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Congrats on your anniversary. I have to confess that I didn't know who Bari Weiss even was until she appeared as a guest on (I believe) Uncommon Knowledge about 2 years ago. I thought she made sense, and somehow I got on the mailing list for her initial emails that eventually became the Free Press. I have enjoyed reading the FP, especial…
Congrats on your anniversary. I have to confess that I didn't know who Bari Weiss even was until she appeared as a guest on (I believe) Uncommon Knowledge about 2 years ago. I thought she made sense, and somehow I got on the mailing list for her initial emails that eventually became the Free Press. I have enjoyed reading the FP, especially TGIF. But I really like that the FP practices a thing that used to be called "journalism", and they break stories that just don't appear in the main stream media. Keep up the good work!