
Nellie describes Candace Owens as somehow "Committed to Putin". Check out:


· 21h

Received an email from The NYTimes asking for comment regarding me “advancing ideas that Ukraine is a corrupt country”—similar to Russian state TV.

I replied informing them that I actually got my ideas from the New York Times, and provided them links to their past articles. 😂"

Of course, we are all concerned for the Ukrainian people.

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Newsflash: 2 things can both be true. For example, you can dislike Putin AND recognize the massive corruption in Ukraine, specifically including Zalensky.

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Great column. I'm a Republican and Candace Owens doesn't reflect my views on Zelensky and I don't know anyone who does. Neither does her Daily Wire associate Ben Shapiro agree with her. Otherwise I tend to agree with most everything else she says. But this one is a head scratcher.

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Fair and Balanced. You might cringe when you read that phrase, but it fits. Your handling of the Hunter Biden laptop story and the Candace Owen tweet shows it. Another TGIF that didn’t disappoint.

A couple of quick comments. I don’t know how much “voter fraud” there was in the 2020 election, but even if it was zero, it wasn’t a fair election. When information like the laptop is suppressed, you don’t have a level playing field. There may or may not be fire, but there’s definitely smoke. The withholding of negative information on a candidate by the media and big tech puts us in dangerous territory.

And regarding Candace Owens, I don’t follow her that closely but I think she’s immensely talented. Her tweet surprises me, though, and I will definitely do some research to find out where she’s coming from.

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The Biden laptop is just like the covid19 origin

Those at the center lied and got “media” to cover it up.

All should be destroyed

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Amnesty international on the fact they don’t think Israel should be a racist theocracy: “Israel shouldn’t be a Jewish State.”

Racist theocrats confused by the sentiment: “You think Israel doesn’t have the right to exist?????”

Id explain why their confusion is stupid, but I have a suspicion the only people who find it confusing

would also be confused by my explanation; they are racist theocrats who have a screw lose in their brains when it comes to thinking about anything related to people of their favorite race or religion, whatever that may be.

If you are a racist theocrat and find it confusing though and want me to explain, please make the request. Or maybe I’m wrong and there are some anti racist secularists out there who sympathize with the author’s confusion. Let me know.

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Curious where you are located? Because Israel is surrounded by tens of millions of people who mostly want them all dead.

Sitting here safe in canada, I always laugh at fat happy and stupid people 10,000 miles from the sound of guns and lecturing the Israelis on how they aren’t being “fair”.

I’m sure they are pleased with your moral clarity.

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What does it being surrounded by millions of people who want Jewish Israelis dead have to do with whether it is right for Israel to be a racist theocratic state? Being a racist theocratic state doesn’t make Israel more safe. It probably makes it less safe, if anything.

I live in California. And I’m not lecturing Israelis as far as I know. I imagine most readers here are Americans. And there are Israelis who share my opinion. Don’t assume all Israelis support their government’s racist theocratic laws. Many have better moral clarity.

Insofar as Israel continues to maintain racist and theocratic laws, tax money from the US should not be used to provide it military aid. Israel isn’t poor. It doesn’t need American taxes. And America shouldn’t be subsidizing any racist theocracy.

If someone disagrees with that I suspect they likely envy living in a racist theocracy themselves. Christian White Nationalists seem to especially love how Israel is a racist theocracy because it gives moral justification for their own fantasies.

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If you weren't gay, and I wasn't an old straight married man (50 + years), I'd propose to you. You have what we call in Yiddish Seychal. You're a liberal, and I'm a conservative, but we seem to agree on everything requiring common sense. Thank you for being you! I have a serious crush on you!

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If there's a scientific refutation of William Happer's work, I have yet to see it. CO2 isn't a black hole, it is not an infinite heat sink - there should be a saturation point. According to his analysis, we've already achieved it: there is already enough CO2 in the atmosphere to block the pertinent spectrum of ultraviolet radiation from the sun. In other words, global warming was a 20th century phenomena that once existed but no longer does. If some other atmospheric physicist has found a flaw in Mr. Happer's analysis, please provide the link.

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Happer is correct, yes.

So actual scientists are still looking to explain the warming from 1980-2000 ( there are many hypothesis’) and why it’s been flat for a while

And why there is no troposphere hotspot predicted by theory

And why the models are kludge

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Steven Koonin's book Unsettled... is a readable explanation of issues in climate science written by a distinguished physicist and for Undersecretary for Science in the Obama administration.

Striking among his explanations are examples how the body of the IPCC reports directly contradict major points in the Executive Summary, which is the only part journalists read.

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Koonin is a real physicist (a real climate scientist field) who has built and understands models and so his book is a wealth of knowledge.

