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This is silly. Of course Biden is alive. We’ll see him momentarily as he speaks from the White House. He followed the guidance to stay home for a few days after a COVID diagnosis, plus wisely gave KH time to build on the energy of his endorsement. And it worked - announcing her right after the RNC and then getting off the stage for a few days seems to me like a highly strategic move.

I usually appreciate the more balanced articles of TFP, but this one panders to the very vocal right wing contingent of subscribers who seem to have taken over the comments section. Where are the “normies” like me who see the blatant hypocrisy on the extreme ends of both sides of the political spectrum?

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Oliver, you should refrain from exposing your (way too) young staff membr (protege?), Elias Wachtel, to the criticisms he will inevitably receive for being a callow fellow--no crime in itself, but there remains some truth to the old adage that children should be seen, not heard. Post a pic of him bringing you coffee. Maybe tack on a loving/cutting barb from Molly. But spare us another dollop of treacle in which he traverses a very short memory lane.

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...and children should not vote. Elias provides clear evidence that 18 is still too young for such responsibility.

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Poor Elias, whose moral compass points no farther back than to Biden 2020, by which time his hero had been a liar, a plagiarist, a fabulist, and a grifter his whole adult life, and for at least a dozen years a user of his drug-addled son to wrangle foreign favors for himself ("10% for the Big Guy"). And all that was before the 2020 presidential debate, when the Big Guy brazenly invoked the bald-faced lie of 51 so-called "intelligence" officers that Drug-addled Son's laptop treasure trove of Biden family corruption was "garbage" and "a Russian plant." Had you missed that debate, Elias, before you found yourself admiring the Big Guy's "respect for norms"?

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Has there been any real reporting on the speculation that Biden had a, or series of, mini-strokes in Las Vegas? It really has been mysterious why he's not been seen in public except for some halting steps off the plane. Even the call to Harris' campaign event was odd, why not a video link? At first I wondered if even his call was done by AI, but then listened to it and he seemed to be slurring his words, especially "s"s. Will he resign the office tonight?

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There's no better oratorio in classical music than Mendelssohn's Elias, Mr. Wachtel. I hope you know and love it. They call people like you an "old soul". You have a moral compass. No need to pay any attention to the ones who do not. Keep walking the trail. 😉

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Relevant front page Oliver! Always scrolling for The Free Press first thing in the morning even if reading is earmarked til bedtime!

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The front page, by the free press is a must every morning. Thank you

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In the comments section we have been saying since Biden took office, that Obama is really running the country and finally see that in the FP. What took you so long to put that in print?

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Biden speaks tomorrow night. Watch for these signs: if he begins talking about Hannibal Lector or sharks, we will know there is something seriously wrong with him. Also if he claims to be a genius with a very stable mind or seems to think that at some point he ran against Obama.

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It will be 2% how great he is, & 98% Orange Man Bad.

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Elias - Typically, if you believe in fantasies and think they are real, you will be disappointed, perhaps a bit worse. Joe Biden has been an A-hole his entire political life. It's not hard to find that out. The fact that there are other A-holes is irrelevant.

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Does anyone actually care that 20 MUSLIM countries have been at WARp against ISRAEL, since1948. [Afghanistan, Algeria,Bangladesh,Brunei, Comoros, Djibouti, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yeman.]

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The military might of Comoros is knee-buckeling

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Perhaps, but it adds to the hate.

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That is an overwhelming list.

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5th Qatar Armored Division has been ordered to the front.

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Given the level of escalation around Israel, the future is increasingly uncertain.

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"Looking at the man I’ve watched in these past weeks, I don’t know what to do with the poster on my wall."

I had that Farrah Fawcett poster on my wall as a teenager (men of a certain age have that red swimsuit burned into their lizard brains. And you have a poster of Old Sniffer? Sad

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I don’t know what to do with the poster on my wall. —Elias Wachtel

Why don't you stick it up your.....

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Solid reporting about the Secret Service fiasco by Madeleine Kearns.

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So I’ve been hoping Biden would drop out - he has. Now what? I mentioned here earlier that the primary system doesn’t work because it’s not really democratic - a very small percentage of voters participate and influence the general too heavily. And Kamala Harris doesn’t solve the underlying problem of the national

party being out of touch with the average voter’s priorities. Maybe we get rid of primaries and send delegates who aren’t party hacks but locals familiar with that constituency to horse trade? Anyone with political experience who can weigh in? This is clearly a systems problem not a particular-candidate problem

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My understanding of local politics in my area is that the Democratic Party literally decides who to set up, endorse and support, and candidates who don't have enough intersectional points are not among the chosen. Local politicians can't get very far without the support of the most extreme woke crazies. There is not much of a Republican Party here, so locally I usually have to vote not only for a Democrat but a liberal one. So the Democratic Party controls local and state elections to a great extent and there are many examples of how communities are harmed as a result. There has been more viewpoint diversity recently among candidates for local offices because the percentage of voters who are sick of addicts living and dying all over our streets, dramatic increases in crime, and frequent violent rioting has surpassed 50 per cent.

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Thought about moving?

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Have thought about it, but am not in a position to move out of state yet. Am planning to at least get out of the city and county next year.

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It seems to work on the Republican side. Folks vote and the nominee with the most votes becomes THE nominee. It’s not changed by the RNC. That’s how we got DJT. He was never the RNC’s choice. On the other hand, Bernie Sanders should have been the nominee and you got HRC and JRB. Both chosen by the powers that be at the DNC.

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