Vote for Harris? Don’t worry, it’s only a shower.

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I am so sick of the gaslighting. Trump is by no means perfect but repeating the vile canard that he is a a Nazi is beyond the pale. We should have been so lucky to have Nazis be like Trump. Then we wouldn't have had anything to complain about. It's enough with the vile accusations. They do nothing but diminish the horrors of the Holocaust. Shame on the writer repeating such drivel. And Oh, I am so glad that Kamala supposedly noticed that there is antisemitism on campus. Trump made antisemitism a Title VI violation and the democrats promptly ignored the law, making sure NOT to apply its protections to us Jews? Why? Because they are in fact antisemites! Where does it leave us Jews? I am voting Trump and I pray he wins. I am sick and tired of having daily demonstrations by open Hamas and Hezbollah supporters not just on college campuses but in my town parks, streets, greenways etc. All without the slightest interest by police or the authorities to stop them. I am incensed that people can call openly for our death and there doesn't seem to be anything anyone can do. I hear a woman in Florida is going to Federal penitentiary for praying for aborted children. And not a single solitary federal prosecutor in my state can seemingly apply that same law to people who wish us dead and tell us so??? Those affected by TDS are lost and I won't acknowledge them as Jews. The next generation of Jews will barely remember them, if at all.

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MAGA Mom handles business.


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NC county Democratic chair resigns after Trump sign stealing charges

Lauren Irwin - 10/16/24


Wisconsin man fined for stealing political campaign signs from front yards

Sep 5, 2024


Political signs are being displayed throughout Kenosha. A homeowner says, while he was at work, his signs were stolen from his lawn.

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Well, we expect Leftists to do that right?

I hope this is the only MAGA example out there. :)

Certainly no examples of voter fraud, though.

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Just Because someone is (Insert Group Here) does not prevent them from being 1. A Jerk, 2. Dumber Than Dirt, 3. Both.

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I am absolutely shocked that the percentage of Jews who plan to vote for Kamala is something like 67%. Down only one point from the 68% who voted for Biden.

ALL THIS and only a 1% drop in support? A candidate who clearly doesn't like Israel, and a plethora of examples from Democratic elites who consider Israel an illegitimate colonial occupier? And no difference in support? There's something wrong with being that hidebound.

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I would ask Where They Get Their News? If you mainly get your news from *Corporate Media, that explains it.

*ABC, NBC, CBS, NY TIMES, AP, UPI, etc etc etc. Its 80-90% negative on Trump, and Conservatives.

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don't believe the statistics. we have no idea who truly is a Jew and how they vote. It's far too easy for people to identify as a Jew just to abuse the rest of us. the census doesn't identify who is a Jew and where we live. it's a crapshoot.

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I am just so impressed with the quality of these presentations from TFP. I'm not Jewish but I have empathy for what the Jewish people are experiencing in Israel and here in America. I couldn't believe the vitriol coming from our elite institutions just days after Oct. 7th. I also can't believe why a lot of my Jewish friends are voting for the one candidate that would handcuff the Jewish people who are fighting for their very existence. We changed the mindset in Germany and in Japan and I believe through education and offering democracy the Palestinian youth and survivors can be changed too.

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American Jews are utterly delusional and totally ignorant!!!!That is the result of having not had a look at the dep currents of antisemitism in sections of America!!!And I am not talking of the extreme right!!!!Their number is not significant!!!!What is significant is the regular asinine Jews of the democratic persuasion (full traitors)Who cares about the words Trump uses!!!!It is his policies and his demonstrable allegiance to Jews!!!!! Alyiah is in my future!!!!America does not represent its original values!!!!America supports terrorists and murderers !!!!!

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American Jews do not like being called "delusional and ignorant." We do not appreciate comments like "the regular asinine Jews of the democratic persuasion." Insults and name-calling will not sway the opinion of people, including Jews, who are able to think and feel. Our country has never been more divided. Your comments are not helpful.

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I will not vote for the Democrat, but Margie makes a good point about persuasion. Insulting people isn't a great way to change their behavior.

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The truth hurt ! Another asinine comment instead of looking at facts. Stop gliding on the surface and may be THINK!!!!!

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So what are we Margie? I think it was an apt description of us Jews, we should all grow some balls and vote for Donald without worrying what comes out of his mouth.

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but is she wrong? the only way she may be wrong is that we are being gaslighted by the left and the media (but I repeat myself) trying to make us believe that Jews vote a certain way, and yet there is really no way to tell.

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Kamala is trying to have it both ways on Israel and Palestine. And while I grieve for those lost in war, this war was clearly started by Hamas whose sole purpose is to extinguish Jews. Between the left's anti-Semitism and the insane gender ideology they are pushing on children, this Democrat will have a hard time voting in two weeks. I cannot in good conscience vote for Kamala. Luckily, I am not in a swing state. I think I will abstain from voting for President and just vote for my local officials.

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Just vote Red up and down the ballot. You have seen the last 4 years, they have been bad. VOTE!

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Just hold your nose and vote!

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I assume the Trump hating Jews also hate Netanyahu and want a ceasefire. If the Dem establishment had any interest in cracking down on antisemitism in blue cities and universities, the DOJ would be actively involved. A Trump DOJ would not tolerate such harassment and intimidation of Jews. Imagine if white supremacists were marching on campus against Jews or blacks. The Biden DOJ would have locked everyone up by now.

