Milwaukee is hardly alone in its segregation. We can try and blame red-lining, but that hasn't been around for ages. Ideally, segregation wouldn't exist, but I'm not sure how one goes about trying to improve that without trying to create a "color-blind" society. Equity and equality are antonyms.

What I do know is that many of these large cities have three things in common:

First, they haven't had Republican leadership at any level in generations. Second, testing shows that a tiny fraction of high school graduates have mastered basic high school-appropriate skills. Third, these are often the best-funded high schools in their state.

We cannot allow this to continue. I can't say I have all the answers, but I'd start by eliminating teacher's unions, privatizing the education system, giving vouchers to any parent who needs one, tying government support to truancy and reversing Obama's disastrous prohibition on suspending violent students. Then try and make sure people don't fall through the proverbial cracks.

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The leftist critique of society is correct. Systemic racism is real. So, let's look at who controls "the system"... The left does. The left controls most media outlets, universities and teachers unions, professional organizations, etc. The left is "the system". And "there system" is the left. The two are synonymous.

Systemic racism is most certainly real.

The left is racist.

More than that, the left is racism incarnate. The Democratic Party is the party of racism, race hatred, race baiting and division.

The Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project... DELENDA EST!

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