
His parents have suggested that they will likely go broke defending their son.

Regulators should hold them to their word as they were active participants in the creation of the structure of FTX.

I have read somewhere that one of his parents specialized in the field of legal ethics. It true, it is a sad day for the law and a truly sad day for Stamford Law.

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Nothing every changes... It's Tulip Mania all over again.

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The whole thing is a shame. Matt Talibi (sorry suck at names) wrote months ago...if you see congress folks running to embrace...sell...oversight???seriousyly??? Do you honestly think Maxine waters understands anything about finance? She saw a pretty bright ball (money) and embraced they’re all running saying “regulate”...yes republicans got donations too from his partner...welcome to business 101...not that it’ll politician will do shit...the poor dudes that didn’t know to pull sooner got fucked..and all the politicians are fine with that..sad really...welcome to reality

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Great synopsis of this story which I had not entirely caught up on. My takeaway...some things never change. Those that take, those that get taken. The takers are always "brilliant" in a sense, knowing how to give the people what they want...dreams of easy wealth, ballooning balances, and lottery-size fantasies. All this while making them feel smart and entitled to it all. Alas, there's still no such thing as a free lunch.

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"We have to wonder if SBF saw the writing on the wall and hoped to achieve a similar outcome with his donations to the Democratic Party by becoming Too Big to Jail. "

That's a pretty huge insinuation to just throw out there without any elaboration.

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Totally agree with you. That's the scam, he must be so smart he just doesn't know etiquette. But look at his girlfriend who could make a train take a dirt road. Hell look at Fetterman. Just red flags everywhere. Yet the get rich scam over rides the flags.

Ever notice the majority are Liberals. They like to wave their Vienna sausage everywhere, grooming, and just plain evil things like rape and abuse. Hollywood leads the pack. True, some on the other side also.

People need to educate themselves and take responsibility for their own future. Stop trusting wired people.

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Democrat/FTX Money Laundering Scandal of 2022 (Just more corruption from the DEMS)

The United States gives foreign aid to Ukraine.

Ukraine invests money in FTX (Ukraine forms a crypto donations partnership with FTX).

FTX gives $40M to Democrats for the mid-term elections. (FTX was the #2 donor to the Democratic Party. George Soros the Globalist America hater was #1 )

Democrats then vote to give more foreign aid to Ukraine.

FTX formed the company right before Biden announced his run for office.

FTX scandal broke days after the mid-term election. Filling for bankruptcy.

The scandal here is that our current government officials laundered money through Ukraine via FTX and right back into their pockets to help them defeat their opponents in the mid-term election.

Aren't we tired of being scammed?

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Evan *Spiegel

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"According to Reuters, at least $1 billion and potentially up to $10 billion of client funds have gone missing. In an apparent hack, perhaps by a disgruntled insider, FTX’s bank balances have been drained." What the fuck, Michael W. Green? Did you quit being a journalist for five minutes so you could write that? Not gonna question it even a little? Satisfied with the link to a story that provides literally no additional details? Where did the money go? That's kinda important.

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Insinuating that SBF was the “hacker”?

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Every Leftist I know personally is reciting the talking points now: Crypto bad, need more regulation.

Literally the only thoughts they're allowed to have on this subject.

Most crypto has no problems. Only this far-left zealot who practices far-left monetary theory alongside his other dogmas experienced the consequences of his ideology. This is about that, not about "regulation".

This is just another flavor of the Left's response to shootings: "Blame the shooter if white, call for gun control if black".

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But, is Sam $10B sorry? I doubt it. But he's probably $5 - $10B Happy.

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Lol you hate to see it.

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Crypto hovers in this weird netherland. At root, true money is always just another asset, ideally a commodity, like gold. Competing like everything against everything. A store of value, not horribly unlike your house, a car, a bag of rice. Something of value to you and others, that takes real work to actually create. Except it's indestructible, dense, divisible, portable. One of the key tricks: takes REAL work to produce. And crypto does take real work to find/create, like gold. So much so that governments and electric utilities are concerned about resource consumption. Which, to me, makes it sound very gold-like, very scarce-resource-like. Very non-destructible in it's way, like gold. But so Frankensteinian. hackable. stealable. Snake-oil salesmen seeming to rise to the top. Like the Oracle of Omaha would advise: don't invest in things you don't understand. Always a good firewall. And diversify like hell unless you're TRULY an investing black-belt. More than one smart advisor advised to treat crypto like Vegas money. Goodness, that was solid advice!

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Michael is a smart guy. He is also an honest guy, as I have come to know through interviews and such.

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This is simple: he stole a ton of money from people and gave it to the US democratic party for purely political reasons. It was a con on behalf of the left. He almost certainly has a golden parachute stashed somewhere so he does not care when the bomb would go off--as it was sure to eventually. As others have said, if the donations had gone to the GOP this would be the bomb of the century in the news---but the leftist media will spin it and hide it.

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I for one am shocked. SHOCKED.

Website below is a timeline of the shenanigans in the crypto space:

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