Today, we’re thrilled to bring you not Honestly with Bari Weiss, but maybe something even better: Blocked and Reported with Suzy Weiss!
Jay Steiner said it all…
Do you realise how puerile and ridiculously American your ‘banter’ sounds to educated English speakers?!
Turned off by the frequent swear words. Stopped listening.
Smart and funny... great banter.
Great episode. Wickedly funny.
I love BAR and Katie is the funniest human alive!
I already listened on the BAR feed. It was every bit as great as I expected a Suzy and Katie podcast to be. I loved every moment.
Jay Steiner said it all…
Do you realise how puerile and ridiculously American your ‘banter’ sounds to educated English speakers?!
Turned off by the frequent swear words. Stopped listening.
Smart and funny... great banter.
Great episode. Wickedly funny.
I love BAR and Katie is the funniest human alive!
I already listened on the BAR feed. It was every bit as great as I expected a Suzy and Katie podcast to be. I loved every moment.