“just 27 percent of American high school seniors agree with the statement that “Despite its many faults, our system of doing things is still the best in the world.” “ They were taught this. It didn’t emerge from the ground. A terrific argument for revising the educational system at every level.

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The concern about securing election sites from truck bombs leads me the conclusion that Democrats are renting a lot of U Hauls.

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I will be brief ; Calling Donald Trump Hitler ends all doubt. Leftism is a mental disorder and if continued will be fatal to our country. The Democrats are the Fascists. This election is about Fascism or not and the Democrats are the Fascists.

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I need to say this and I am NOT sorry…we need and deserve a PERSON, gender not important, who achieves based on MERIT, BACKBONE and STRONG LEADERSHIP. No need to say more.

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Listen to the San Senor podcast on the Israeli attack on Iran.

It tells it all and shows that the IDF is the greatest military strategists in the history of modern warfare.

Thank goodness they didn’t listen to Biden who has been wrong his whole career in foreign policy.

The US contributed a little in intelligence but there were no American forces involved in the attack.

The written papers are only good for wordle and other silly games.

They are basically a failing entity whose only existence is to push their political agenda.

Only fools believe what is written in this trash.

I don’t agree with all the free press stuff but it has great contributors is brief and has great TGIF.

I am not big fan of these round table discussions to have but maybe some people like them.

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"many Democrats really believe [Trump] represents an existential threat to American democracy. "

Well, I suppose that's fair enough, since many of us who have followed the news on censorship, calls for court-packing, and lawfare, not to mention the totally democratic last-minute candidate switcheroo, feel more or less the same way about their entire party. Which party has "by any means necessary" as its unofficial motto, and the actual name of one of its supporting groups?

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It is really disappointing to see that the Free Press seems incapable of providing fair coverage of the Republican rally at MSG. The FP office is in New York City but no one from the team made any effort to attend? Or did this person leave once they were able to gather a few snarky and off putting comments from speakers ? Why is there no reporting about the content of speeches from Tulsi, Vivek , J. D and Dr. Phil? These were the speeches I watched on line and they were meaningful, thoughtful and relevant. And the crowd was great….. so excited to participate in the democratic process and support their candidate. By the way I am not an American but I have been paying attention to the speeches and interviews that both candidates and their supporters give , because the party and president the US elects is relevant for everybody else in the world. I am a subscriber and want to believe in the mission of the Free Press , which is to report the truth. Today the publication did not live up to the pledge that it has made to its readers and subscribers. I hope you make a concerted effort to do better in the upcoming days before the election.

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So well said Yohanna. Thank you for your cogent thoughts.

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Thank you for publishing Rudy Teixeira on FP

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I would have gotten actively involved in campaigning if Tulsi Gabbard had run for President, that's how very impressed I've been with her.

I agree with SYG that we should have had a woman president by now but I think of someone along the lines of Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir, not some installed silly progressive twit who can't even DEFINE what a woman is...

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Nikki Haley would have been great.

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Just can’t help yourselves. Reality is bad enough? Sure is. Ask Lakin Reilly’s family. Go fill up your gas tank. Count the dead in Ukraine.

I’m contemplating canceling the FP and buying a NYT subscription.

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It has filled my heart with joy to watch the fascist left fall apart and cry after the week Trump just had. Americans have finally woken up to the sickness and rot in the Democrat party. They aren’t woke, they are AWAKE!

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"But what killed the progressive moment?"

It hasn't been killed. It's only gone silent, until November 5th, because progressives know their plans are deeply unpopular, so they aren't going to talk about them until they convince 50.1% of the public to hand them the keys to power.

And if they get it ... dear God, I'm not sure our country can survive it.

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Recall Lindsey Graham remarks during Kavanaugh confirmation hearing regarding Democrats' behavior: "Boy y'all want power. God, I hope you never get it."

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"Why the Democrats reach for overblown Nazi comparisons is mind-boggling to me. First, because the reality is bad enough!"

I find them in Violation of Godwins War, 15 yard Penalty Loss Of Down.

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Loss of election will be good enough, thanks.

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It’s because they are projecting: they are the nazis !!

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So three quarters of high school seniors don’t think the US is all it’s cracked up to be. What’s the old saying? If you’re not a liberal when you’re young, you don’t have a heart; if you’re not a conservative when you’re old, you don’t have a brain. These kids don’t have a brain, at least not a fully developed one. Think back to when you were 17 or 18 and what was up, down, right, wrong. We were idiots, plain and simple. Yet we dismiss these surveys at our peril for two reasons. First, some of these kids are voting in this election. Second, they show us how urgently we need to challenge what our schools — public as well as private — are both teaching and telling our children. As for teaching, their instruction comes from textbooks and snippets and excerpts of original source material. In short, they’re being fed highly filtered information and told this is the “truth.” They simply don’t have enough information to make a rational decision on anything. Nevertheless, under the heading of telling, pedagogy has shifted seismically. Kids, with their limited knowledge, are now seen as change agents. Teachers tell them change of any kind is progress and progress is always good because it’s change. It’s a dangerous circular premise. I’m appalled at how much credence adults give children. Listen to the children we’re told. Hell no. I think we were all better off when kids were seen and not heard, when the world acknowledged there really are dumb questions (and answers), and we made anyone under the age of 21 sit at the kids’ table in the kitchen at Thanksgiving.

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Speaking as the dad of a recent high school grad... high schools don't teach civics or history. In fact I'm not sure what they DO teach.

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The statistic about teenagers not liking the USA is as expected. Most are taught for years and years that the USA is evil, was founded by evil racist White DEVILS and the entire nation essentially runs off of the blood of brown folx.

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So, what do we make of fact that when Trump was shot at a rally and Harris, Biden et al decried "there is no place for violence in politics," and then the democrats resort to calling Trump a fascist and stirring up comparisons to a Nazi rally at MSG in 1939, actually saying that Trump chose that venue for that very reason? If this is their strategy, then it seems rather amazing that more people are NOT taking shots at Trump. I mean, isn't this the "would you strangle baby Hitler if you could go back in time" strategy of preemptive strikes?

I find this strategy not only stupid, but repulsive, lazy, scary, desperate, and frankly a bit projective, considering Harris won zero elections (Biden's 2020 win does not count for her) and primaries en route to her post atop the Party ticket.

For the record, should it matter to any eye balls reading this: i'm not voting for trump. I'm just also not voting for Harris.

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Only a coward doesn't vote. Try to man up, pal, and stop your whining.

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I supported everything until the last paragraph. It could be that people like you will determine the election, by turning up your nose at the candidates. As an American citizen you have a civic responsibility to vote. Millions of people have lost their lives fighting to insure you have the opportunity to vote. Do it!

I first voted in the ‘68 election and disliked both candidates. That did not change for most of the elections since then. You do not often get a candidate who is overwhelmingly popular. This has not often been the case for almost 250 years. Again, I say, do it!

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