Opponents will claim it’s been refuted but he went online and decimated the refutations, which shamefully much media refused to carry (there we are again with media and social media supporting a narrative instead of reporting the news).

We need a thorough house cleaning.

If you want to understand why climate alarmism stories seem to appear around the world at the same time, look up the propaganda outfit Covering Climate Now and see how many “news” organizations belong and Propagate the alarmism formulated by the nonclimate scientists there writing them.

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I'm starting to regret this subscription. The U.S. is in big trouble. Other countries have had enough & are making way for the yuan & rupee. Hillary should be arrested & given Epstein's guards. Mysteriously Hunter's laptop is now credible. Ukraine should stop bombing its own hospitals.

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You can spare me having to read the Lancet article by telling me whether it showed the effects of 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 or of 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴. Because if it's the latter that leaves the possibility that the former is actually effective.

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Annals of Internal Medicine around December 2020 reported a Danish study with 6000 subjects that found no statistically significant difference between masked and unmasked.

Accurate or not, it shows it is at least plausible that masks are inefective.

Sweden, under the leadership of its chief epidemiologist Dr Anders Tegnell, had no lockdowns, no school closures, no mask mandates and actually few masks in evidence, yet had 1400 deaths per million, vs 1800 in France and 2600 in the US.

Reason enough not to censor this debate

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Thank you.

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In a roundabout way, from someone who says the NYT editorial board should resign for claiming the lack of free speech is a problem:

"Most important, freedom of speech is the bedrock of democratic self-government. If people feel free to express their views in their communities, the democratic process can respond to and resolve competing ideas. Ideas that go unchallenged by opposing views risk becoming weak and brittle rather than being strengthened by tough scrutiny. When speech is stifled or when dissenters are shut out of public discourse, a society also loses its ability to resolve conflict, and it faces the risk of political violence."

I haven't finished reading, but they're wrong about the right doing worse than the woke. Whatdya expect?

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ut the old lesson of “think before you speak” has given way to the new lesson of “speak at your peril.” You can’t consider yourself a supporter of free speech and be policing and punishing speech more than protecting it. Free speech demands a greater willingness to engage with ideas we dislike and greater self-restraint in the face of words that challenge and even unsettle us.



At the same time, 22 percent of adults reported that they had retaliated against or were harshly critical of someone over something he or she said. Adults 18 to 34 years old were far more likely to have done so than older Americans; liberals were more likely to have done so than moderates or conservatives.



And yet many progressives appear to have lost faith in that principle. This was a source of great frustration for one of those who responded to our poll, Emily Leonard, a 93-year-old from Hartford, Conn., who described herself as a liberal. She said she was alarmed about reports of speakers getting shouted down on college campuses. “We need to hear what people think, even though we disagree with them. It is the basis of our democracy. And it’s absolutely essential to a continuing democracy,” she said. “Liberal as I am — a little to the left of Lenin — I think these kids and this whole cancel culture and so-called woke is doing us so much harm. They’re undermining the Constitution. That’s what it comes down to.”



And then it goes straight down the tubes, bashing conservative common sense. Ah well...

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I know.

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Zelemsky is the Jewish President of Ukraine, who in July 2019 issued an edict granting citizenship to 9 people, including several well-known Russian neo-Nazis (from the Wotanjugend group) who defected to fight for Ukraine in 2014.

There are no decent democratic societies at war in Europe today. You can cancel loads of disinformation by simply looking up Stepan Bandera Avenue or Simon Petlyura Street in Kiev and having a basic knowledge of Ukrainian history in the 20th century.

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You line: "There are no apologies, of course. If you want to understand why no one trusts the press, this is why. " For those on the conservative side, this criticism is much too weak. Clearly Big Tech, the "Deep State," and the Mainstream Media conspired to rig an election. The MSM has long since stopped reporting the news, and is now nothing more than the propaganda department of the Democratic Party. Rather than reporting news, they report a narrative, which always is completely in sync with the Democratic Party talking points du jour. Right now that narrative is that Biden's policies did not cause inflation or a gas price increase (it's all Putin's fault), that the wide-open border problem does not exist (fevered imagination at Fox News), and similarly the crime problem is the figment of Q-something's idiocy. That's why this development will not be reported by the MSM - it doesn't help the Democratic party. Bari - you worked at the New York Times when this was deliberately squashed there. I would love to hear your description of the internal conversations that occurred when it was deliberately decided to squash it in order to support Biden. Would you please?

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This was a good one. Our present reality is so bizarre it reads like Ray Bradbury with some Lewis Carroll and Josef Stalin tossed in. And, always, Mr. Orwell. The blocking of the Biden laptop oddities and BLM corruption illustrates what the left's campaign against "disinformation" looks like. Yale psych is insane.

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Just more confirmation that the gaslighting continues until….. ?..

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