One student gets her nose out of joint and a teacher is fired. Another” I’m the center of the world” youngster with connections. However, that the school had adults and st who thought the word ended with Trumps election tells me all I need to know about the place, its students , and it’s administration

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Frightening ... just frightening.

Yours is not the reason "why" yours is but to die .... at the feet of DEI.

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This story is particularly sad given the fact that Ms. Protopappas was clearly, like all NYC private-school teachers, paid much less than she is worth, leaving her high and dry just as she is nearing retirement age. It's unspeakably unfair and stunningly petty and short-sighted to deny her the right to continue giving of herself to generations of extremely lucky girls at a school that has not been known as an intellectual powerhouse - all because the headmistress' daughter (who may or may not even be qualified for the school) decided to create a grievance for herself. Her inability to find a job at the sister schools would seem to indicate a "cancellation" - for doing her job of presenting her students with facts and different arguments for them to work through themselves, i.e., educating them. I hope that this gifted teacher, ridiculously overqualified for the job she has now been denied, finds a place where she can continue to inspire students. And, with any luck, be paid a living wage.

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Spence School's balance sheet as reported on it's publicly available 990 for the year ended 6/30/23 shows net assets of $327 million, including an almost $300 million facility and an endowment of $140 million. For the year ended 6/30/22, investment income was almost $21 million, on which they paid no tax, a tax subsidy of roughly $7 million. This is where your tax dollars are going.

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Tell Anne Protopappas she can live in my Houston house rent free until she wins this battle and/or finds a new post. If not my house, I'm sure we can find her a very comfortable place in Houston to live rent free from which to wage this battle. Houston has a large and industrious Vietnamese community. They are great examples of the American spirit, seeking out the land of opportunity and capturing it.

Not long ago without thinking I blurted out to a nice liberal friend - "You do know sheep don't even know they are sheep, right?"

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This story may be 100% accurate, or it may be omitting important information. I hope the court case gets some coverage, and then I will have a clearer idea.

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Have y’all started a givesendgo for her?

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Ms. Protopappas sounds like she would be an extraordinary find at the newly formed UATX where her devotion to the principle of classical liberalism is heralded. Until then, I will hope that her lawsuit is abundantly fruitful and would be the first in line to purchase her book, should she choose to share her distinctive, much needed voice and the teachings so aptly described by Ms. Koch.

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Anger is the ultimate entitlement; accept my rage or else. How tragically sad and unAmerican.

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This situation is despicable and yet another example of our broken educational system. The only difference here is that instead of militant mediocre professors inciting rebellion, it’s the students harassing their respectable teacher.

This brings up a point I consider just as, if not more, important - the role of the family in instilling core values: humility, respect for elders, earning honest money, striving for knowledge, and contributing to the household. This issue is especially prevalent in wealthy families where children are raised spoiled beyond measure. The real root of the problem is permissiveness—kids can do no wrong, and any attempt to discipline is seen as potentially traumatic or suppressive of their individuality. Parents aren’t actively teaching critical thinking or life skills. Instead, they’re buying their kids' affection with hundreds of unnecessary things, which are no longer appreciated but always expected.

Add to this the lack of parental presence - babysitters, often glued to their phones or barely speaking the language, do the bare minimum. Children are given free rein with electronics. What do we expect from them as they grow up?

And then there are the schools, especially elite private ones. They used to teach public manners, but now the new aristocracy blends in with everyone else, equally unrefined. No one tells the students to be polite to teachers, to think before asking a question, or to control their temper if they dislike an answer. They walk in, already feeling entitled and empowered, thinking they know best because they've been coddled into believing so.

The result? What we’re witnessing on campuses - and in this case, even in schools - are students acting like they hold all the truth, without any capacity for critical thought, behaving like pigs.

A large part of this problem stems from political propaganda, but the other half lies in the role of parents and their responsibility to their children. We won’t fix the first without confronting the second.

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She is the kind of educator our kids need, yet our schools are determined to undermine freedom of thought when it conflicts with the woke ideology. Our education system needs to be overhauled from the top to the bottom. Eliminate the Dept of Education and return that money to the states which are more in tuned with parents desires for their kids. They are after all, children of the taxpayers, not the teachers.

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“Ironically, since I was fired, teaching French at Spence appears to be a white privilege,” noting there are no longer any full-time French teachers of color at the school.

So Ms. Protopappas thinks her color was an asset to the school? At the very least, that's racist. Her firing sounds like the multiculturalists eating their own.

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Plus ca change...plus ca revien au meme.

Spectaculairement desole pour Mme Proto

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She sounds like a perfect candidate for teaching at the Austin University of Texas.

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This is so sad, truly saddens my big heart. She's sounds like and intellectual challenging the constricted norms, isn't that what teachers are supposed to do? To make us think?

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Not sure what the basis is for a law suit. A private school, even a leftist ideological hellhole like Spence, whose mission is indoctrination rather than education, should be able to hire and fire anyone they please. Why any sane educator would want to be affiliated with such a place is beyond me.

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There is a basis if they are blacklisting her and preventing her from obtaining employment elsewhere. She said she didn't file the suit until after she couldn't even get an interview at any of the 15 schools she applied. This affects her ability to support herself. There is a tort cause of action called interference with business relationships. She may also have a case for defamation. If she had an employment agreement with the school, possibly wrongful termination as well.

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