I’ve been compulsively scrolling X for details and reports and the biggest take away for me has been the amount of horrible politically insane people there are. Academics from universities ‘sad’ the shooter missed/ Teens on tik tok yelling about the shooter not having better aim /D list celebrities saying it was faked/ ‘Staged’ trending …
I’ve been compulsively scrolling X for details and reports and the biggest take away for me has been the amount of horrible politically insane people there are. Academics from universities ‘sad’ the shooter missed/ Teens on tik tok yelling about the shooter not having better aim /D list celebrities saying it was faked/ ‘Staged’ trending on X. Then a cnn reporter said Trump sent the “wrong message” saying Fight! …after the man was nearly assasinated. It defies logic that our society has become so depraved. There are families who lost loved ones over friggin’ political differences - THIS. IS. NUTS!!!
Thank you for your excellent first hand reporting after such a scary day. Glad your family is safe.
My own 18 and 21 year old children who listen to nothing but garbage on TikTok fall into this category. Social media must be better controlled. It is a cesspool of propaganda and lies that feeds itself like an uncontrolled cancer.
Lots of compilations of past video clips of democrats hurling invective and inciting violence, accusing Trump of being Hitler, a threat to democracy. Even calling for him to be taken out.
Now the rush to claim the 20 yr old shooter was a registered R, except he donated to D.
Will this tone things down? Wish I could think so.
There are many extreme left-wing Democrats who register as Republicans just to throw the polls off. I have several nieces and nephews who have bragged about it.
If you are a D but register as a R you can vote in R primaries and vote for the worst R candidate to reduce the chances of the best candidate. Then in the general election your party affiliation doesn’t matter, you can vote for a D.
They are Left Wing Extremists. We need to start using that phrase continually everywhere. They don't believe in democracy. They believe anyone who disagrees with them should not have a voice. This is Fascism.
That's a good term. I lost the ability to trust these people during COVID, and I have not recovered it. What is odd is that a great many of them are Oprah loving, touchey feeley, empathy promoting flower children. Yet, they not only tolerate hate, but promote it and applaud it.
That alone speaks volumes to the fundamental superficiality of all of it. The New Age, by and large, is filled with meally mouthed cowards who at the end of the day believe nothing, will fight for nothing, hate themselves, and who are secretly rooting for the fascists.
You are correct. Left Wing Extremists, or Leftists is appropriate. Please, please, please stop calling them Liberals. There is nothing liberal about their beliefs. they are Fascists.
I only use Liberal when I mean Liberal. Tulsi Gabbard is a Liberal. I actually call myself a Liberal, which for me is Adam Smith, and John Stewart Mill.
Nobody remaining in the Democrat Party now, is. I even have strong doubts about RFK, Jr.
Thats because jobs reports show government jobs, grant university jobs, NGOs or Obamacare insurance bureaucrats, clerks. Subsidizing consumption without production ends up as Argentina hyperinflation.
They are a Cult of Death. Ignorance and hatred are what fuel these people. Their hollowness can only be filled by the collateral damage they inflict on everything around them.
I'm listening to Dostoevsky's book "The Possessed" (aka The Demons), and he has one of his characters point out that if the Nihilists of his time--that is in fact a word of Russian origin--could wave a magic wand and enact instantly all the the social improvements they purportedly stood for, they would not do it. Their work was not about building or improving. It never was. It was about rationalizing hate and following destruction.
That is all Left Wing Extremists do. That is what most of our media does. That is what the NGO's that are funded by Alex Soros and Bill Gates and the Rockefellers do. They tear down, with only enough building to provide an attractive billboard to cover up the rest.
They love Global Warming because it gives them a chance to ruin the world for all but themselves. And they hate themselves, too, with good reason.
On vacation with relatives who are snickering over the assassination attempt. I let them know in no uncertain terms this is not funny. No matter what they think of Trump, they CANNOT be okay with this. That quieted them, but they just think I’ve been Maga-brainwashed. What the hell is going on in this country? Half the people are laughing about this!
That is the point of calling people Nazis or Hitler...it dehumanizes them. Once we see a fellow human as 'other' enough, it becomes easy to see any bad thing done to them as ok.
I remember working with a guy who has served in Iraq. It took him quite some time to reverse the thinking that had allowed him to shoot at fellow humans. He later realized that all of the slurs and such they had for the enemy made it easy to not see them as deserving of basic human decency and he had to undo that.
