
Couldn’t help but notice, no comments re Evan Gershkovich.

In the US, any hint of being pro-Russian and all hell breaks loose.

In Russia, if you’re a NYT “journalist” (everyone knows they’re lying, sneaky, underhanded, unethical, guys), and you get arrested for suspicious activity; you’re treated like a martyr.

When it comes to anything political, is the American legal system any better than Russia’s. Let’s ask the average American citizen.

Lots of talk re tampons & bar-babies - not much about Joe Lieberman. Thank you Joe; wish we could’ve cloned you, and replaced all of the other democrats.

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I have less of a problem with kids in venues (since I have six myself) than people bringing their dogs EVERYWHERE. You can't run an errand without your dog?

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I find that dive bars are the most fun to go to and I would not bring a child there as things get rowdier as the night goes on typically.

It feels like it's getting harder to distinguish bars from family dining places these days. I have noticed that bars in a separate room of a restaurant seem to be disappearing in favor of open spaces. I think it's fine to dine at a bar with kids if they are well behaved, but being gone by 8 PM is a good compromise so adults can let loose around other adults.

I spent some Friday nights as a kid inside VFW halls while the adults drank beer, smoked and talked. It was a pretty fun time drinking Coke and putting quarters in the jukebox.

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In Wisconsin where my husband is from there are family type bars. Initially this rocked my Southern sensibilities but now I wish we had them down here. I also agree with the need for adult only spaces. Both/And.

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I wonder how absolutely self absorbed a person can be who in a nice university building, protected by media, within a reasonably fair and efficient legal system, screams "“She does not feel safe,”, while women her age are in cages, in tunnels, and are being systematically raped. These people seem to have cognitive dissonance.

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That’s a nice way of saying “are idiots.”

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Re: rainwater. We’re already taxed that here in Portland, Maine. It was proposed to help pay for improved stormwater catch basins to prevent polluting the Casco Bay. However, at the council meeting a couple years ago, I asked what would happen to this rainwater fee once the stormwater improvements have been paid for. Crickets chirped. So it’s a tax/slush fund.

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Put a handful of well educated, thoughtful, diverse, elites in a large room with a big table (maybe on a dais) and wait for the needless, self-serving, crappy, new laws.

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Before we had kids, we used to sit in the smoking section (remember those?) of restaurants if we thought there would be too many feral kids in the restaurant. Sometimes we'd get a table quicker. Sometimes we had to deal with folks chain-smoking their way through a meal.

We almost named our dog "Caitlin" because all we would hear in these restaurants is "Come here Caitlin! Stop that Caitlin!..."

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When cocktail prices exceed hourly babysitter pay, is it any wonder young parents are taking babies to bars?

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When my kids were really young, we took them to Applebees and Red Robin. Those places are generally very family friendly even though they are sudo bars. We didn’t stay there late as I think many parents can agree would not be good for anyone. But it was fun for our kids and something we could do together. As they got older we took them to increasingly nicer places. I think the biggest problems we ran into was when friends or siblings who didn’t have kids booked the venu. We’d wind up at some place with a long wait and pissed off kids who “need to eat right now!” I think no matter what just have some grace and patience with people. We were all kids once and I’m sure our parents wound up in places with us they didn’t want to be.

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WHY IS AOC GETTING DRUNK WITH BABY LINDSEY GRAHAM??? How did that even happen??? Is one of them a time traveler? Is this a deepfake job? Or did Google Gemini come up with this???

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Mom here. We had reservations at a very upscale restaurant our babysitter bagged out at the last minute. We called the restaurant and told them we lost our babysitter. They told us to bring her. We did but we decided the minute she made a fuss or started crying we would leave.

She did great we had a nice meal.

Rule of thumb if the place allows it yes. But you need to be respectful of other patrons

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I went to Vanderbilt in the 1990s. Sounds like I wouldn’t recognize it today. One of many reasons I am on its “do not contact” list.

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Incredible writing! So fun to read

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I was raised in bars. I still think fruit should only appear on tiny swords. I have a jar of maraschino cherries in my fridge right now. I’m fine. But more importantly, I understood very early that life didn’t revolve around me. Bring the well behaved baby to wherever you’re going for happy hour.

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At this point, we should just burn all the colleges to the ground.

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Oh Suzy - gotta love the reporting on ‘tampon-gate’. I truly worry about that poor child’s ability to function in the world after Vanderbilt.

As a ‘female assigned at birth’ human who has often surpassed the relatively recent ‘advisory on maximum tampon insertion time’, and now a grandparent of 2 boys, I am here to reassure her that she is likely to survive this trauma. And regret her part in it.

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