
Listen to what RFK Jr is saying rather than what is being said about what he is saying! Hard to disagree on a lot of topics if really listening!!

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Great insights into Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr., the candidate and the man.

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Be sure to watch the linked farewell address by President Eisenhower. It is much more than a warning - it is a pleasant reminder about the goodness of America and our place in a dangerous world.

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This article was a shameful piece if propaganda. This was not journalism. You made claims that there is no evidence of vaccines causing autism based on one article that said they didn't find anything. Here is an article about a court case that shows the vaccine company knew (FOI request) and now it is proven.

You claim that nothing is proven about Covid being not tested is similar. Siting one article that supports your view is not journalism. The vaccine was introduced as preventing you from contracting covid and making it impossible to spread. It was said that there were no side effects and it could end the pandemic. All of these claims are completely false and proven today. Almost everyone that had the vaccine has now had Covid. Many that got the shot have had serious side effects as documented in the CDC VAERS database (80% of all deaths from a vaccine for all recorded history were from this vaccine). It also did not end the pandemic, it made it worse (the WHO says never vaccinated during a pandemic). This does not mean that all vaccines are bad. It means that the Covid vaccine is bad and that others may cause autism to certain people.

I don't know if Peter Savodnik is just ignorant of the facts or intentionally misstating them to harm RFK Jr's chances. Either way, his credibility has suffered for this article.

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RFK, Jr appeals to me (a Trump voter) because I see him as a "drain the swamp" candidate, which is most important to me. I sincerely hope his campaign gains momentum. I can't believe the Dems can't/won't see that RFK, Jr would be their best bet to beat Trump, IMHO.

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To say that Lancet the medical journal “debunked” the myth that childhood vaccines cause autism is ludicrously dismissive.

The author has apparently missed the whole issue of corruption and bias in medical journals. Yoo hoo. It’s been widely discussed and has received considerable press…as has revelations concerning just who is financially backing the supposed “fact checkers”. Not too surprising they side with big Pharma .

Family members who are medical doctors are beyond disgusted with medical journal reporting.

I’m no huge fan of Kennedy, but he does do careful research, especially when it comes to vaccines and especially the covid vaccines. It would be a good practice in remedial research techniques to take a look at the sources cited in his book.

But I admit I’m biased due to the absurd amount of autism that is showing up in teens and younger in my large extended family coupled with the fact it is limited to these younger generations (who have been subject to multiple vaccinations). And yes, watching my grandkid fight off convulsions for hours while babysitting her after one standard dose of vaccine and the fact that her younger brother (now 3 yo) simply quit making any noises for nearly 2 years after his “routine wellness” inoculation, tends to leave me plenty skeptical about their safety.

I for one am grateful for Kennedy’s work and his demand that our public health system look at why we have this ghastly increase in autism in this generation.

I did notice the author’s tendency to disqualify matters based on decidedly left wing sources. Hmmmm. As a writer and journalist it would be helpful more carefully and critically—not regurgitate legacy media propaganda.

Btw- Kennedy is also spot on about the Ukraine War.

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There are a few wrong things about RFK Jr. in this article, but if you want to know how much of an anti-vaxxer he is, watch the recent Joe Rogan podcast, and you'll see. He's Not. I know almost none of you will, but if you want to know what's what with RFK. I came away from that podcast knowing that for the first time in my adult like, almost 50 years, I'm excited about voting for someone.

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If you're citing Krystal Ball to make a claim--correlation does not mean causation--you're on shaky ground. For methodologists--I am one--this bit of trivia sounds impressive but is meaningless. In fact, correlation is a requirement of causation (unless a third variable carries the effect), and the real task is ruling out alternate explanations to the one RFK prefers. Something explains the meteoric rise in autism. I am not, to be clear, arguing that vaccines cause autism, which I think unlikely, but that this debate must be conducted at a considerably higher level than Krystal Ball or the author here can muster.

RFK has raised important questions, and we are all better off having them answered by people with a sophisticated methodological understanding of the matters at hand. Articles like this simply reprise received knowledge and reinforce the sanctions for diverging from it.

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"The 1998 article in the journal Lancet that first posited a link between vaccines and autism has been debunked and retracted." -- When will the leftist media stop lying by omission, and tell the REST of the story, which is that Wakefield has since been VINDICATED with MANY peer-reviewed studies that support his original findings?!

Here's a list of 35 of those studies:

Here are 12 replication studies that confirm Wakefield's findings:

And if that weren't enough, here are 214 (!!) Research Papers Supporting Vaccine/Autism Causation:

Enough with the deceitful smearing of Wakefield already!

Oh, and I support RFK Jr 100% !!!

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So I am to get the "evidence" from Mr. Kennedy as opposed to the medical community? Mr. Kennedy is putting forth an opinion, and one to which he is surely entitled. There is a well known book that was assigned in many a statistics college course: How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff. Now I'm not suggesting that Mr. Kennedy is lying. But he is bolstering his opinion with statistics that support it. One has to study up on the statistical evidence put forth by those who disagree with his opinion. Only then can you decide what your opinion is.

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"An RFK Jr. supporter in Hollywood, who feared professional and social backlash if he spoke openly, messaged me: “I’ll never vote Dem again, unless it’s Bobby.” Referring to the journalist Matt Taibbi, who, like The Free Press, angered many Democrats with his reporting on the Twitter Files, he said: “These people want to arrest Taibbi”—an allusion to Rep. Stacey Plaskett’s April 13 letter to Taibbi suggesting his reporting could land him in prison. “Their science is shit, and they’re war-mongering, racially- and gender-obsessed lunatics at this point. It’s madness.”

This paragraph says it all. What a strange world we are living in.

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An outstanding article, though I believe you have done RFK Jr some major favors in reporting his answers - he simply has never been that eloquent, sophisticated or wryly humorous in conversation.

I am among those 60s/70s Liberals who have migrated away from the insanity of the current Democrats - they have become a party of fascist demagogues consumed with accusing Trump of everything they can invent, while committing most of those transgressions themselves.

RFK Jr is immensely appealing to me on many levels. Though I have become a Conservative on so many issues due to this unfathomable extremism on the Left, he is the kind of Liberal I can happily live with. Except, of course, for his own lunatic obsession with vaccines. I spent years laboring against his rhetoric, supporting scientific organizations frantic to prevent or undo the damage people like him do. Sure, tempering the pace of immunizations was a good development to come from the anti-vaxers, but the suffering caused by people following his lunatic positions was real and terrible.

He needs to disavow those positions, and repent. Sure, the COVD vax appears to have been shoved down our throats, but it was made desperately necessary by the Left and the Government medical/pharma lobby’s crazed policies. Just as Andrew Cuomo had to answer for his lunacies, the party of lockdowns and school closing needs to answer for theirs.

RFK Jr. Is likely as close as we will ever get to a classic Lberal again in national politics. I say let’s give him a shot. (!)

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Perhaps Mr. Kucinich will let us know when he gets this "re-alignment" figured out. Likely, right AFTER the 2024 cycle.

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The way I see it Mr. Kennedy has two chances of succeeding as the Democratic nominee.

Fat chance and no chance.

Sorry mate, but that's just the way it is.

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What is a "populist". Is it someone that wins a democratic election but is despised by the elite champions of democracy?

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More Camelot we do not need. Someone needs to step up from the middle of the Dem Party. Someone who will stop the "Teachers Union Failure for 50 years" and "The Race Grift" would be a start.

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