If I had the money available now, I would buy you a ticket so you could travel to Venezuela.

How blind Americans like yourself are. And how scary, that you could suggest somebody like Newsome, Biden or the other women governor, or any other crazy Democrat.

What a shame. The only good thing about reading your article is that I know not to read you again.

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Thank you! Great article.

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Regarding everything you wrote following the words, "analogous disconnect": thank you for putting in to words everything I have felt since March 2020. I felt as if I'd walked through the Looking Glass, up was now down, the Emperor wasn't wearing any clothes, and I was the only one not getting the joke. Thank you, and thank you again.

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When a state loses an entire town to fire, along with potentially hundreds of lives, and the president shows up a week late and compares the disaster to his own kitchen fire of the distant past to show his empathy, you know you have the wrong president.

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RFK Jr didn't say anything sketchy or anti- Semetic when he talked about the COVID virus not affecting certain populations as badly as others - he was talking about efforts- - see earlier articles in WaPo & NYT - to.potentially design & engineer viruses that target certain populations.He is a conspiracy theorist who is likely to be proven correct on many - not all - of his conspiracies. He is also the knly candidate that gives a shit about a lot of things that the other candidates should give a shit about

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I'm a Californian. PLEASE, take it from me (pun intended) that YOU DO NOT WANT Gavin Newsom and his shady relative Nancy Pelosi running this country. He is a true narcissist, only second to Obama. He ruined San Francisco, our once great state and he'll do nothing but more damage to America.

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Well, it turns out there are actually some thoughtful comments— if you dig for them. So I will experiment with engaging a bit more. My hope is to find conservative writers who are more interested in ideas than insults.

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Great article.

There are indeed six or more good Democratic alternatives, and the list of truths is full of ways they all could convince voters.

The one thing none of them can offer is Biden's decades of dealing with the issues and finding viable ways to promote solutions.

Newsom has consumed most of the comment to this article, but his challenge to DeSantis (who is dodging it) is a good example of what ordinary citizens should be doing to shine attention on the feebleness, or outright lack, of what passes for the Republican platform.

btw, Newsom has been honest about his affair, which also turned out to rescue the woman from the drinking etc that commenters mention. Unlike the attacks of his Republican opponent which were repulsed, Newsom's were consensual and above board.

Commenters typically use YouTube as "evidence," pointing out their interest in smut.

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"...the savvy Democratic strategist who advised Pete Buttigieg’s 2020 presidential campaign..."

Uh, what? I was in South Bend for that campaign. Pete had amazing chops in a heartland state that's very conservative. And that's why they re-elected an openly gay mayor. Pete got things done nobody else even tried to do. Transformed the city.

So, then came Pete's presidential run. What did he do? He threw away every principle he had. He said anything that his audiences wanted to hear. And he tanked. "savvy Democratic strategist"? That Savodnik actually said that disqualified him as living in a num-num tree somewhere.

We are quite aware of what the "savvy Democratic strategists" are up to. Take abortion for example. Why didn't Democrats get that taken care of when they had Congress? Because, the "strategists" don't want to give up that issue --- it gets out the vote! Can't lose that motivator! Take any issue that Democrats have run on in the 21st Century. What happened? Any issue that gets out the vote? It stays! Can't lose those.

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Joe Biden provides perfect cover for whomever is really pulling the strings. His next term will be like “Weekend at Bernie’s”.

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I like Phillips observations about Clinton and Obama but I would venture that they are billionaires not millionaires.

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Gretchen won due to incompetent opposition. Just another political hack.

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Am. As ex

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This country and its voters are a disgrace. Trump and Hillary? Trump and Biden? These are the best we can come up with? I honestly would take any free press reader at random and we would be better off.

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Wow. This place is not interesting anymore. Comments filled with TDS.

Imagining voting for any of these people, with the possible exception of RFK, makes me sorry I read this. Biden, Newsom, Whitmer, what horrible people.

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Two Words :

Vivek Ramaswamey

1. He's not afraid to not only Expose the Corruption, Inefficiencies, and lack of Accountability within many of our Federal Agencies, but also has a Plan how to accomplish it.

2. He is NOT a Politician. Rather, an extremely successful businessman, who went to both Harvard & Yale: has his J.D.


4. He isn't Bashing his opponents

5. He wants to unite. Not divide

6. He can Articulate quite precisely how our Presidential Races are Owned & Contolled by the Managerial Class- and NOT by the Citizens of this Country, as it should be.

7. He's BRILLIANT , Confident and promises to not be beholden to any outside interests.

And yet the BULK of us Sheep will continue to VOTE for 1 of the 2 White Octagenarians simply because we are being told by the Media, the Corporations, Politicians, that ' if we don't "don'r TEAM will lose.


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