I don't blame those like your relatives, they just have weak or passive minds susceptible to the programming by the media and their leftist puppet masters. No different than the mass hysteria manufactured by the same people for the same reason. They have an agenda to turn America into a socialist hell hole and Trump is a roadblock. If motivating someone to kill Trump is the result, their perspective is that it's needed for the cause.
It is a contempt for Trump; but, more importantly, it is a level of contempt for all the people who vote for him and show up for his rallies.
The elite, parlor crowd in this country lives at a remove from ordinary Americans. They mock their education, their patriotism, and their values. And they poll voters, treating the various racial and gender groups as protected classes while carving out the non-college educated White voters for special derision.
As Orwell noted, the Socialists of his day were not motivated by compassion but by envy, the desire to tear down what they don’t control. I am not a Trump voter, but I am increasingly drawn to his message and the sense of alienation you see on the faces of his supporters. They are portrayed in the media as racist and fascist, but these are American voters who are begging their leadership to listen, slow down, and care for the country they love. They have turned to populist leaders around the world, because they are given the finger by their governments.
I hate to break it to you but your relatives are possessed by Satan (D).
I am calling on all Americans to only refer to the shooter as The Democrat Shooter or The Shooter (D).
It is very difficult to explain this to people because most Democrats seem relatively normal when you meet them but they are not normal. They are filthy degenerate godforsaken communist savages.
This is why I encourage people to follow the Instagram account dictators_having_fun. It’s just a bunch of pictures of Hitler and Robert Mugabe at cocktail parties and on vacation with their friends.
I have always been more concerned about repercussions in this electoral season from the Left. Their track record in 1968 and the way in which they have brazenly staged race riots post-Ferguson and 2020 is predictive of how they might react to an unwanted outcome.
Same we are coming back into port in New Orleans after a cruise during the Nov election. Told my husband was concerned for left violence in New Orleans if the election doesn’t go their way. The left has become like domestic terrorists when they don’t get their way. I’m not one that does any political crap, rallies or otherwise bc crowds annoy me. I just want left alone and live in peace.
There are people on this thread who are calling out the left for calling Trump "Hitler" and an " existential threat" to Democracy. But when you say Dems are "filthy degenerate godforsaken communist savages" isn't that basically the same thing? Name calling definitely goes both ways. You seem to have many fans here Kevin, so isn't using that language irresponsible in the same way?
Yes but collectivism progressivism globalism humanism paganism utopianism is actually evil; whereas wanting a secure border is just a bare minimum requirement for not being a traitor.
And you are someone who is fine with “humor” that calls for killing other people. Because that is what he does. Repeatedly. I reject that kind of invective. And I would like to see our country come together. Social media has turned us into a society that is profane, uncivilized and gives a platform to the worst of our kind.
Politics has become a team sport and both teams only care about one thing: power. Maybe it’s always been that way, but I miss the days when I had no idea what political leanings others had. And didn’t care.
Ugly language produces ugly behavior. This is not the world I want my kids to have.
And less you think I’m some snowflake: I own and use guns and am quite proficient with them, am well-educated, am an independent who has voted for candidates on both sides of the aisle, am patriotic to the bone, fully support our military but hate what’s happening to them now, do not make light of other people’s choices and believe people have the right to vote as they want to vote.
I will not vote for Biden. He is damaged and did everything he could to drive division in this country. And I hate the awful nastiness in the comments. I subscribed to TFP so I could hear the opinions of people across the spectrum, but the loudest voices here shout down anyone who has an alternate opinion.
That solves absolutely nothing. And this guy used TFP to push his own Substack and drown out any chance of reasonableness among us.
No. He is not funny. He is playing all of you. And everyone here is poorer for it.
I enjoy humor. However, I believe all those people you are beloved children of God who were created in His image. Wouldn’t it be something if all our political rhetoric was couched in those terms? If you could use your gifts to accomplish that you would be even more charming.
I Know that feeling of being accused… don’t give up! And remember that you are not alone. I also think we need to keep the dialogue going not by saying what we think but by asking question after question to get people to unpack their own thoughts on why they think a certain way about things… I have had some great conversations with folks who are politically opposite to myself. That is why I subscribe to Free Press I view them as left leaning but open to discussion. The honesty that Bari and Nellie have shown in their own political journey is reflected in their reporting. And the coverage on JK Rowling was spectacular. A house divided cannot stand and I see Free Press as a driving force to bring us together. Courage Dunboy2020!
