
Good column. Nellie might, just might have a competitor!

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Here is a twist to Lori Lightfoot story about illegal immigrants in Chicago, Even the Onion cant make this up. Lightfoot shipped them out to DuPage county (republican county )

BURR RIDGE, Ill. — WGN Investigates has learned several dozen of the migrants Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sent to Chicago have now been relocated to a hotel in the suburbs without advance warning to the local mayor.

“I am concerned neither the village administrator nor I were told about this,” Burr Ridge Mayor Gary Grasso told WGN. “We want to know: Why Burr Ridge?”

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I’m glad that Gibsons got what they were due. I’m happy to be one of the hundreds to order a t-shirt from them,(as you can tell from my sideways profile pic).

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Gosh a lot of the comments I’ve read here sadly seem unaware of the concept of symbolism. If a grasp of that notion is disappearing, then we are all in trouble. Much of what has caused so many people to be moved by the Queens passing has been a vague unsteady feeling of stabilizing values and morals that may be passing with her.

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It cracks me up, the same people who spit on the queen and colonialism will attack Thomas Jefferson and the Founders without a hint of self awareness.

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Please don’t have Noam Blum on here again. I subscribe here because I want BALANCED news and opinions and this was the strongest right-wing biased TGIF I’ve read. It was like I was reading a transcript straight off a Fox News show.

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I was disappointed that England did not ascend a King of color from the LGBTQ+ community.

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Trump is declaring that he is the real King of England and is demanding a recount.

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More proof TDS is an incurable syndrome.

Get a real life.

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Proof of derangement.

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Yes, that is proof of your derangement, but I did not need your confirmation of that, thanks again though.

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Third week in a row where GOP senators are tagged as embarrassing, we'll Walker took the edge and OZ closed the Gap and now Blake is in striking distance. I don't know if they will win but with 2 months to go we need to be very wary of the "conventional wisdom". In this case its dumb Trump endorsements jeopardize Republican chances. In practice all of these races will be they're own beast and a one size fits all approach won't help us understand or predict what might happen.

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Slam dunk Noam Blum! Best TGIF in a long while!

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A very nice job, Mr. Blum. Thoroughly enjoyed your writing style.

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Just came here to comment on the Oberlin vs. Gibson Bakery outcome. I am very pleased that Oberlin College finally gave up the fight and is paying.

We just today received our fudge-topped butter cookies and they are delectable. We'll be ordering more soon!

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The Founders would be disgusted re the country's political evolution over the past 50 years

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Here is a suggestion for any future judgments on university CHOICES to be woke. Maybe even a compromise on the financial penalty to be lower: 50% of all campus speakers MUST be conservative viewpoints. They must be adequately protected and 100% of the students and staff must either treat them with respect or quietly ignore them. That is life. Sometimes we hear things we don't like. Sometimes we learn something from them. Sometimes it goes right over our heads. Get over it. Words are not violence and the world does not revolve around you.

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So happy for Gibson´s Bakery!

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To all the Americans who criticize the British for their monarchy and think it should be dismantled—-

think about the fact that the monarchy goes back well over 1000 years in Britian. We have nothing like it. If the Brits want to spend what it takes to maintain it, I say, go for it. God save the King (yes, even that Charles).

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The symbolism we use in the Declaration and Constitution as a unifying means is kind of how the Monarchy became useful to making England a more democratic state because a gave people of all persuasions something to share.

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