
Russia trying to use a black woman to get leverage over the U.S.?


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Russia trying to use a black woman to get leverage over the U.S.?


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I agree. Don't want the anthem played when I'm shopping either.

You want forced anthems and standing. Move to N. Korea.

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Brittney Greiner is not worth letting a convicted arms dealer go free. (What’s an athlete doing vaping anyway?) She took drugs into Russia despite knowing how they view drug use. She has no useful skills, makes no contribution to society, another useless professional athlete. Let the Russians keep her.

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At the risk of ostracism, an American traveling to Russia or any other lawless nation at odds with Uncle Sam plays with fire and will get burned.

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in most countries , athletes get a "pass" through customs. probably she's brought that stuff in before with no problem. Russia has an agenda; Brittany represents a politically privileged class to this administration... I wish they cared a amuch about everyone else rotting around the world .. including our allies left behind in Afghanistan, if any are still alive 😒

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There are Americans locked up in DC for longer for much less.

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Common sense would dictate not to travel to or work in a dictatorship. You do it at your own peril. As to the Woke obsession of Griner‘s impeccable credentials as one of them shows clearly their version of supremacy.

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Let her rot.

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Note, that punishing drug users and not only drug dealers (which is what we do in the US) is a way to really reduce drug use. In Singapore, just about the cleanest country in the world, and one of the most developed and educated, 5g of a drug gives you the death penalty.

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If Biden exchanges Grier for some Russian gun-runner, will he release Americans held in American jails for the same crime?

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At least Biden's "woke foreign policy" hasn't turned Ukraine over to Putin on a platter as Insane Clown would have. On the other hand we could start holding random Russians captive. But we don't do that sort of thing do we. And of course there is no Russian "media social-media complex" to exploit. It hasn't turned out well for those who tried to protest the "Special Military Operation". All of which puts us at a distinct disadvantage. Savodnik must be a Russian agent because this article is as divisive as any Russian propaganda.

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I don't give a damn about Ukraine. It has been a part of various incarnations ofnthe Russian state since the 17th century. Those who would secede from nation states face consequences, as our southern brethren discovered in 1861-65.

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Are you any relation to John Daly?

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She committed a crime on foreign soil. The punishment seems excessive, but many states had similar penalties for marijuana possession as late as the 1970s. I wouldn't give up anything for her.

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I would trade Brandon for her.

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I don't care whether she is black or white, gay or straight. She did not do anything wrong, not by any standards, and she needs to be freed. Period!

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I would also throw you in, with Brandon in a trade for her.

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She violated Russian law. Let her rot, just as I would if I did the same thing. However, I would have the intelligence NOT to violate the law. She apparently doesn't. No surprise.

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China and Russia hope to have a big payoff eventually. Some useless “influencers” are making profit on social media and even some decent honorable journalists are making their living partially due to the polarizing atmosphere in our country right now.

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The approach of the B/H administration toward Griner's incarceration is in all ways wrong.

Griner is an American citizen. That's it. That's not nothing, but it is the only rational plus in the calculus. She shares that with the many dozens of other Americans wrongfully detained around the world who aren't enjoying such attention from the B/H administration or the talking heads.

The fact that Griner is black and gay has (or should have) absolutely no bearing, and doesn't within an objective calculus. It is only otherwise to those for whom identity, victim-culture, and the associated virtue-signaling is everything.

Of course, the fact that Griner went to a foreign nation, known to be hostile to America, and broke their law, puts her (should put her) low on the roster, especially as compared to those other Americans who were detained on trumped-up ideological "crimes." Similarly, that she was in Russia to play basketball as opposed to those who were in foreign nations in service to America, or doing important often dangerous work (eg., reporting on hostile regimes) puts her (should put her) low on the roster.

Given that calculus, the idea that a swap is being considered for Bout, who by all reports as evil and dangerous to Americans as they come, is hideous.

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