
The moral vacuum many young people exist in propels them to search for purpose in life greater than themselves. The noisiest groups become the magnets with iconoclastic ideas expressed openly and often violently against extant institutions viewed as oppressive forces in society. Shutting down and overthrowing traditional values is the new intoxicating “cause” energizing young students indoctrinated by Marxkist faculty. Reinforced by the mob mentality of other young people living away from home and now free to raise hell with no consequences believing in the righteousness of their cause. A new found revolutionary has emerged from the lonely cacoon to join the fight against whatever

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Kisin quoting Sowell. A perfect 10 of a post. Thanks.

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What a great essay. It nets out everything that is wrong about progressive thinking into a short explanation that makes perfect sense. Send this to your progressive friends. They might wake up conservatives tomorrow too.

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If Hamas's killing of 1400 Israelis on Oct. 7 made all Palestinians "barbaric," as all FP authors think, then what does that say about Israel's killing of 9,227 Palestians according to the AP?

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Yes, you know because you were taught and the content you were taught is the judeo Christian teachings that attempt to codify the infinite of a living God

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Excellent and deep perspective, Konstantin! It is all about "worldview", which is another way of saying spiritual perspective. I have embraced the Christian worldview for decades and believe that we must understand and act as if people are responsible for their actions. We do not need to be cruel but pro-Hamas protestors need to be deported if they are in the USA on student visas. The chronically mentally ill need to be institutionalized so that society can be spared from their filth, insults, and contagion in our most liberal cities. The idea of the legitimacy of boundaries between nations needs to be re-instituted. Too many of us have fallen pray to utopian visions. A simple question: can the USA welcome all the destitute poor people of the world? If not, should we have and stand by laws to govern LEGAL immigration? The answer is so obviously YES.

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Orwell envisioned Oceania versus Eurasia but forgot Islamistan.

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Jihad is a Commandment. Killing Jews, Christians, Pagans and other Infidels is a Commandment. Clearing the Holy land of Jews is a Commandment.

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." --The Holy Qur'an

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As Renaud Camus argues, morality cannot do without truth yet much of what passes for morality is composed of enormous lies. This essay helps us leave the delusional lies embedded in the progressive world view behind. Time to face the bitter truth in a world riven with huckster globalism, diversity myths, and institutionalized lying by liberal elites.

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I think is already too late, at least for Europe...

Another thought I have is that "our governments", the same people who have let them come by the millions and millions (I'm European, so I'm talking about Europe), they knew that this was going to happen. If I, being just an ordinary person, I knew that this was going to happen 20 years one can convince me that our governments were not even going to suspect it, please!!!!

Therefore, I see all this as a plan, a designed conflict... they knew and they know, and still at this moment they are coming in by the thousands, daily, 98% are men, all young men, strong to fight.

what can go wrong right? what t heck is going on...?

My opinion: #FollowTheMoney #Qatar #SaudiArabia #UnitedEmirates #Kuwait... I mean, I am sure that they had BOUGHT more than just soccer teams and stars as Ronaldo, right?

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Trump’s toxic personality? Don’t get it! He is not a polished politician. He is a rich New Yorker in touch with the working class! He has a sense of humor, so lighten up folks! Trump 2024 (and DeSantis is the best runner up.

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Is this all part of a slow-burn master plan by a Communist state to undermine our belief in Western tradition?

Did the Comintern actually stand down after WW2 or were they repurposed to target Western academia?

Could Dona Torr, a leading Communist in the UK, believe how successful her ‘mission’ of targeting young minds, awakening them to the Communist way of thinking, then insert them into academia’ believe how successful she has been in undermining our belief systems? One of her acolytes, Christopher Hill, was made Master of Balliol College, Oxford.

But we can’t say we weren’t warned. Even the KGB told us what they were up to in US Universities but no one listened:

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We have forgotten about war. The memories of Stalingrad, Leningrad, Moscow, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa in WW2 are but distant memories. America entered WW2 only after Pearl Harbor and Germany declaring war on the US. October 7 could be considered a wake up call. Will it require another Pearl Harbor to awaken the Sleeping Giant? And has the Giant been weakened from within? The future is unknown, but we need to gather together with resolve to maintain our civilization.

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A left-wing hit piece on this article:

Besides the overpowering general snark, the author dismisses Sowell's Conflict of Visions as an absurdity that he's plainly never heard of before. Most of the article consists of denying that anyone on the Left holds positions that many on the Left loudly advocate. Finally, the author demonstrates a hallmark of Leftism: a need to claim a monopoly on good intentions. He does so with this quote:

"The politically salient argument between the left and the right is not about whether inequality or poverty can be eliminated but rather whether public policy should aim to reduce both."

Part of the author's purpose in making that statement is to deny that any Leftist ever advocates eliminating inequality or poverty (an extraordinary lie on his part), but the other implication is that no one on the Right wants to reduce poverty. This in spite of the fact that literally everyone who supports free markets knows that free markets improve the plight of the poor far more than any other system.

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Every now and then I come across an article like this - often on the FP - that leaves me thinking, "How did this person plagiarize my exact shower thoughts?!" I could have written nearly every word of this myself it so closely aligns with how I've been feeling. Now if only there were a party I could vote for who also aligned so closely.... hmmmm... should I go with the very fine people chanting "the Jews will not replace us!" or the ones throwing a public victory celebration for Hamas??

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Excellent piece referencing the brilliant Thomas Sowell...

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