Every single article lately in TFP has had at least one snide attack on Trump and even once his son Barron. Every time they do this, I write that they should get their TDS under control. Perhaps now that they realize that, even though they are not the crazies who attacked Trump that they are contributing to the problem by repeatedly, calling Trump, a liar and all sorts of things like that.
One reader called for killing the Dems twice in his recent posts. Lots of likes. Moderation in all things, I think. I’m tired of all the hatred and overheated rhetoric.
On the MSNBC You Tube channel fully half of the commenters believed this was "staged FAKE news" to generate sympathy for Trump, for at least the first hour after the assasination attempt.
Shows you just where we are in this country and what MSNBC viewers are like.
Don’t forget there are trolls whose job it is to stir the crazy. I have to believe a lot of that is someone sitting in an office in some Asian office with 300 accounts whose job it is to keep things stirred up.
I went on MSNBC YouTube channel to find what you are referring to but only found straight news reporting about the shooting, no commentary. And nothing about speculation that this was staged fake news. Then I reread your post and noticed you used the word “commenters” so I began scrolling through the comments. All I found were comments about how the shooting is the fallout from demonizing others and violent political rhetoric. Please, if you don’t want to be part of the problem, when you post incendiary statements like this provide evidence so we can find what you are referring to. What are your motives here?
You could not pay me to watch MSNBC or CNN If you want to see how hysterical the mainstream media is right now just look at the NYT editorial and op Ed pages and then compare the content there to the same pages in the WSJ as opposed to the news columns in the WSJ which run center left
On You Tube there were (and are) continuous "Breaking News" / "Updates" short clips put out by all of the major News organizations which are then continuously updated. When that happens I like to click on all of them to see how the different organizations are covering things. In the first hour after this happened I assure you that at least 2/3 of the commentors on the MSNBC "Breaking News" short clips were pushing "Fake News" theories. If you clicked on the MSNBC Breaking News clips (or any of the other News organization clips) more than 4 hours or so after the event, when reports of deaths came through, the "Fake News" comments may have either been wiped out by the updates or are still there and buried far, far, down in the older feed. But I assure you I saw what I saw.
You do realise comments are moderated and any not fitting these sleazeball's narrative likely deleted? Fuck off and the horse you road in on. Mολὼν λαβέ!🇺🇸
So it wasn’t on MSNBC YouTube channel. What you’re referring to is Fox News’s curated clips of comments on MSNBC and CNN? I watched a fair amount of CNN coverage yesterday. Heard zero , zero references to staged fake news. We need to start listening to each other, not to some right or left wing media outlet’s attempt to seduce viewers with distortions.
That was their initial politically motivated reaction because they absolutely understood how this would be a huge boost to Trumps campaign. Politics is the lowest form of human endeavor. They immediately tried to lie and spin it, and their cruel shallow attempt immediately failed.
I’ve been compulsively scrolling X for details and reports and the biggest take away for me has been the amount of horrible politically insane people there are. Academics from universities ‘sad’ the shooter missed/ Teens on tik tok yelling about the shooter not having better aim /D list celebrities saying it was faked/ ‘Staged’ trending on X. Then a cnn reporter said Trump sent the “wrong message” saying Fight! …after the man was nearly assasinated. It defies logic that our society has become so depraved. There are families who lost loved ones over friggin’ political differences - THIS. IS. NUTS!!!
Thank you for your excellent first hand reporting after such a scary day. Glad your family is safe.
My own 18 and 21 year old children who listen to nothing but garbage on TikTok fall into this category. Social media must be better controlled. It is a cesspool of propaganda and lies that feeds itself like an uncontrolled cancer.
I'll agree to controlling it as long as I get to decide what is okay to say.
One million percent agreed. Anyone with a moral compass should be horrified and disturbed by what happened.
I think he was using a different “F”word, but carry on…
Lots of compilations of past video clips of democrats hurling invective and inciting violence, accusing Trump of being Hitler, a threat to democracy. Even calling for him to be taken out.
Now the rush to claim the 20 yr old shooter was a registered R, except he donated to D.
Will this tone things down? Wish I could think so.
There are many extreme left-wing Democrats who register as Republicans just to throw the polls off. I have several nieces and nephews who have bragged about it.
What? How does that help the Dems?
What’s the point of throwing polls off?