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Great listen, as always! One question I am curious about is how swing/Jewish voters in Pennsylvania felt about Harris passing over Josh Shapiro for VP. If she would have selected him, it may have led me (a non-Jewish, swing voter from California, for what its worth) to reconsider Harris as a candidate. When she didn't select Shapiro, it really felt like it was bc he is Jewish and she was worried about offending the anti-Zionist coalition of the dem party, which I found weak and offensive. I would love to hear more discussion on whether this was part of a turning point for any other swing voters!

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With a politically diverse family in PA, bypassing Shapiro was the nail in her coffin. He's very well liked on both sides - smart, reasonable, "normal". Not picking him tells you everything you need to know about her and her team.

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1 hr ago·edited 36 mins ago

@Ben Kawaller: why are “white nationalists” attributed to conservatives? Because they are Caucasian? That is not a good reason (and is racist in any case). There are many Caucasian liberals. Skin color does not determine ideology. Like the NAZIs, a self-professed socialist organization (the Z stands for Socialist in Deutsch), groups with extremist ideologies can’t really be “conservative” which the word means “status quo” or pragmatic which is the opposite of revolutionary. It seems that white nationalists or the KKK are really another branch of extreme, radical liberalism which includes black nationalists (Black Panthers), Antifa, BLM, pro-Hamas protestors and other revolutionary groups seeking to overturn American democracy.

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I think the point is that a lot of progressives like to accuse conservatives of being white nationalists because of their skin color and the fact that they're not progressive. Hell, they even do it to liberals who aren't leftist enough. If you break rank with the progressive Mean Girl club, you become their target.

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"@Ben Kawaller: why are “white nationalists” attributed to conservatives?"

Part Of The Narrative. On The + side it gives us an opportunity to engage people.

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How can you say « supposed Trump Zionism » in 2024 and after all the Biden-Harris reaction🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

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Great discussion. The only thing I would say, based on my experience as a Southerner with a working-class background, is that right-wing antisemitism, at least in the South, is a vanishingly small phenomenon. In fact I've only met a single outspoken anti-Semite in half a century and she was certifiably insane. But then Jews have always been accepted in the South (most people don't know that). Maybe it is different up North? I dunno.

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Count me among those wrestling with this.

I loathe trump and the things he says are genuinely scary. But I fear the democrats, having voted that way, almost exclusively, my entire life.

The progressive left has far too much sway in the party and they aren't afraid to use that leverage. In a closely divided Congress, I think the leverage point will become Israel and the temptation to throw Israel under the bus is just too great. Even this week, with the top secret document leaks showing potential Israeli retaliation sites against Iran, suggests there are traitors at high levels. Traitors put there by Democrats.

Further, this administration's push for a cease fire along with hostage release, is just a poor strategy. The more military success, the more negotiating leverage. Israel has more leverage now because of recent successes. Had they listened to Kamala, they wouldn't have them.

Kamala's choices would have removed that because she was clear she didn't want to see Israel go into Rafah. That operation was a major success, as it took out hamas' supply lines and at a much lower civilian cost than she anticipated. its also where Israel took out sinwar. Both meaningful wins.

Poor strategic judgment and high level leaks are a really bad combo. But that's what I'm seeing.

I've never been a single issue voter, but I might be this time around. The support for Israel needs to be overwhelming and almost unconditional. hezbollah and hamas are cancers on the societies they exist in, cancers in the region and even the world. Cancers don't do a cease fire.

Lastly, I see so many calls for a path to a 2 state solution and genuinely have no idea how/why that would work. Palestinian society is largely designed around destroying Israel. Its not designed to build up their own society into a peaceful and successful society. I don't think for even a moment they can flip that switch and suddenly offer competent governance and a rejection of violence. That's a big ask for a society which has never even contemplated either of those.

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Trump Supporters we take him (as Salena Zito put it) seriously but not literally.

I used to think The 2 State Solution was The Answer. That ended around 11:00 am Oct 7 2023.

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you are wrong about Trump. Reconsider your premises.

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30 mins ago·edited 12 mins ago

Trump is a shock-jock. Just like Howard Stern Trump likes to get people’s attention with strident language. It is both his biggest weakness and his greatest strength. He draws attention to his America-first and pro-Israel policies by his outlandishness (exaggerations, not really lies, included). The Dems love Stern’s crazy dialogue, along with others like Bill Maher. Why not Trump’s? Simple reason: Trump is very effective at driving America-first (supposedly the sworn duty of the President) and represents an existential threat to the Democrats’ effort under Obama to transform America into a Communist society (which is what DEI is all about). They will do or say anything to take down Trump, including assassination

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"But another panelist challenged the idea that Harris is unconcerned with the campus vitriol." Harris is concerned with wind direction. Pray the winds blow your way. Looks like anti-Semitism and Trump Derangement Syndrome share the same vitriol.

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"Most American Jews are still nearly 2-to-1 Team Kamala"??

Frankly, that statement shocks me. I cannot understand how that can be. It's like saying chickens are 2-to-1 in favor of Colonel Sanders. I'm not a big fan of Trump either, but no one is more Pro-Israel than he is, and few are more anti-Israel than Harris.

Vote accordingly.

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the issue is trump.

If the nominee was Haley, it'd be a very different story.

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