlimited transplantation of illegals to OH towns - other OH towns beyond Springfield are targets of the feds for that. Gee, I wonder what the motivation for that is?

Maybe that's why Swalwell, etc are so upset about the cat memes shining a light on the area.

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I regularly lol at their headlines.

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The political inertia in the United States is currently to the left.

That inertia has been created by the infiltration of Marxist inspired academics and activists into America’s educational, governmental and other public as well as private institutions.

The progressive element of the Democrat Party is composed of politicians who heave to Marxist philosophy and whose agenda is driven by it.

Kamala Harris is simply a figurehead anointed by this cadre to fulfil the office as President because, like Biden, she can be relied upon to further and fulfil their leftist objectives.

The current progressive wisdom posits that if Trump is elected, he will check the progressive agenda and reverse the political inertia to the far right.

Basically, voters are being asked to decide whether they want their country to further its trajectory to the far left or to risk a shift to the far right (this narative posits that political moderation is not a possibility).

The interesting aspect of this narrative is the position of the Republican Party.

It has no equivalent to the progressive element within its ranks and it has a presidential candidate that has co-opted much of their conservative constituency to the point he is their leader whether they like it or not - certainly the party does not exert the control that the Democrats have over Harris.

Trump is a populist and a less than savoury character but he does not control the GOP.

The notion that the GOP would heave to the far right at Trump’s instigation is a stretch (if indeed that is his ambition).

Certainly there would be a far more conservative approach to governance but a swing to the fascistic state predicted by Trump’s opponents would require a pliancy in the Republican Party that he does not enjoy.

Harris is under the control of a party that is controlled by progressives who want America to move to the far left.

The Republicans are represented by Trump but there is no indication they would tolerate him moving America under the control of the far right.

It is inevitable that if Trump becomes President he will check the power that is currently being wielded by the progressives and that they will inevitably attribute the ensuing purge to a move towards facism.

The irony is that it may depend upon the GOP to protect America’s democracy and freedom from both the far left and the far right until moderate liberalism can be reestablished in the Democrat Party.

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Where is Ben Kawaller? I miss him! I can't believe he didn't interview anyone about the debate. Or something. He is so funny and benevolent - I want to see more of him.

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I've been wondering that too. He should take a trip to Ohio as well.

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Arabs has been allowing marriages of 9 year olds since the time of Mohammad. No surprise there.

Where was Rudy yesterday? He should have been there instead of Bloomberg. Oh wait, the Dems have him tied up in litigation. Amazing that Trump was invited.

I think there should be another debate. Let it be on Fox where at least the moderators will be neutral. There was a lot to debunk at the debate. David Muir should be ashamed of himself. He was the loser at the debate in my opinion. As far as Kamala winning the debate, I would tell people to look at her body language. She's not very Presidential.

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So when will The Free Press come out and endorse Donald Trump? I subscribed to this publication for thought-provoking dissections of woke progressivism, which I appreciated even when I thought they were exaggerated or misleading because they led to meaningful discussions with commenters. I’m now paying to read a MAGA-apologist rag obsessed with the old news of campus protests, providing mostly glib, adolescent opinion pieces and unsubstantiated, ideologically-twisted, hysterical “analyses” of often minor issues. Few of my Democratic friends understood why I subscribed. I’m beginning to agree with them. TFP now feels not only not worth the money, but not worth my time. Bari, I really thought you were better than this.

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Do you have friends who are not members of the Democrat party?

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Yeah, it's taken a weird turn in the year + I've been subscribed and not for the better. I'm not sure what to make of the content anymore. It's all over the board, seems super non-serious 50% of the time and misses much of what's happening in the real news.

I expected a continuation of the early TFP days when the hard-hitting expose was welcomed as a foil to the MSM. Now it seems the general leanings of the MSM are creeping in. On watch for subscription cancellation.

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Content "all over the board" might have been one of the objectives.

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Are you the TFP defender/apologist?

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They’re trying to do too much too quickly. To make themselves a real media outlet with lots of writers and all the newspaper sections (what next? sports?) Bari started a sort of intelligent, narrowly-focused newsletter and is now clearly trying to build it into a media empire. Apparently that requires packing it with a little of everything. Like you said, so much is unserious. Instead of one long piece you have to pick through a bunch of fluff to see if there’s anything worth your time.

Another factor that’s distorted her original intent, I’m convinced, is that her subscribers ended up being largely Trump supporters/MAGA.* Whenever she publishes something challenging to that orthodoxy, the commentariat gets upset. Since they represent the bulk of her income stream, naturally she must keep them happy. Thus a once orthodoxy-challenging publication has become another tedious echo chamber.

*I used MAGA as a descriptor - it’s basically a political party - not as an insult

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TFP has become incoherent. Tell me its 1) purpose, 2) intended niche and 3) its differentiating qualities. I can’t answer any of those questions.

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1. The picture of 9/11 ceremonies. Notice anyone missing? The guy who should have been there instead of Bloomberg? Bloomberg standing in the front row... What insolence. Bastards.

2. Re Harvard admissions of blacks bit: My prof friend at Hopkins shared with me the 'how we will get around the Supreme Court Decision' email that was sent out by their administration a millisecond after the decision was announced. They were prepared. My uneducated guess is, Harvard did the same.

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