If you are a D but register as a R you can vote in R primaries and vote for the worst R candidate to reduce the chances of the best candidate. Then in the general election your party affiliation doesn’t matter, you can vote for a D.
They really need therapy.
I am as puzzled as you. They think it’s hysterical.
I did not know that.
They are Left Wing Extremists. We need to start using that phrase continually everywhere. They don't believe in democracy. They believe anyone who disagrees with them should not have a voice. This is Fascism.
We are in a cold civil war.
They are determined to make it hot.
It’s getting pretty warm though…
Shots fired. It is hot. Mολὼν λαβέ!🇺🇸
That's a good term. I lost the ability to trust these people during COVID, and I have not recovered it. What is odd is that a great many of them are Oprah loving, touchey feeley, empathy promoting flower children. Yet, they not only tolerate hate, but promote it and applaud it.
That alone speaks volumes to the fundamental superficiality of all of it. The New Age, by and large, is filled with meally mouthed cowards who at the end of the day believe nothing, will fight for nothing, hate themselves, and who are secretly rooting for the fascists.
It's an astonishing sight. It really is.
You are correct. Left Wing Extremists, or Leftists is appropriate. Please, please, please stop calling them Liberals. There is nothing liberal about their beliefs. they are Fascists.
How about terrorists?
If they can call sane people with common sense "extreme right," this makes a lot of sense, Tom.
I only use Liberal when I mean Liberal. Tulsi Gabbard is a Liberal. I actually call myself a Liberal, which for me is Adam Smith, and John Stewart Mill.
Nobody remaining in the Democrat Party now, is. I even have strong doubts about RFK, Jr.
This! The Left has completely bastardized the word Liberal.
Thats because jobs reports show government jobs, grant university jobs, NGOs or Obamacare insurance bureaucrats, clerks. Subsidizing consumption without production ends up as Argentina hyperinflation.
They are a Cult of Death. Ignorance and hatred are what fuel these people. Their hollowness can only be filled by the collateral damage they inflict on everything around them.
Well said, Jen.
I'm listening to Dostoevsky's book "The Possessed" (aka The Demons), and he has one of his characters point out that if the Nihilists of his time--that is in fact a word of Russian origin--could wave a magic wand and enact instantly all the the social improvements they purportedly stood for, they would not do it. Their work was not about building or improving. It never was. It was about rationalizing hate and following destruction.
That is all Left Wing Extremists do. That is what most of our media does. That is what the NGO's that are funded by Alex Soros and Bill Gates and the Rockefellers do. They tear down, with only enough building to provide an attractive billboard to cover up the rest.
They love Global Warming because it gives them a chance to ruin the world for all but themselves. And they hate themselves, too, with good reason.
It is madness. Segmented psychosis.
Great comment, Bravo!
Shucks, UF; They would immediately destroy such a tool! If it ever got waved, they'd have to earn a(n) (more) honest living!
On vacation with relatives who are snickering over the assassination attempt. I let them know in no uncertain terms this is not funny. No matter what they think of Trump, they CANNOT be okay with this. That quieted them, but they just think I’ve been Maga-brainwashed. What the hell is going on in this country? Half the people are laughing about this!
That is the point of calling people Nazis or Hitler...it dehumanizes them. Once we see a fellow human as 'other' enough, it becomes easy to see any bad thing done to them as ok.
I remember working with a guy who has served in Iraq. It took him quite some time to reverse the thinking that had allowed him to shoot at fellow humans. He later realized that all of the slurs and such they had for the enemy made it easy to not see them as deserving of basic human decency and he had to undo that.
I don't blame those like your relatives, they just have weak or passive minds susceptible to the programming by the media and their leftist puppet masters. No different than the mass hysteria manufactured by the same people for the same reason. They have an agenda to turn America into a socialist hell hole and Trump is a roadblock. If motivating someone to kill Trump is the result, their perspective is that it's needed for the cause.
Yeah, they just passively accept the bs they are being fed constantly…
Good for you for speaking up. Not enough of that.
It is a contempt for Trump; but, more importantly, it is a level of contempt for all the people who vote for him and show up for his rallies.
The elite, parlor crowd in this country lives at a remove from ordinary Americans. They mock their education, their patriotism, and their values. And they poll voters, treating the various racial and gender groups as protected classes while carving out the non-college educated White voters for special derision.
