
Attacking MAGA, which seems to be your agenda, misses the whole point of Trump. Trump was and is a Businessman, a non politician, was was unmerciful attach from before he even won the election. He has Opened Everyone who is sane to how corrupt our Elite Politicians are in D. C. Most especially RINO’S. D. C. IS BATSHIT AFRAID OF A OUTSIDER THEY CANNOT CORRUPT.

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We need to start changing main stream media phrase - or at least dump most the traditional members...seems to me that most decent podcasts are better viewed or listened to than any shows on CNN/MSNBC - why continue to favor them with a positive title that no longer describes them...More people see what they actually said on conservative replays of what they said than see them in their original context. Let's stop granting them outsized and undeserved attention

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Oh Nellie. This is why we missed you.

Watching the collapse of SBF's empire makes me wonder: unlike with Jon Corzine and MF Global in 2011, this might actually, you know, cause some real political mud to stick to the Dems. Of course, it didn't happen with Jeffrey and Harvey, so we'll see.

The attempts to regulate crypto are going to be stymied by the fact that SBF was a key point man in creating the crypto regulation. His Alameda's chief's parents are good friend with the Genslers. It's not going to go well when a major crypto criminal turns out to be a major writer of the crypto rules. And his right-hand man was kicked out of an online gambling company for cheating. Then there's the CCP angle with Gary Wang ....

Of course, the Times is still writing puff pieces about SBF and FTX, even now.

With Trump back in, I wonder about 2024 as well. Overall, association with him seems to have been the major poison for the Republicans. Kemp, De Santis, and Abbott won in part by keeping their distance. The Reps could have won two or three more Senate seats without the association.

I looked over the evidence about the effect of Dobbs, and yes, it did seem to have an effect in some states, but hardly everywhere. And it's unlikely to ever again be a national issue in national elections. In some states, yes. Everywhere, probably not.

With interest rates rising and the Fed's balance sheet shrinking, the coming fall of the Unicorn era was not hard to predict. It's never clear how serious Musk is about anything. The Twitter we knew months ago is still there as far as users can see. But it has been, from day one, a money-loser, like Uber and so many others. Kids, this is called "destroying economic value by squandering scarce capital on unworthy projects." Our whole era, from about 1997 or 98 till today has been defined by it, brought to you by your sponsors, the Federal Reserve and its Modern Maniacal Monetary and Credit Machine, MC'd by Alan, Ben, Janet, and JPow.

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Sure. There are problems that arise from a cumbersome 1:1 announcement when a layoff involves a lot of people.

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This just gets better, more hilarious and deft. Try to read it while having a drink on Friday eve. Indispensable pleasure

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I hope TV media execs (NBC, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS) will decide today NOT to have crews covering Trump's bizarre antics at Mar-a-Lago tomorrow night.

First, Trump is attempting to unilaterally dissolve any notion of a governing season following bi-yearly elections....what right does he have to draw out Presidential elections as 2-year campaigns?

All his advisors and other Repubs have advised him to wait. If he choses not to listen, would it be unfair for the national political media to write him off as an untethered kook? A victim of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and not a serious contender?

Let's ignore him. Tomorrow night, let's watch him standing there dumbfounded asking "Where is everybody?" and having to call off what would be a misfire-launch.

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“Funeral energy”

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I checked in on the diversity Jewish attack run. Holy crap. Why?

They’d be instantly fired for writing something like that about any other group short of whites.

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Nellie, I clicked on that last link about diversity consultants talking about "The Jewish Question" and saw that one of the participants is Tracy Castro Gill. No one should listen to a word that woman says before reading this in-depth report on what kind of seriously awful person she is:

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Holy crap!!!!! Eewwwwww. Detestable human.

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I still don’t understand the headline. If Twitter dies…

It won’t die, but if it does, something new will spring up, hydra-like.

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I'm not sure what kind of majority is necessary to "pack" SCOTUS, but I'm pretty sure it isn't just a simple majority of both houses. Doesn't look very likely to me. At least not soon.

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I stopped reading when you viciously insulted all redwoods.

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I guess I'll just say it every time you have Michael Solana write about Elon Musk: the Founders Fund Solana works for gave SpaceX at least $20 million in venture capital. Even for opinion pieces, I think your readers deserve to know potential conflicts of interest.

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I’m against total drug legalization!

The opioid crisis decimated working class people (something it seems laptop-class, San Franciscan Nellie Bowles has been left untouched by, fortunately.) And it’s still going, unchecked by litigation or legislation.

We’re still at the start of finding out the long term effects of high powered cannabis will be, especially on young people.

We have no addiction recovery or mental health infrastructure, especially when it comes to affordable care that would be accessible to those who will inevitably need it most - working class people.

There is already zero traffic enforcement in cities - and you want to add more impaired drivers to the roads?

Deaths of despair are at all time highs, and you want to give people *more* options to become addicted?

Cartels are taking advantage of our effectively open southern border, and you want to take away the main crime that cops will arrest them for?

I was against the war on drugs and pro-marijuana legalization, but marijuana quickly morphed into something unrecognizable, rapidly engineered to strengths that I’m sure will be proven dangerous in time. My friends, family, hometown have been ravaged by the opioid epidemic. Average Americans need a break. We need to get a handle on addiction and mental health and THEN we can talk about opening the floodgates.

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Hear! Hear!

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