
I looked up the definition of progressivism. Cannot fathom any connection with the soft on crime movement and see nothing progressive in destroying and abandoning a long standing cornerstone of civilized society. Aberrant behavior destructive to others should not be tolerated, period!

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I am moderate right, and would.have voted for ANY Republican vs President Bidrn.

However, the presumptive nominee is the real RINO.

And I will not, can not, vote for a RINO.

Does that make me a swing voter?

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Socially, I'm quite liberal, but fiscally and constitutionally, I'm very conservative. Let's be honest; what's going on with the Left today isn't liberalism, it's progressivism, and it's not a healthy outlook. Democrats used to be the nice guys, they looked out for the little guy, for blue collar worker, the farmer or rancher, the trucker, and on and on.

Suddenly, they're super-rich elitists, who have ZERO connection with the working class.

This isn't our father's Democrat party.

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I voted for Biden. I will not vote for him again. I also won’t vote for Trump. This is the best we can do in this country?

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Wait, what?!?

Simchowitz says that LA reminds him of his childhood in South Africa. “When you watch a country fall apart, you understand things can actually fall apart. Americans are complacent.” This guy is 53, so he was 19 or 20 when apartheid fell. Is that the falling apart he's warning against? Cause when those you-know-whats get in charge, shit goes to hell in a hand basket? Nice, Oliver.

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Why are you not talking about RFK Jr? We now have a 3rd party, FINALLY

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Rob Henderson's book is the #1 new release on Kindle and the hardcover version gets an 'editors pick" - best nonfiction. Predictably, the NYT is bringing up the rear.

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San Francisco may be saner than you think. Does the name Allison Collins ring any bells?

She was recalled (76%) vote because she called Asians N^&*(#@. Does the name Chesa Boudin ring any bells?

He was also recalled. Note that when Collins was removed, two other notorious bigots were removed at the same time.

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I recommend books by Matthias Desmet….mass formation is in process facilitated by govt and corporate propaganda.

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All of a sudden Kamala is running the White House? She is front and center on the Israel Hamas war. Where was she when she was deemed the border czar by Biden? The country is becoming a 3rd world shit hole one city at a time.

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Yes, I am a 2020 Biden voter now backing Trump.

I never voted for anyone other than a Democrat for half a century. I am still registered as a Democrat.

But in 2022 I voted straight Republican, and will continue to do so.


Because of the ongoing crime against humanity of medically "transing" kids, even against the will of their parents, a policy that is fully endorsed and supported by Biden, Harris, ALL Democrats in Congress, ALL Democrat Governors, and by at least 98% of Democrats holding state legislative office. That kids can get themselves "transed" against the will of their parents is now the law in most blue states (even if very few people as yet understand this sad fact).

And also because of denying women the right to free association (that is, to single-sex spaces, events, and competitions), again a policy that is fully endorsed by Democrats holding elected office. At the federal level, this is the Equality Act, which allows instantaneous unquestionable "gender self ID", already the law in most blue states. Biden's Dept of Education is also relentlessly pushing this at the level of executive orders via a gross misreading of Title IX, ironically a law which was supposed to ensure fairness and equal access for women, and is now being used instead to deny them their rights.


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I did vote for Biden in 2020 but will not again. Alas, I won't vote for Trump either. For the first time in my adult-voting life I will likely not vote for either candidate and simply write in either Nikki Haley or Dean Phillips.

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I haven't voted for a democrat since my big mistake on Jimmy Carter. I didn't like Clinton, but I didn't realize how much I didn't like him until he left office and stole all that merch from his time as president. Later, Hillary sealed that deal with the email server and the Steele dossier. Meanwhile, Obama was so clearly socialist, I couldn't get behind anything he advocated. Obamacare was supposed to fix our health care system, yet democrats still complain that it doesn't transfer enough wealth from the producer class to the absorption class. Biden is a clown, an Obama surrogate, a liar, traitor, impeachable bribe-taking opportunist. He sold his country, our country, my country down the river for a few bucks for Hunter, his brother and himself. But we should vote for him to save democracy, while on the other hand his party would remove his political opponent from the ballot, impoverish his political opponent, distract and consume the time of his political opponent in court, and generally accuse his major political opponent of the very things he and his party are already doing themselves. This is all evident to voters who have opened their eyes to the corruption, bigotry, anti-American democrat party and explains a lot about why the shift is occurring.

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George Galloway was elected MP in Rochdale, a gritty industrial township of Manchester that has a 30% Muslim constituency. By the way, there was only a 40% voter turnout.

Galloway is a radical-Left socialist who never met a Muslim extremist he didn't love. He reportedly converted to Islam in 2000, and has been married 3 times to Muslim women.

I suppose he's entitled to his personal beliefs, but his Jew-hating, Israel-hating ideology is beyond the fringe. Shame on the people of Manchester for putting this repugnant little man back into the Parliament.

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There are a growing number of what I call JFK Republicans out there

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If I could be a fly on the wall when Kamala Harris meets with Benny Gantz today. ... She will come away from that meeting with a headful, for sure. It will be back to school for Kamala, a reality check in one short lesson. If only an NPR news editor would accompany her!

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Apparently she did not meet with Netanyahu in Israel, so is meeting with his political opponent Gantz during a stateside visit. Biden, for his part, announced last week that a ceasefire was about to happen, and Netanyahu responded with surprise.

A few weeks ago, the Prime Minister blocked Sec. of State Blinken from meeting privately with the Cabinet minister of war. Embarrassing.

This Administration is just bumbling around, making fools of themselves and annoying the Israelis. If they were actually serious about ending the conflict, they could try acting like an ally and show no air between us and Israel, which might convince Hamas, Hez et al to make concessions. By showing more annoyance and impatience with Israel than, apparently, with the actual perpetrators of Oct. 7, Biden has merely encouraged the enemy to keep up the fight.

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