As Orwell noted, the Socialists of his day were not motivated by compassion but by envy, the desire to tear down what they don’t control. I am not a Trump voter, but I am increasingly drawn to his message and the sense of alienation you see on the faces of his supporters. They are portrayed in the media as racist and fascist, but these are American voters who are begging their leadership to listen, slow down, and care for the country they love. They have turned to populist leaders around the world, because they are given the finger by their governments.
Well put.
They won’t be laughing in November.
I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the Democrats’ ability to stuff the ballot box.
I hate to break it to you but your relatives are possessed by Satan (D).
I am calling on all Americans to only refer to the shooter as The Democrat Shooter or The Shooter (D).
It is very difficult to explain this to people because most Democrats seem relatively normal when you meet them but they are not normal. They are filthy degenerate godforsaken communist savages.
This is why I encourage people to follow the Instagram account dictators_having_fun. It’s just a bunch of pictures of Hitler and Robert Mugabe at cocktail parties and on vacation with their friends.
Democrats seem normal, but they are not.
Is this how you really feel?
I have always been more concerned about repercussions in this electoral season from the Left. Their track record in 1968 and the way in which they have brazenly staged race riots post-Ferguson and 2020 is predictive of how they might react to an unwanted outcome.
Same we are coming back into port in New Orleans after a cruise during the Nov election. Told my husband was concerned for left violence in New Orleans if the election doesn’t go their way. The left has become like domestic terrorists when they don’t get their way. I’m not one that does any political crap, rallies or otherwise bc crowds annoy me. I just want left alone and live in peace.
If this wasn't tolerated and police were allowed to do their jobs, perps were sent to jail and kep there, this crap would stop immediately.
Hate is never funny.
According to the BBC, he was a registered Republican.
Which means nothing.
There are people on this thread who are calling out the left for calling Trump "Hitler" and an " existential threat" to Democracy. But when you say Dems are "filthy degenerate godforsaken communist savages" isn't that basically the same thing? Name calling definitely goes both ways. You seem to have many fans here Kevin, so isn't using that language irresponsible in the same way?
Yes but collectivism progressivism globalism humanism paganism utopianism is actually evil; whereas wanting a secure border is just a bare minimum requirement for not being a traitor.
Plus, it’s funny when I do it.
You are not funny.
You are wrong. He is funny.
And you are someone who is fine with “humor” that calls for killing other people. Because that is what he does. Repeatedly. I reject that kind of invective. And I would like to see our country come together. Social media has turned us into a society that is profane, uncivilized and gives a platform to the worst of our kind.
Politics has become a team sport and both teams only care about one thing: power. Maybe it’s always been that way, but I miss the days when I had no idea what political leanings others had. And didn’t care.
Ugly language produces ugly behavior. This is not the world I want my kids to have.
And less you think I’m some snowflake: I own and use guns and am quite proficient with them, am well-educated, am an independent who has voted for candidates on both sides of the aisle, am patriotic to the bone, fully support our military but hate what’s happening to them now, do not make light of other people’s choices and believe people have the right to vote as they want to vote.
I will not vote for Biden. He is damaged and did everything he could to drive division in this country. And I hate the awful nastiness in the comments. I subscribed to TFP so I could hear the opinions of people across the spectrum, but the loudest voices here shout down anyone who has an alternate opinion.
That solves absolutely nothing. And this guy used TFP to push his own Substack and drown out any chance of reasonableness among us.
No. He is not funny. He is playing all of you. And everyone here is poorer for it.
You are vaccinated.
Yes, I am. Have been since I was a small child.
I enjoy humor. However, I believe all those people you are beloved children of God who were created in His image. Wouldn’t it be something if all our political rhetoric was couched in those terms? If you could use your gifts to accomplish that you would be even more charming.
...even more charming...
If you do not understand political-hyperbole-and-polemic-as-humour there is not much hope for you.
Half the people laughing - seems to be.
I Know that feeling of being accused… don’t give up! And remember that you are not alone. I also think we need to keep the dialogue going not by saying what we think but by asking question after question to get people to unpack their own thoughts on why they think a certain way about things… I have had some great conversations with folks who are politically opposite to myself. That is why I subscribe to Free Press I view them as left leaning but open to discussion. The honesty that Bari and Nellie have shown in their own political journey is reflected in their reporting. And the coverage on JK Rowling was spectacular. A house divided cannot stand and I see Free Press as a driving force to bring us together. Courage Dunboy2020!
