And no one's even mentioned cellphones, 5G, or the fact that Bell Labs and ATT laced all our waterways with lead that was on the phone cables they buried across America.... Just throwing those ideas in the mix, as there are so many potential environmental culprits, along with genetic predisposition. (I've heard a genetic mutation can tri…
And no one's even mentioned cellphones, 5G, or the fact that Bell Labs and ATT laced all our waterways with lead that was on the phone cables they buried across America.... Just throwing those ideas in the mix, as there are so many potential environmental culprits, along with genetic predisposition. (I've heard a genetic mutation can trigger reactions to the MRNA vaccine and that if we wanted to, we could do prenatal screenings for this...) But question: Are the autism rates rising so exponentially in less developed countries? I refused vaccines at birth for my son and went slow on the others... I'm an older mom with an older partner and the vaccine schedule is toxic overload IMHO, because if you give 5 vaccines at once, there is no way to tell what your kid is reacting to. The idea of givine a child 5 or 10 vaccines at birth is insane to me.
And no one's even mentioned cellphones, 5G, or the fact that Bell Labs and ATT laced all our waterways with lead that was on the phone cables they buried across America.... Just throwing those ideas in the mix, as there are so many potential environmental culprits, along with genetic predisposition. (I've heard a genetic mutation can trigger reactions to the MRNA vaccine and that if we wanted to, we could do prenatal screenings for this...) But question: Are the autism rates rising so exponentially in less developed countries? I refused vaccines at birth for my son and went slow on the others... I'm an older mom with an older partner and the vaccine schedule is toxic overload IMHO, because if you give 5 vaccines at once, there is no way to tell what your kid is reacting to. The idea of givine a child 5 or 10 vaccines at birth is insane to me.