
Congratulations! I started reading for free (thanks for that option!) then liked what you are doing so much that I subscribed. Now I want to share with my kids (in their 30s and 40s lol). Any chance you will add group subscriptions sometime soon? You might find quite a few more like me who would convert a single subscription into a group for their family members. Keep up the great work!

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Much love and happy anniversary to Bari, Nellie and all the team. Happy holidays and all the best in year two. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with!!

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I first started reading you, Bari, because the NYTimes fired you. I figured you must be doing something right. I was genuinely thrilled when you started TFP, and immediately felt a sense of hope because I found a community of writers valued truth (especially unpopular truths) and chased down stories with relentless curiosity. You've assembled a team of damn smart people, and I'm grateful.

Nellie asked around Thanksgiving about who TFP's readers were. Beats me, but I'm trying to increase your ranks and have happily stirred things up on LinkedIn by sharing you (Bari's) articles on DEI. About me, in today's world of Intersectionality, I'm the least valuable person on the planet; an aged, straight, white, religious, 40+ years married, marketing writer.

BTW, should TFP ever want/need anything written in the automotive space, I'm your guy. I was AOL's automotive Editor at Large for years.

THANK YOU BARI! Please hug your wife for me with greetings from Detroit.

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Happy Anniversary to The Free Press !!♡ In a spiraling world of decline and weirdness, you've given us the truth. What a gift.

Thank you for that.

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Happy birthday to you...

You've earned all of the accolades that you have received.

I'm pleased to be a subscriber.

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Congratulations! Well worth the subscription.

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Congratulations!!! Love you all.

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Congrats! Been there from the beginning and I am so proud of all of you. Please enjoy tremendous growth in the coming years!

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Keep at it folks, until you are no longer a voice in the wilderness.

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You built that!!

I'm so thankful for this trustworthy and thought-provoking source in a sea of lies and twisted agendas. I'm so happy that you created and built it and so proud for you on your well-earned success! Thank you!!!

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Congrats on your anniversary. I have to confess that I didn't know who Bari Weiss even was until she appeared as a guest on (I believe) Uncommon Knowledge about 2 years ago. I thought she made sense, and somehow I got on the mailing list for her initial emails that eventually became the Free Press. I have enjoyed reading the FP, especially TGIF. But I really like that the FP practices a thing that used to be called "journalism", and they break stories that just don't appear in the main stream media. Keep up the good work!

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You guys! are the best for allowing so many a platform on which to speak/write. We are so blessed and grateful!

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Bari-I just wanted to “Thank You”and staff for being there . I go back to the early days of “Common Sense”. Keep going!

Terry Moon

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I was one of your early subscribers. You’re doing outstanding work. Thank you.

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So impressed! I recommend the FP to everyone I know! I upgraded to Founder Subscription and am glad of the opportunity to support this vital work.

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