My friend is on a text group of retired military pilots- first up was one guy who made a tasteless remark about Trump. The others let him have it.
They haven’t heard a peep from him since.
Every single article lately in TFP has had at least one snide attack on Trump and even once his son Barron. Every time they do this, I write that they should get their TDS under control. Perhaps now that they realize that, even though they are not the crazies who attacked Trump that they are contributing to the problem by repeatedly, calling Trump, a liar and all sorts of things like that.
One reader called for killing the Dems twice in his recent posts. Lots of likes. Moderation in all things, I think. I’m tired of all the hatred and overheated rhetoric.
Having been here since day one, I do believe TFP has gotten better in their treatment of Trump.
It's also true that today's article is the first I've ever seen that granted Trump basic humanity and respect. I give them credit for that, at least.
Actual journalist, see? Mολὼν λαβέ!🇺🇸
What’s a good list of questions to ask? Thanks
Credit where due, m'lady. TFP ran with Ms Zito and not the Oily one.
I have been a fan of Salena Zito for quite a while and I hope we see more of her here.
As a finger on the pulse of the Real People, she's worth at least 20 of Ben K.
Thanks. Wisdom there.
The truth is found in the questions Yes Ann.
On the MSNBC You Tube channel fully half of the commenters believed this was "staged FAKE news" to generate sympathy for Trump, for at least the first hour after the assasination attempt.
Shows you just where we are in this country and what MSNBC viewers are like.
Don’t forget there are trolls whose job it is to stir the crazy. I have to believe a lot of that is someone sitting in an office in some Asian office with 300 accounts whose job it is to keep things stirred up.
Yes I blocked one on fb that had hallmark signs of being a bot.
Easy for AI to do it these days.
You are probably correct. And there are also bots.
MSPCP are sick. A person was killed. Hardly staged.
They are very afraid if what they saw: a true leader and followers who will stand with him in the face of danger…
I went on MSNBC YouTube channel to find what you are referring to but only found straight news reporting about the shooting, no commentary. And nothing about speculation that this was staged fake news. Then I reread your post and noticed you used the word “commenters” so I began scrolling through the comments. All I found were comments about how the shooting is the fallout from demonizing others and violent political rhetoric. Please, if you don’t want to be part of the problem, when you post incendiary statements like this provide evidence so we can find what you are referring to. What are your motives here?
You could not pay me to watch MSNBC or CNN If you want to see how hysterical the mainstream media is right now just look at the NYT editorial and op Ed pages and then compare the content there to the same pages in the WSJ as opposed to the news columns in the WSJ which run center left
On You Tube there were (and are) continuous "Breaking News" / "Updates" short clips put out by all of the major News organizations which are then continuously updated. When that happens I like to click on all of them to see how the different organizations are covering things. In the first hour after this happened I assure you that at least 2/3 of the commentors on the MSNBC "Breaking News" short clips were pushing "Fake News" theories. If you clicked on the MSNBC Breaking News clips (or any of the other News organization clips) more than 4 hours or so after the event, when reports of deaths came through, the "Fake News" comments may have either been wiped out by the updates or are still there and buried far, far, down in the older feed. But I assure you I saw what I saw.
All the objectionable comments were deleted
You do realise comments are moderated and any not fitting these sleazeball's narrative likely deleted? Fuck off and the horse you road in on. Mολὼν λαβέ!🇺🇸
You are really much more intelligent than this. It’s sad to see you post such stuff.
It was on the air. All of us watching Fox News at the time saw them flip over to CNN and MSNBC for their comments that minimized the risk to Trump.
So it wasn’t on MSNBC YouTube channel. What you’re referring to is Fox News’s curated clips of comments on MSNBC and CNN? I watched a fair amount of CNN coverage yesterday. Heard zero , zero references to staged fake news. We need to start listening to each other, not to some right or left wing media outlet’s attempt to seduce viewers with distortions.
Robert Malone, MD (on Substack) compiled a list (including visuals) of some news outlets minimizing what happened. Is that what you mean?
If you are watching CNN all day, you are watching the left wing media's attempt at distortion.
That was their initial politically motivated reaction because they absolutely understood how this would be a huge boost to Trumps campaign. Politics is the lowest form of human endeavor. They immediately tried to lie and spin it, and their cruel shallow attempt immediately failed.
They should be fired
Tar and feathers, maybe? "Fired" would require sanity-not-in-evidence of higher-ups.