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Salute Salena Zito. Great article..

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Excellent reporting! Love The Freepress!

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Thoughts and prayers. Now "get over it."

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A debate stopped Joe Biden dead in his tracks and a bullet can't stop Donald Trump. That's all voters need to know.

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Shocked! Not necessarily that someone attempted to assassinate him. In today's world in this country, such things don't excite me anymore. They are expected. I saw JFK, MLK, Lee Harvey and RFK go down. Reagan wounded. This nation has some innate cruelty built in. Being shocked comes from the realization that he will now likely win the upcoming election unless Republicans find some way to lose. The kind of thing the Democrats seem to do and have been doing the past few weeks. Of course Biden is old (but several months younger than me). Trump did not demonstrate cognitive superiority (get my shoes) but he was triumphant. A surviver. Old Joe likely wouldn't have made if oof the stage. We had a chance to avoid the impending death of democracy and a young misguided man, a register Republican, took all that away. Watching this tragic event made me think of Stephen King's novel, The Dead Zone. Would Trump become Greg Stillson? Would he do some cowardly thing that would taint his electability among his followers? No! He clearly exhibited his resilience, his defiance in the face of evil. And Joe Biden, Kamala are likely in the midst of their last term in office. It's not their fault.

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Biden lost the election a few weeks ago. It is his fault.

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I do not agree that the election of DJB would mean the "death of democracy."

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FJB perhaps?

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How about FDT? The more likely fraudelent behavior! After all 12 people for him guilty of fraud 34 times.

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Some people make typos because keys are adjacent on their keyboard. My typos are often because the sound of a letter is similar. T and B sound similar. I wonder if this happens to anyone else.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 16

After all of the events of the past 8 years, it's hard for me to fathom that people still believe the Establishment (never-Trumpers) are protectors of democracy.

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Last Sunday, Joe Biden appeared on TV in a news announcement (he does not do conferences) & firmly denounced political violence. But that was without mentioning the words "Antifa" or "BLM".

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I've never been in love DJT, but I don't think he's a combination of Hitler/Satan/Godzilla as so many on the LEFT think. I also don't think he is a combination of Jesus/Gandhi/Lincoln as so many on the RIGHT think. I do think he has been a very good POTUS. I don't want a Savior or Messiah at the Resolute Desk. We had that for eight years starting on January 20, 2009. I want someone who can do the job and talk less.

I so want to be wrong, but I think they're going to continue to go after DJT. What I mean by "go after" is to continue to try to kill him. It's the only arrow left in the LEFT's quiver, and they only have to kill him once. I hope his security is upgraded.

Also, the image of DJT defiant with his fist in the air and "Old Glory" waving behind him will be an American iconic image on a level with "The Spirit of '76" and the raising of the American Flag on Iwo Jima.

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I am very disappointed that the Free Press has printed a piece that includes this statement: "Eight years ago, he won this county by 65 percent. He won it again, by the same margin, in 2020."

Trump won in 2020???!

I thought this publication had a commitment to honest reporting. Even in an opinion piece, the facts should have be checked.

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Operative word being "County" which of course is not the same as winning the state or the national election.

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Shelle, You need to re-read what was written. "He won it again". The It is the county, not the election. That must be what the "it" refers to. My english teacher would always crank on me for loose pronoun references. But before you get hyper critical, try reading it another way.

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You are totally right Mark! I missed county and read country. Thanks for pointing that out.

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I initially also read "county" as "country", and I was like, waitaminnit... an easy mistake to make.

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way to own it Shelle

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Whew!! Thanks for your support. What a barrage of personal accusation!

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why does this get personal? I have personal views on Trump and/or Biden but their my business -- that's why there's a guard around voting booths. Why call someone (like me) a pig when I haven't assigned such a description to Trump? These personal attacks do not offer sound reasons for voting for a specific candidate. Relax. Think about your view. Talk about it. Don't fear it.

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Ummm, guys? DEI may be faked at Pepsi where the current head of the Secret Service used to collect a big paycheck for her chromosomes, but not when it comes to life and death...

Fire her NOW, Joey. Oh, that's right, you never FIRE anyone...

Our Conscience

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This just in:

In appeal for national unity last light, Biden apologized for the failed assassination attempt against Trump.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

I didn't hear any apology. I heard a clear and impassioned call for an end to kind of extremist rhetoric which encourages violence, from BOTH sides. Biden once again showed he is the kind of leader who seeks to unite us, not divide us.

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This just in:

In appeal for national unity last night, Biden claimed he bore no responsibility for enmity against Hitler.

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Wow, you're just off in your own little fantasy land, aren't you.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

By the way, the Secret Service is blaming the local cops. What more do you need to know about the weasel wording character of self protecting bureaucrats in the Federal Executive Branch today. (This is a declaration and not a question, so my statement ends with a period) I’d appreciate a close look at the specific officials directly involved in the situation that permitted likely murder of a likely President — looking at the Secret Service. Why? It will be a corrective reveal for the Trump Administration in 2025; and will apply broadly.

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I would argue the secret service leadership as effective as the Pentagon leadership.

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Read my two below and reflect on America’s Promise as contrasted with American Reality. Then: ACT as you will realize is both necessary and obvious.

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Israel’s public had a reveal on October 7th, and as a seemingly impossible result, unified as seldom before to face evil.

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