I see this election completely differently. The Democrats are the party of regulation by government "experts." The Republicans are the party of relatively free markets and Constitutional government. The personalities involved are only a minor part of the election.
The basic question is, do government "experts" do better at deciding and re…
I see this election completely differently. The Democrats are the party of regulation by government "experts." The Republicans are the party of relatively free markets and Constitutional government. The personalities involved are only a minor part of the election.
The basic question is, do government "experts" do better at deciding and regulating things than leaving most decision to the market? In other words, are the people able to give consent to be governed, or are they too stupid and ignorant to give informed consent? I think the history from 1600 on has been fairly clear on this subject. The people are much better at making decisions for themselves than any group of "experts."
Unchecked power is very corrupting. The reason Western democracy in general, and US Constitutional government in particular, are in peril is that decisions are no longer made primarily by elected branches of government. Unelected "expert" regulators make most decisions, ignoring people's votes and controlling the press.
Feudalism may be comfortable for folks who want to trade independence for the good lordship and "security" of guaranteed government support. However, strong man rule and "good lordship" was a consistent failure for all of history prior to 1600. I don't see the attraction. Relatively free markets have led to the greatest generation and distribution of wealth in human history. Socialism is a reactionary return to feudalism, and the economic misery it provides.
Making everybody dependent on government regulation and handouts will move our republic into a Roman Empire phase. The rule of law will be replaced by the rule of men. Our civilization will decline, because nothing will be maintained. The government will go bankrupt from welfare, aka bread and circuses. Large parts of the population, like straight white and Asian men, will be marginalized. They won't have any reason to want to defend the country in time of war. Military recruiting in the US is already suffering.
Identity politics is a ruse to make poor government performance irrelevant. Your identity never changes, so no matter how bad the government is, you still vote the same way. Similarly, making the election a popularity contest, rather than about how bad Democrats and Biden have screwed up the country, is the only way Democrats can win. You can't have a rude president with bad tweets, no matter how competent he was compared to the current mess.
Also, since men can become pregnant, and according to legal doctrine, people in their 80's can get pregnant too, everybody needs an abortion. You don't need any other rights, just an abortion. You can throw away the Constitution,and the rule of law, as long as you have free taxpayer paid abortions.
I see this election completely differently. The Democrats are the party of regulation by government "experts." The Republicans are the party of relatively free markets and Constitutional government. The personalities involved are only a minor part of the election.
The basic question is, do government "experts" do better at deciding and regulating things than leaving most decision to the market? In other words, are the people able to give consent to be governed, or are they too stupid and ignorant to give informed consent? I think the history from 1600 on has been fairly clear on this subject. The people are much better at making decisions for themselves than any group of "experts."
Unchecked power is very corrupting. The reason Western democracy in general, and US Constitutional government in particular, are in peril is that decisions are no longer made primarily by elected branches of government. Unelected "expert" regulators make most decisions, ignoring people's votes and controlling the press.
Feudalism may be comfortable for folks who want to trade independence for the good lordship and "security" of guaranteed government support. However, strong man rule and "good lordship" was a consistent failure for all of history prior to 1600. I don't see the attraction. Relatively free markets have led to the greatest generation and distribution of wealth in human history. Socialism is a reactionary return to feudalism, and the economic misery it provides.
Making everybody dependent on government regulation and handouts will move our republic into a Roman Empire phase. The rule of law will be replaced by the rule of men. Our civilization will decline, because nothing will be maintained. The government will go bankrupt from welfare, aka bread and circuses. Large parts of the population, like straight white and Asian men, will be marginalized. They won't have any reason to want to defend the country in time of war. Military recruiting in the US is already suffering.
Identity politics is a ruse to make poor government performance irrelevant. Your identity never changes, so no matter how bad the government is, you still vote the same way. Similarly, making the election a popularity contest, rather than about how bad Democrats and Biden have screwed up the country, is the only way Democrats can win. You can't have a rude president with bad tweets, no matter how competent he was compared to the current mess.
Also, since men can become pregnant, and according to legal doctrine, people in their 80's can get pregnant too, everybody needs an abortion. You don't need any other rights, just an abortion. You can throw away the Constitution,and the rule of law, as long as you have free taxpayer paid abortions.