"Harvard will refrain from issuing statements on “public matters that do not directly affect the university’s core function." We know that Harvard is seriously damaged by the Radic-Lib virus that causes woke-ism, and to which staff and students have little natural resistance. Hey, what happened to the people who in the 60's showed -- flaunted -- that their loyalty was to the North Vietnamese government & the North Vietnamese Communist Party? They are in charge at Harvard and they've spread the infecting agent.

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Morally, some people should be put out of their misery if they wish (to reduce the burden on themselves, their close friends, their relatives, and the government). But others should be cured. Right now, I don't have a suggestion on how to decide which is the case in any given instance, but lack of a good rule is probably not the reason our society has people advocating preserving every human life, no matter how awfully it is going.

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I found another article about political suppression and authoritarianism in institutions of higher education (IHE's). In researching the Levering Oath controversy, I found that two web search programs returned almost nothing but leftist propaganda about it. But reading carefully, we can see that the California Supreme Court's repeal of the Levering Oath policy was intended to protect people not able to control their infection with the radic-lib virus, especially Communists. Of course that helped get us the woke-ism pandemic. Here's a relatively objective article mentioning the oath and detailing the University of California's deep commitment to the DIE disease. https://calmatters.org/commentary/2022/08/does-university-of-california-undercut-academic-freedom/

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Zoraya ter Beek seemed obsessively self-absorbed. When I think of people who died untimely deaths and wanted so much to live, or of people in the news desperately trying to survive, this young woman comes across as an ingrate. What were her last words? Did she at least say “Thank you.”

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Believe the Pope said not 'seminar', but "Seminary" where young male Catholics spend eight years: four of college plus four in theology in order to be called to be Priests. A seminar is a whole other thing, just a gentle note, as it makes a difference that Pope Francis was discussing a long commitment vs a brief training..

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Regarding the "tragedy in Rafah", why isn't more attention being given to the fact that there was a Hamas ammo depo in this encampment? Why isn't the fact that Hamas operatives were recorded admitting that the explosions and the resulting fire were caused by their own ammunition dump catching fire. While possibly true that the successful Israeli attack on the two Hamas leaders might have caused the ammunition to explode, one might also assert that the Hamas had no business stashing an ammo dump in a refugee camp.

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TFP needs to also highlight the pier that cost us tax payers $320 MILLION that SUNK! Along with all the aid sent that never got to the people of Gaza. When are we going to get the world to understand Hamas is responsible for every single death and put relentless pressure on them to return hostages and surrender? This war would have been over eons ago if the world's ire was focused solely on that. Since Oct 8th, that's what should have been everyone's chant and poster. Hamas has had the choice ea sec of ea min of ea hour of ea day to end the war and they choose not to. WHY? Because they want dead gazans. Their leaders have said this numerous times. This isn't me guessing at their intentions. This is what they state loud and clearly. So, if ppl actually care about "freeing Palestine" then they should realize every min they spend screaming at Israel is just adding fuel to Hamas' boldness. They have zero reason to end this when people seem to be on their side and this is what causes the suffering. But back to the pier-----THE PIER IS APERFECT analogy to Biden's Presidency. A lot of money to get it together, and then day 1 he started to sink. It was a waste of time, hope and energy. It's a big old F A I L !!!

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Don't allow and OK. The OK is circled and it will not let the Don't Allow to be chosen. I can no longer get into substack without accepting this.

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There are a lot of weird things happening on Substack (and everywhere else) lately. I just found this, your answer to my comment, not beneath my comment but elsewhere. (Not sure where I am or even how I got here.) Try clearing your cookies and cache, then close your browser and reopen it and try again. If that doesn't work, go to https://substack.com/support and chat with the bot. The bot won't be helpful but can probably get you a live person. Good luck!


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Thanks for the link. I used it and got advice that resolved the problem.

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You're welcome! I love giving advice that works!

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Great article link to Persuasion from Enrique Krause "Mexicans head to the polls". I was struck by his comments that AMCO's "greatest privilege was to choose his successor" and the melding of PANPRI sounds an awful like our DNCRNC uniparty. See also the Politico article from April 2017 https://www.politico.com/story/2017/04/mitt-romney-senator-replace-orrin-hatch-237007 where the (now deceased) Orrin Hatch, then age 84 was quoted as threatening to run (and undoubtedly win) unless Mitt Romney replaced him. We are already Mexico--we just don't know it yet.

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It’s tragic for society that euthanasia for a 29-year-old with no terminal illness is acceptable. “Zoraya had great faith in not only the law but also the medical profession.” That was the first mistake; having great faith in the medical profession that no longer practices First, Do No Harm. https://lizlasorte.substack.com/p/first-do-no-harm?r=76q58

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The violence and uselessness of this piece overwhelms me now.

Dear God Almighty, please heal us and protect us from the evil one.

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May 30·edited May 30

Suicide is always wrong on every possible level in every possible way.

If the person is not a true Christian, then they go to hell now, and the Lake of Fire with Satan for eternity

There is always a better choice than that. Please folks, talk to someone first. Before you kill yourself. People love you. God loves you. Wake up. Reach out. You might be surprised about how many people love you this very moment. Please reach out a little bit.

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MAGA folks wish to Make America Great Again. Please explain to us what is wrong with that objective. And sentiment.

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Sir, you list one insane thought after the next one in quick sequence.

The current Bishop of Rome is a communist. I doubt he is a Christian. He needs to be thumped out of the Roman Catholic Church. Where are the Cardinals now, to heal our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters now? They need to step up now.

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What a bad headline. It should read: 29year old narcissist gets her wish: She's dead! Now, news about people who care enough to keep on living...

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May 30·edited May 30

Bullying is nonsense. Why actually did she kill herself? Woke nonsense is always the easy answer. The US government wants all of us to commit suicide. Why?

God Almighty loves me more than the evil Nazis in our current government.

Love is the answer. Love God and love your neighbor. See how easy that is to do?

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She killed herself not because of bullying, but because she found her life unbearable. She had numerous problems. I don't agree with her decision, at such a young age, but as I get older I can understand that point of view.

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Who bullied anyone? You can't bully a corpse.

I love those who love me back. Loving your neighbor only works if your neighbor reciprocates. Love thy enemies is a pernicious creed and should be rooted out from the psyche of all human beings. Hate your enemies. Love those who love you.

See how easy that is to do?

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Robert Di Niro is an old miscreant. The exception to the paucity of his vocabulary is his profane language which demonstrates his inability to say any little thing logically. He acts like the street thug that he really is. His hyperbole would put Jon Lovitz's character to shame. Yeh, that's the ticket!

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May 30·edited May 30

Yep, anyone who descends to vulgar and filthy language is a just another guttersnipe with nothing to say at all. This defines DeNiro. Filth. Apostate. Worthless hollywierd loser.

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